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Battlefield 3 Close Quarters trailer

Battlefield 3 Close Quarters trailer

BF3_Close_QuartersNeed more DLC to spend your hard-earned cash on? EA can help.

The trailer for the Battlefield 3 Close Quarters DLC is up and it shows off all of the spam-tastic indoor fun you will get to have. This is a huge divergence from the classic outdoor sprawl that can be seen in most of the current Battlefield 3 maps—excluding Metro, which is great for XP farming.  Run and gun is all I can say.

Icrontic and Division G have a joint server. The group plays every Wednesday in an organized session. For more info on the server, check out our Battlefield 3 page.


  1. Canti
    Canti And how am I supposed to fly a helicopter inside a building?
  2. boasist
    boasist I'm boasist, and I approve of this thread.
  3. TheAlertHusky
    TheAlertHusky I concur with Canti. How the hell are we supposed to do so?

    And of course the trailer is taken down by EA

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