So iPhone OS v3.0 is coming this summer, and a bunch of stuff that should have been in v1.0 is joined by many alternative ways to spend money (which, undoubtedly, I will). Let’s start out with the little touches.
Adding landscape mode throughout the OS is going to be so nice in so many ways. I bang out a lot of email on that thing, and landscape is just so much easier to deal with. It seemed silly that in Safari could work in landscape while mail could not. This is dealt with.
Cut and paste, iCal on the iPhone, OTA calendar sharing, and push notifications have also made the grade. All of these features are great, but they should have been there from the start. Owners of the iPhone 3G or future models — what is up with those 7″ or 9″ touchscreens Apple ordered? — are finally granted MMS and stereo Bluetooth support. I have wanted to get rid of the cord that always catches on the dishwasher rack or desk knob since day one.
Beyond the litany of things that should have been there from the start, what is it that I really like about this update? APIs for communication over the dock or Bluetooth. This is the killer app. Now this iPhone thing can become earnestly useful.
Maybe the iPhone will control my future FM radio. Maybe the iPhone can do something more practical and interface with a dongle that reads blood glucose. In that vein, the Johnson & Johnson folks demonstrated a basic Bluetooth-connected meter during the release event. I imagine that you could eventually make one that just attaches to the phone. I know many diabetics, and they tell me that not only does it suck to carry a glucose meter, it just doesn’t look very cool.
I have a personal like for technology that actually makes a difference and makes people feel better. The new OS will allow us to slowly move away from “cool phone” towards “practical device.”
Now that devices can talk via Bluetooth, imagine if the Remote app that controls iTunes or AppleTV could now control home lighting or window shades? What if your fridge updated your phone with a shopping list? These things are now possible, and that puts the iPhone at the center of a truly functional digital lifestyle. I don’t want another remote, I’ll want an iPhone app for that shopping list my fridge will give me, thank you very much. After all, it’s my iPhone I’m taking to the grocery store, not my future fridge remote.
On the application side, multi-player and microtransaction support could make for more comprehensive games. That’s cool, but the iPhone is beginning to remind me of an infomercial: “It’s the only tool you’ll ever need! It slices! It dices! It purees! It pets your dog!” Maybe that’s exaggeration, but I think it’s getting closer to that. It’s nice to have a device I can use at work and then use at home to play some Sim City before bed. Hey Firaxis, are you listening? CIV for iPhone, please. Thanks in advance.
Overall, I’m excited about OS v3.0. It brings the iPhone to par with other smartphones and pushes it ahead in many novel ways. Does anyone else believe that its summer release will coincide with the release of a new iPhone? Can any developers chime in to discuss their feelings on the new SDK?