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Nintendo execs claim Nintendo created social gaming, will create it again with Café

Nintendo execs claim Nintendo created social gaming, will create it again with Café

In a financial briefing re: the future of Nintendo, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata confirmed suspicions that Café (the project name for the development of their next console) will focus on social gaming, but not in the way we currently think about social gaming.

Pointing out that Nintendo invented social gaming when they allowed for a second control pad to connect to the NES, (Editor note: Atari 2600? Pong?) Iwata claimed that Nintendo will be reinventing the wheel where it comes to social games. They will not be allowing Nintendo to connect to current social networks, or engage in any already existing social networking activities. Instead, Nintendo’s next system will still be an insular device, allowing people to connect and interact only through other Nintendo systems.

I believe that this is not a good thing. It’s a terrible thing, and it will stifle Nintendo’s progress.

I know they want to be innovative, and I respect the innovation that they’ve already brought to the gaming world with the myriad of firsts they’ve achieved, but it would be wiser in this case to admit that they were not the first with online games, and that maybe they can learn something from other online gaming systems. Perhaps there would be something to be gained from allowing the Nintendo network to connect to the broader internet.

The Wii was a dismal failure for networking and matchmaking. It was such a gigantic pain in the ass to get connected to one’s friends over the Wii network that most people I know gave up on it after the first three or four friends. Iwata even admitted in the meeting that the Wii failed to revolutionize online gaming, or even to allow it, but still insisted that Nintendo would create a new social gaming network from the ground up. “We do not have any intention to simply enter into the present social-gaming structure. Our fundamental policy is to provide Nintendo software only on Nintendo hardware,” Iwata said.

Hot friend code actionNow, I’m not saying that I want to access my farmcitytownvilles on my Café, but if I could tie my Nintendo account to my Facebook account for easier login, or even just to help find friends with Café consoles, that would be nice. Specifically having a policy which denies such simple and useful connectivity to other parts of the internet makes me weary.

There was no specific word about whether friend-codes will still be a part of Nintendo life, but I can tell you that if people still have to call their friends or post on message boards with their 16-digit codes before they can be friends, it’s not going to fly with American console owners. We’re used to social gaming networks that simply allow us to search for our friends. When we see them on the list, we select them, and add them to our list. Making that more complicated or less intuitive is not revolutionary—it’s dumb.

It’s as if the people in charge of figuring out how Nintendos should connect to one another and the internet at large are not the same people as the ones figuring out how the player will be interacting with the system. One group is a skylit room full of bright, clean-shaved innovators with their fingers on the pulse of tomorrow’s gaming industry, while the other is a cave of curmudgeonly old men, whose beard length is rivaled only by their distance from the world of gaming.


  1. keysy ok i would just like to say your must be on eof those guys who think xbox is better than ps3 because of online. well im afraid to say but i believe that online gaming is ruining gaming and is having the opposite effect of being social.the wii is the best social gaming machine this gen it puts people together and they have fun. Also you dont know what the next nintendo is . everyone said the sam ethign abotu the wii not being built around online and stuff like that. maybe nintendo has figured something out in the last few yrs on research that you who haven't researched shit haven't. did you ever think of that
  2. goodPointkeysy I agree with you completely keysy, couldn't be said better.
    as for the retard above he can suck monkey b@lls all day long
  3. Jokke
    Jokke Learn how to spell and give constructive criticism, or GTFO.
  4. exxbot so now Nintendo has the patent for "social gaming" and everyone needs to pay them royalties for that?

    I knew arrogance was one of the traits running on Iwata's blood same with Reggie.

    these guys needs some lessons in humility.
  5. cola
    cola keysy,goodPointkeysy, and exxbot: First and foremost I would like to ask you to learn how to use the English language in a decipherable and non-offensive manner. Second, IF you want to post comments about an article, please do so without making an ass of yourself. It would be nice if you didn't blatantly post your opinions without backing them up with evidence, and it would also be nice if you weren't insulting to Icrontic members. That is all.
  6. Thrax
    Thrax lol wii is for girls ps3 is better who cares if PSN is down at least games are in HD!!!!!! u can keep ur barbie makeup party games im gonna play games that arent retarded
  7. Basil
    Basil lol u retarted ps3 haz no games!1! xbox 4 lyf, u guize dun even get halo LOL

    brb goin 2 play sum halo 3 online cos ma network isnt alwais dwn!11
  8. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx if ps3 is so better why do psn down?????/ xbox best becuz it never goes down sure u pay for it but it makes better!1 and wii is for babies all nintendrons have are girl games and food stuffs stupid and horse simulators. thrax is right about that much at least@!!!!
  9. Canti
    Canti >implying there's something wrong with playing Barbie Makeup Slumber Party and the Extreme Horse Simulator series.
  10. cola
    cola *Facepalm* + *shakes head* = cola right now
  11. Anon Nintendo has never shown arrogance. Whoever thinks such already has an agenda against the company. Nintendo is by far the most innovative, entertaining, and brilliant game company around. They've been around since 1889 and are not going anywhere. Nintendo is a far superior company than all the gaming companies that have ever existed and ever will. They just know how to do things correctly and without arrogance (unlike Sony and sometimes MS).
  12. Jingalls
    Jingalls Whoa... I can actually read that last one.
  13. CrazyJoe
    CrazyJoe I wawant an 1889 Nintendo...
  14. CB
    CB I still have my 'new' NES. The one that was modeled after the SNES, with the top-loading cartridge slot.

    I never hook it up though, I play those games on my mobile now.
  15. RootWyrm

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