Yesterday Square Enix released their much beloved Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II games on the iPhone & iPod Touch App Store, with many improvements to the original 1987 and 1988 games. There can be little doubt that Final Fantasy has been a foundational franchise in the history of gaming (and RPGs specifically). While new Final Fantasy games are still being developed, Square Enix has turned some of its attention to releasing many of the classic titles from the series to the DS, Wii Virtual Console and the iPhone. If you never played Final Fantasy or Final Fantasy II when they first came out, now is a great time to check them out or replay them with brand new beautiful graphics, revised soundtracks and all the bonus dungeons included in previous updates to the games.
We’re working on a review but in the mean time you can grab Final Fantasy: and Final Fantasy II:
from the App Store for $8.99 apiece.