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BioShock 2 launch trailer

BioShock 2 launch trailer

2K Games has today released the BiosShock 2 launch trailer after last night’s debut during a session on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show.

BioShock 2 is the followup to the best-selling and critically acclaimed BioShock, a first-person shooter in which the player visits the fictional dystopian city of Rapture. Set in 1970, 10 years after the events of the first BioShock, players are returned to Rapture in control of “Subject Delta,” a prototype Big Daddy and the first to be bound to a Little Sister.

Armed with free will, a rational mind and no knowledge of the past decade’s events, Subject Delta’s quest to reunite with his Little Sister pits the player against Rapture’s Sofia Lamb and her plot to destroy the city starting February 9 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.


  1. chrisWhite
    chrisWhite Holy hell that looks awesome!
  2. Snarkasm
    Snarkasm She can control water?

    Glad I preordered.
  3. Cyclonite
    Cyclonite I've been looking forward to this game since completing Bioshock. I can't wait. :)
  4. Butters
    Butters Wow. I don't think I'll play another game again.
  5. QuadWhore
    QuadWhore Shoot, I need a change of pants.
  6. ardichoke
    ardichoke Guess I'm the party-pooper here... That pretty much looked like more of the same to me. I wasn't all that impressed with Bioshock. Still haven't bothered to finish the game. This doesn't look any more impressive than the last one.
  7. Koreish
    Snarkasm wrote:
    She can control water?

    Glad I preordered.

    She can't control water she has a very high level of telekinesis though which is probably affecting the water around her.

    Also Unff.
  8. Obsidian
    ardichoke wrote:
    Guess I'm the party-pooper here... That pretty much looked like more of the same to me. I wasn't all that impressed with Bioshock. This doesn't look any more impressive than the last one.
    I'm still going to play it though.
  9. Koreish
    Koreish I should have never read that spoiler. You've gone and ruined the entire game. :p
  10. Obsidian
    Obsidian Oh sorry, 2K is probably going to kill me for leaking that one out.
  11. Rexxar
    Rexxar I think the first Bioshock was amazing. It was scary, (for me atleast)thrilling, and the powers you were able to use were very creative. The second Bioshock is most likely going to be even better sence you can now do multiplayer or play the big daddy in the campaign.
  12. Basil
    Basil Am I the only one who can't stand Sofia Lamb's voice?
  13. kryyst
    kryyst Looks cool, really cool. However the first one got tiring and I have no desire to go back to more of the same despite some different SFX.
  14. QuadWhore
    QuadWhore I am oh so excited for this to come. Being a big daddy will be so great.

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