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Left 4 Dead weapons guide: Shotgun

Left 4 Dead weapons guide: Shotgun

Let’s recap on the situations a street sweeper typically faces.

The first situation, as I’ve detailed, is the skirmish. As I’ve already stated, your friends have this part down. Let them do your job. Your ammo chamber should seldom get below 7 in this situation. Consistently reload. This is a good time to practice using your reload. The second situation is the shitstorm. Except for an exception which I’ll detail in a moment, never go full auto.

One shotgun blast is enough to remove almost all infected within range of the blast. That second shot? It might damage some infected further down the way. The third and fourth? Practically pointless. By the time you stop your full-auto panic reflex, you have to reload and that spells trouble. If that ammo counter made it to zero, you must waste time to cock the weapon before firing again. Your panic reflex has effectively cost you an extra half-second of vulnerability, in addition to the vulnerability inherent to putting one shell in the weapon. That’s enough time for a zombie (or horde) to get within range and hit you once. On expert, that could be fatal.

When met with a rush, position yourself as per philosophy one. Narrow door? Fire and reload. Repeat. If they get really close, give ‘em another quick shot to give you more room. Don’t forget to reload! If, for some reason, you get down to 1 or 2 shots, start the reload and begin to melee. Resume firing when you feel you have enough loaded rounds to get back in the saddle. Shitstorms are cake, even on expert. But, as previously mentioned, you’re seldom in such easy positions.

Should you end up outside, or with little cover, there is one maneuver you should be familiar with: The sweep. This is the one time you should break “no autofire” the rule of thumb. To begin, identify a starting position that will allow you to fire in a 120° arc without hitting friendlies. Start at one end of the arc and break the rule of thumb by going to the other end on full auto. Practice your turns so you don’t over or under-shoot your arc. As long as you’re careful with friendly fire, this will break you out of circles very quickly. Never forget to keep a watchful eye on the status of your ammunition! Letting your ammo drop to zero could quickly undo all your hard work.

If the sweep is not a feasible maneuver, you simply must make do with firing into the ranks. As always, do not fire quickly, and never let your ammo get to zero. This may seem counter intuitive as you may be tempted to fire quickly to escape your poor position. Instead, let melee be your friend. Start interleaving melee swings with buckshot and reloads. With the combination of this and the sweep, shitstorms— even when in a poor position — can be easily dispatched.

Hopefully this piece has helped you learn some new techniques for the venerable shotgun. And if I see you in game with one, hopefully you won’t let me down by pulling the full-auto at every opportunity!

Happy hunting!

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  1. QCH
    QCH Nice article... Thanks!!
  2. RyanFodder
    RyanFodder Good work. I wish people would use this strategy guide more! Nothing like a shotgunner going "cowboy" to dampen my mood for L4D.
  3. jokerz4fun
    jokerz4fun i should have read this before I played tonight
  4. NiGHTS
    NiGHTS IMO shotties are better put to use as the pointman, rather than middle of the pack, with an automatic weapon at the ready just behind him. When a horde comes, I think a group is better prepared with shotguns crouched at either end. Otherwise rather than trying to pick off individuals, they target the groups and allow the automatics to take potshots at nearby stragglers.
  5. Myrmidon
    Myrmidon Sounds like what I suggested in the second situation, the one pertaining to when the horde comes.
  6. NiGHTS
    NiGHTS I was talking about your first, as well. ;)
  7. Myrmidon
    Myrmidon Ah, you mean the skirmish. Very good. :)

    Your suggestion has merit and is a good obvious tactic, but I would personally avoid its use in a skirmish. Generally in a skirmish (like when you exit the apartments in level 1 of No Mercy) means there aren't really any groups for the shotgunner to shoot at - just stragglers at all angles. The actual situation I'm envisioning is a tight formation where 'shotgun at center' really means 'shotgun and long ranger in practically the same space firing at zombies respective to their range, but since in a skirmish situation so few zombies get to short range, the shotgunner is really just stuck protecting the ranger.' Of course, the second phrase doesn't really roll off the tongue, you see? :P

    I find it less efficient to have a shotgunner watching the undead go down via rifles and waiting for some of them get in range (it means you're not watching oblique angles). I think it's more useful to pay attention to teammates and keep them safe while they hit the guys you'd just waste your ammo on.

    Now, if you've got skirmishes with GROUPS, I'd say you're definitely on the right track. :)
  8. NiGHTS
    NiGHTS Ah, right, so I think we're basically talking about the same thing anyway with that explanation. For clarification's sake I'll explain what I meant. The way I play the shotgun, I've usually got my butt pressed against some kind of surface to limit what I've got to watch. With respect to ammo, I'm not firing unless I absolutely need to. Like you said, it's useless to try to pick off something 40yds away with a shotgun.

    In the same scenario you've posted, I'll move to the far wall and hug the car along the way rather than hang my butt out in the middle of the road to narrow angles. With everyone in file, shotguns are already in position to take on a horde at either end of the alleyway without having to mess with shifting positions, and no danger of odd angles to watch.

    Edit: tl;dr - I agree, shotguns should watch ranged in open areas. Shotguns should lead/rear guard in narrow spaces, and only fire when necessary to conserve ammo.
  9. fatcat
  10. BobbyDigi
  11. left4dead4fun hi
    great artile here! really helpfull. thanks for it.
    i will post link in garena forum, i think many newcomers should read this! for sure
  12. Mochan
    Mochan What do you mean nobody know how to reload a shotgun? I do that all the time.

    In skirmishes I agree your role is to protect the group close up, but usually there's enough time to just swap to your pistol and pick off zombies with headshots.

    My most important tip for playing shotgun: don't pick up that extra pistol! The reload time is awful. I much prefer single pistols with fast reload. I regularly swap from pistol to shotgun, a habit I got from Counterstrike.

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