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Dirigible revival?

Dirigible revival?

The Aeroscraft ML866


The Aeroscraft ML866 is a prototype for future cargo vehicles that could have a payload of up to 60 tonnes

It’s been 70 years since the famous Hindenburg airship disaster, and the aeronautics industry is finally looking at dirigible style airships again, as a viable means of transporting goods and passengers.

While not as speedy as an airplane, the dirigible needs no landing strip and has a much smaller carbon-footprint, making it great for short trips, or trips to otherwise unservable areas.

Just imagine a city-wide mass transportation system based on dirigibles instead of buses or trains. Imagine, instead of a house-boat, wealthy folk could get themselves a house-dirigible.


  1. Winfrey
    Winfrey Pfft! Can't they get flying cars first before they go all retro on us!?!
  2. rapture
    rapture steampunk is the future
  3. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ It was decided that the Icrontic Lighter-Than-Air World LAN Party Tour and Brewfest aboard the zeppelin Snuffie should commence in the future. Now would be a wise time to secure a passport and the necessary immunizations requisite with world travel, gaming, and drinking. Plans will be revealed in due time.

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