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New Releases for The Week of Puffins and Long Walks on the Beach

New Releases for The Week of Puffins and Long Walks on the Beach

Puffin: Island Adventure

Puffin: Island Adventure

If you’ve ever been playing through an adventure game, and wished there were more puffins,  Puffins: Island Adventure for the DS might be up your alley. Explore Puffin Niche, the home of the puffins, with your customized puffin avatar. Solve puffin puzzles, go on puffin quests, find and play puffin mini-games, all centered around the real-life daily activities of puffins, like fishing, eating, burrow building, rolling eggs around, and trying not to get eaten by sharks. Bring your colorful beak with you into Nintendo Wireless to play minigames with your friends.

Cross Edge

Cross Edge

Get ready to be disappointed when you hear that Cross Edge is only going to be on the PS3. This classic jRPG places you in a faraway plane in which an evil creature is stealing souls from many worlds, and must be stopped before those worlds are destroyed. This title features costumes that alter your stats (only the females get costume-changing cut scenes), and side-scrolling dungeons (battles and overland maps are typical jRPG style).

Pool Hall Pro

Pool Hall Pro

If you played and enjoyed the 9-ball game in WiiPlay, you might want to take a look at the cross-platform release, Pool Hall Pro. Of course, you can only get the motion controls on the Wii. It doesn’t specifically say the the controls are like the WiiPlay controls, but the Wii version boasts “deep and accessible” controls, while the PC version does not. This game takes the player through a ‘world tour’ of billiards matches, building up ranks, and earning money to outfit your private loft. It has several game modes, and lots of locations to play in. You can customize your avatar, but cannot import your Mii, unfortunately.



There has already been a lot of talk about inFamous for the PS3. You’re an accidental super hero, who must choose whether to use his powers for good or ill. While the game does look pretty, The only thing that makes it stand out is that you get to make moral decisions. Sorry guys, that’s just not new anymore, and it hasn’t been for a long time. Every action/adventure RPG must have this kind-of non-linear morality in order to succeed with today’s audience, it’s not special. So, if that’s not what makes this game worth checking out, what is? The website and press releases do hint at comic book styling, electric-based super powers, and an open-world environment, which all sounds like a fun direction for this title. I mean, who doesn’t like blasting things with lightning?

Personal Trainer: Walking

Personal Trainer: Walking

Walking is totally ‘in’ right now. People are walking from their couches to their fridges, from their cars to their homes and offices, it’s like everywhere you look, people are walking. To capitalize on this fad comes a new title from Nintendo, Personal Trainer: Walking for the DS, which moseys through this week’s Icrontic Gaming Spotlight. How does it work? Simple: Keep the Activity Meter accessory with you whenever you’re not sleeping. This gadget will keep track of how active you are, and how much and how far you walk. When you want to look at the data, just sync it up with the DS cartridge. The program will show you lots of great information about yourself, your habits, and your personal body cycles. It will then help you achieve a ‘healthy rhythm’ in your life, presumably by telling you the things that you are doing right and wrong throughout your daily activity cycle. Figure out what your walking animal is, and use it to help you track your progress and goals. Everyone who walks should at least take a look at the back of this box.


Following is a full list of this week’s announced video game releases:


  • 2029 Online
  • Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima
  • Delta Force: Xtreme 2
  • Kart Racer
  • NecroVisioN
  • Pool Hall Pro
  • Restaurant Empire 2
  • Righteous Kill 2: Revenge of the Poet Killer
  • SBK09 Superbike World Championship
  • Truck Racer
  • Virtua Tennis 2009
  • Wrath of the Poo


  • Cross Edge
  • Guitar Hero Metallica
  • inFamous
  • SBK09 Superbike World Championship
  • Virtua Tennis 2009
  • Ar Tonelico 2: Melody of the Metafalica (PS2)
  • Kart Racer (PS2)
  • SBK09 Superbike World Championship (PS2)
  • Truck Racer (PS2)


  • Crimson Gem Saga
  • Rock Band Unplugged
  • SBK09 Superbike World Championship
  • Valhalla Knights 2


  • Battle Rage: The Robot Wars
  • Guitar Hero Metallica
  • Kart Racer
  • PDC World Championship Darts 2009
  • Pool Hall Pro
  • Truck Racer
  • Virtua Tennis 2009


  • Happy Bakery
  • Mystery Stories
  • NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4
  • PDC World Championship Darts 2009
  • Personal Trainer: Walking
  • Up
  • American Popstar: Road to Celebrity (DSiWare)
  • Imagine Movie Star (DSiWare)
  • Photo Clock (DSiWare)
  • Puffins: Island Adventure (DSiWare)


  • Guitar Hero Metallica
  • SBK09 Superbike World Championship
  • Virtua Tennis 2009


  1. Koreish
    Koreish Personal trainer walking is what I like to call a pedometer and paper can buy for 15USD rather than 30-40USD.

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