In Yogi Bear: The Video Game, a tie-in for the new CGI Yogi Bear movie, players move from level to level attempting to steal pic-a-nic baskets from the Jellystone National Park visitors, and complete movie-based objectives while avoiding Ranger Smith. The feature seems to be that Yogi can travel in a number of ways depending on the level and objective. He can walk, crawl, zip-line, etc. through the levels on his search for adventure, probably saving the park from certain disaster along the way (I have no idea what the movie is about). As always, be weary of movie tie-ins when looking for a good gameplay experience, but if you’re a diehard Yogi fan, you’ll want to at least take a look at the back of the box.
Another movie tie-in this week—though one with slightly more promise—is TRON: Evolution. Rather than just stick players with another version of Light Cycles with still fancier graphics, Disney has chosen to do an actual tie-in story. Evolution is a prequel to the new movie TRON: Legacy. The game will cover the time between the two TRON movies, endeavoring to explain how Flynn became imprisoned in the system, and how the world inside has changed over time (and perhaps detail the upgrade to HD?) The gameplay will be adventure RPG style. Since the primary mechanic seems to be Prince-of-Persiaing around the system environments, don’t expect anything other than a linear ludo-narrative, although some player freedom may be expressed through the RPG-esque character advancement system and character customization options. Of course, they haven’t left out the Light Cycles completely. Expect the character (a program named Anon, written by Flynn) to have to participate in plenty of cycling and disc-throwing throughout the story.
Bejeweled 3 hits shelves today. The classic match-three game returns with lots of new play-styles and several new modes for hundreds of hours of gem-matching action. Check-out Icrontic’s review of the title for the full story.
The Icrontic spotlight this week sparkles across the placid waters of Fluidity. This unique platformer uses the Wii motion controls to give the player command of a small slosh of extra-cohesive water. Players tip the WiiMote from side to side to tilt the screen, and flow the water through the obstacles of each level, and flick the WiiMote to jump the water over barriers. As the game progresses, the player earns access to other forms for the water to take, like bricks of ice and clouds of steam. While the basic concept is not new (marble rolling games on the Wii have been doing something like this for a few years,) it’s interesting to see it utilize a 2-dimensional environment. That, combined with the intuitive controls and dynamic mechanics, might make this game a bit more accessible than other, more button intensive, platformers.
Following is a full list of this week’s announced North American releases:
- Bejeweled 3
- Dynasty Saga
- Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom
- TRON: Evolution
- Fireplacing
- Fluidity
- NewU Fitness First Mind Body, Yoga & Pilates Workout
- Racers’ Islands: Crazy Arenas
- Sniper Elite
- TRON: Evolution – Battle Grids
- Once upon a Time
- Yogi Bear: The Video Game
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s: Duel Transer
- SonSon (VC)
- Wolf of the Battlefield: COMMANDO (VC)
- 7 Wonders II
- Dairojo! Samurai Defenders
- Happily Ever After
- Learn Science
- Rytmik: Rock Edition
- Space Ace
- TouchMaster Connect
- TRON: Evolution
- Yogi Bear: The Video Game
Xbox 360
- Decimation X3
- SBK X: Superbike World Championship
- TRON: Evolution
- Marvel Pinball
- Score Rush
- Alien Breed 2: Assault
- Blimp: The Flying Adventures
- Kung-Fu Live
- SBK X: Superbike World Championship
- The Flying Hamster
- TRON: Evolution
- Blimp: The Flying Adventures
- The Flying Hamster
- TRON: Evolution