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3M shows us the Touch System at CES 2011

3M shows us the Touch System at CES 2011

Yesterday we got an early look at some of the exhibitors of CES during the CES Unveiled event. 3M was there to show off their new Multi-Touch display call the 3M Touch System.

The 3M Touch System is based on the 3M Projected Capacitive Technology (3M PCT). 3M will be adding the PCT product line into their family, which will include a 23-inch industrial design display. “The 3M PCT is currently the only multi-touch solution made by a leading manufacturer that can register more than 10 simultaneous touch event with a 6-millisecond response time, making it one of the most accurate and robust solutions available to users. “

Of course, this was a claim that could not go uninvestigated. After spending the next ten  minutes experimenting with the device, I was amazed on how accurate the Touch System is. The system was incredibly responsive, something that my colleagues reported as well. In addition to drawing, I was also able to play StarCraft on the device. This took some acclimation, but was a fun experience.

The Touch System that we were using was a 23-inch display, which was more than enough room. They will also show a 32-inch and a 22-inch chassis on the show floor that will be based on the 3M PCT, which will offer “true” 10+ finger multi-touch on a durable surface. 3M is hoping that consumers will use the Touch System for multi-user and collaborative applications, including:

  • Audio/Visual
  • Casino Games
  • Digital Signage
  • Education
  • Media and Broadcast
  • Security
  • Telecommunication
  • Utilities

There is no name or published specs for the Touch System yet, but it will have the ability to run Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Linux OS.


  1. Bandrik
    Bandrik I always love news about new advances in display technologies. This sounds pretty cool to me. It's not meant to be a widespread mainstream device, but for what it is I hope it does well. The fact that it's real-world test by Binh showed it to be fast and responsive really is a credit towards 3M. I suppose they make more things than tape and sticky notes. :D

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