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Final Fantasy I & II being revamped for iPhone

Final Fantasy I & II being revamped for iPhone

Square Enix, developer and publisher of North America’s most famous and best-selling JRPG franchise, Final Fantasy, recently announced that new versions of the original Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II are being developed for an iPhone re-release.

No release date has yet been announced, nor any word on if these remakes will see release on other mobile platforms, but four screenshots were sent out to the press. As can be seen from the images, Square Enix has decided to abandon the lo-fi 3D style of the DS remakes in favor of crisp, new sprites. Long-time fans of the series will likely appreciate this decision.

In addition to touch-sensitive controls, the remakes will feature dungeons not seen in the originals in addition to bonus content that is unlocked once the game is defeated.

Click for full-size view.


  1. Colgere
    Colgere I must admit, the cleaned up sprites do look good. Now if they'd only release this version through the WiiWare store, then I might pick it up.
  2. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ OMG SO HAWT! Do want FFI for my iPhone.
  3. chrisWhite
    chrisWhite Fantastic, I just started playing these via an emulator (bought on WiiWare before anyone asks), I think I'll hold off until this hits. Looks awesome!

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