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Demo now available for Supreme Commander 2

Demo now available for Supreme Commander 2

Square Enix recently released the demo version of their much-anticipated upcoming release Supreme Commander 2 to the Steam store. The demo will allow players to play through 4 missions: two from the tutorial, then two more from the United Earth Federation campaign—one of three factions that will be available when the game launches on March 5th. Set 25 years after Supreme Commander, the sequel features numerous game enhancements, an in-depth campaign mode, online multiplayer and a new storyline.

Square Enix put out a description of the two campaign missions which will be available in the demo:

The Cybran invasion force is on the run. Sensors have picked up a number of operational Cybran Mass Extractors off the coast of the Weddell Strait. Players will need to explore the islands in the strait and successfully destroy the extractors.

Features: Naval Battle, Kraken Experimental.

After refusing orders and refusing to surrender their Armored Command Unit, players are now public enemy #1 in the UEF. Colonel Rodgers has targeted New Cathedral, a colony where the players’ wife and child reside – they will need to take the most direct route to defend the colony. Unfortunately, that means traveling through the ruins of the Boolon Industrial Complex.

Features: Air and Land Battle, Fatboy 2 Experimental.


  1. Winfrey
    Winfrey So far I'm not sure I like the changes they have made. I enjoyed building the tech tree instead of this "research" you have to do now.

    Some of the UI improvements are pretty neat though.
  2. Basil
    Basil I loath it.

    This has gone from a ZOMG MUST BUY!11!! to meh-maybe-when-its-£10.

    The writing and voice acting make me want to scream, can you get any more clichéd than a gritty hero with a voice like gravel disobeying his evil superiors to save his wife and child from imminent peril?
  3. Winfrey
    Winfrey Yeah I've already deleted the demo. For me SupCom 2 has no compelling reason to be played over it's predecessor.
  4. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx Haven't played it myself, but I have yet to see anything very positive about it. Run-of-the-mill JRPG quirkiness added, can't use multiple engineers to build one structure, dumbed down WoW art style, .... too bad, really.

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