In Bible Black 2, an interesting [censored]-style game. Players take on the role of a high school boy who [censored] [censored] in the [censored] with his [censored] using dark magic, at which point they are all trapped in a mysterious dark world of magic from which the only way to escape this horrible fate is to [censored] each other with [censored] over and over again. Expect lots of [censored] and [censored] to pop up throughout the plot, and as it typical of this genre, multiple [censored]-esque endings.
Angry Wizards seems like a cool idea—a combination dungeon crawler/dual-stick shooter featuring mean-faced spell-slingers, and the screenshots look pretty neat, but watching the gameplay preview video makes the game seem very slow and simple. Maybe they just picked poor scenes to include in the video, but I might wait to really see it in action before picking this one up—and most likely I’ll someday be playing better games based on this core gameplay idea, rather than this apparent prototype.
Another standout title is Kevin Van Dam’s Big Bass Challenge which apparently… oh. OH! It says ‘Big Bass Challenge’… nevermind, I was thinking of something else. Maybe that first game has my head in the wrong place.
I’m so conflicted about Memoir ’44 Online, and the Icrontic Spotlight only throws that conflict into stark resolution. I love boardgames—upon one of which this new online game is based—and turn-based tactics is my top favorite gameplay genre, which this game fits into. However, I detest World War II as a theme. It’s so drab and brown and boring. This same game with robots and dragons and stuff would be my favorite game ever, but WWII? Ugh. I just can’t decide if it’s worth tolerating the terrible, ugly theme. This is the newest edition to Days of Wonder’s slowly building line of online versions of their physical boardgames. It’s free to play for a time, so if you’re into that sort of thing, you can give it a try without much commitment. Maybe someday they’ll release a graphical skin for it, which will make it about bears or something—then I’d be able to enjoy it too. In the meantime, I think I’ll just wait for Small World Online.
Following is a full list of this week’s announced North American releases.
- Bible Black 2
- Hacker Evolution Duality
- Memoir ’44 Online
- Puzzle Agent 2
- Storm: Frontline Nation
- Gunslingers
- Wicked Monster Blast!
- Zombii Attack
- Mega Man V (VC)
- ATV XTreme World
- Chess Attack
- Einstein’s Brain Power
- Jewels of the Ages
- Mystery Stories: Curse of the Ancient Spirits
- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
Xbox 360
- Angry Wizards
- Backbreaker: Vengeance
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
- UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
- Kevin Van Dam’s Big Bass Challenge
- UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System