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New Releases for The Week of Bright Shields and Dark Voices

New Releases for The Week of Bright Shields and Dark Voices

Captain America: Super Soldier

Captain America: Super Soldier is, obviously, the tie-in for this summer’s to-be blockbuster Captain America. The Marvel films have been so awesome so far, it’s tough to think that they would ruin a tie-in, but these video games are tough to get quality out of. This one bucks the recent trend of providing an ‘all new story’ for the character to work through, instead just focusing the game on a few of the battles and settings Cap has to fight through in the film. The gameplay looks like an agile platformer, with parts very reminiscent of the Prince of Persia series. The fighting mechanics, of course, are based around Cap’s shield: blocking, slamming, slicing, and throwing. From the trailer, it looks like they’ve put the effort into giving the protagonist some personality, which is nice, but the big issue with these tie-ins is usually that the level design is uninspired. Something you can’t really tell about until you play.


The Icrontic Spotlight this week bounces through the snowy locks of Bastion. This beautiful game is a third-person platformer/puzzler/roleplayer. A cataclysm has broken the world into fragments, and the protagonist must work to rebuild and connect with the last traces of civilization. The cool gimmick here is the ‘dynamic narration’. The game is narrated by a mysterious voice, who reacts to the movements and actions of the player, giving a play-by-play of what’s going on while revealing the back-story. This could either be really neat, or get very annoying. I guess we’ll need to try it and find out.

Following is a full list of this week’s North American releases:


  • IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover


  • Captain America: Super Soldier
  • Just Dance Summer Party
  • The Smurfs: Dance Party
  • Final Fantasy III (VC)


  • Captain America: Super Soldier
  • The Smurfs

Xbox 360

  • Ace of Dynamites
  • Bastion
  • Captain America: Super Soldier
  • The Cannon


  • Captain America: Super Soldier
  • Dead Block
  • Fast Draw Showdown


  1. kryyst
    kryyst Played the demo for Bastion, the initial presentation is amazingly awesome. I don't know how long that feeling will last but the initial pull is succulent. But...not sure if it's 1200 points of succulent.

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