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Duck Tape Tron

Duck Tape Tron

Duck Tape has been good to Icrontic. They’ve sponsored our Expo Icontic Duck Tape Challenge events in the past, and are a cool brand, so we’re going to pimp this video out, because it’s awesome:

Yes, that is the Tron Light Cycles done in Duck Tape. Amazing.


  1. QuadWhore
    QuadWhore Too much awesome in such a short period of time....
  2. Bandrik
    Bandrik Freaking unbelievable.

    And now I want to know how they made this. I'm hoping it was stop-motion photography animation. If none of it was digital, it would blow my mind.
  3. primesuspect
    primesuspect It is all stop-motion from what I read.
  4. watty Nice! That could be a pretty sweet costume to make for any upcoming Halloween events too. :)
  5. Koreish
    Koreish Oh Tron Guy you make everything better.
  6. Zuntar
  7. MCB Jay is awesome, he's super cool in person. He only live like 15 miles from me, I've helped him on his plane and talked to him a few times. This commercial makes me laugh.

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