Hector: Badge of Carnage - Episode 1: We Negotiate With Terrorists
In Hector: Badge of Carnage – Episode 1: We Negotiate With Terrorists, players take on the role of Hector, a run-down, vulgar police officer in a run-down, vulgar town. A point-and-click adventure from Telltale, this game seems to offer the seedier side of this usually light genre. The game is full of gratuitous nastiness and blatant offensive and/or asinine dialog. The reluctant anti-hero must negotiate a hostage situation involving fellow police officers, and unfortunately for everyone, he’s the only one who can get the job done. Check out the Icrontic review of this first episode later today when the embargo lifts.

Ether Saga Odyssey
Ether Saga Odyssey is a revamp of Ether Saga, an MMO renowned mostly for its deep pet taming and breeding system. They shut down the game recently in order to release this improved version with an updated engine, crisper graphics, and more immersive environments. Even the pet system has been overhauled with hundreds of new pets available, and a still deeper breeding system to try to get your companion just the way you want them.

Man Vs. Wild
As an adaptation of the popular survivalist program, we’re getting Man vs. Wild. Players play as a fully voiced digital version of Bear Grylls as he’s dropped from a helecopter into one of five distinct survival areas. The player needs to follow Bear’s survival advice, while keeping an eye on his thirst and hunger meters. Mini-games pop up for various activities, like searching for edible insects, and it’s not possible for the player to allow Bear to get severely injured or killed—he just gets airlifted out if you fail. Each of the survival areas is mapped to match an actual wilderness area on Earth—the Rockies, the Everglades, the Sahara, a jungle island, and Patagonia—Each with its own trails, and each with several different scenarios and paths.

Trouble Witches Neo!
The Icrontic Spolight this week filters through the broom bristles of Trouble Witches Neo! In this ‘bullet-frenzy’ side-scrolling shooter, players have to think fast, as there are too many bullets on the screen to avoid them all. The witches’ magic circles will protect them for a short time by slowing down the bullets, but they also must rely on alchemy which turns the already fired bullets of the enemies they kill into gold coins, with which the witches may purchase new attacks and spells. The challenge is to combine the magic circles with the alchemy to get lots of bullets on the screen, then turn them into coins before the barrier runs out. The game has a co-op mode which plays locally or over Live. The witches and their little familiars—from which the magic circles emanate, are cutely illustrated in colorful and quirky anime style, and each of the eight witches (two of which must be unlocked) has slightly different abilities. If you like frenetic shooters, pick this one up. If you also happen to like cute anime witches—and who doesn’t, really?—then you’ll be in for a treat.
Following is a full list of this week’s announced North American Releases:
- Ether Saga Odyssey
- Haunted
- Hector: Badge of Carnage – Episode 1: We Negotiate With Terrorists
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover
- Operation Flashpoint: Red River
- Sail Simulator 5 Deluxe Edition
- Man vs. Wild
- Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska
- Word Searcher Deluxe
- Airport Mania: First Flight
- Inchworm Animation
- Ubongo
Xbox 360
- Kinect Sports: Calorie Challenge
- Man vs. Wild
- Nin2-Jump
- Outland
- Trouble Witches Neo!
- Man vs. Wild
- Outland