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Nintendo hires Uggie, a “spokesdog” for the 3DS

Nintendo hires Uggie, a “spokesdog” for the 3DS

In an attempt to seal up the 6-10 year old girl demographic for their most recent handheld, Nintendo has released photos (of course with appropriate item placement) of Uggie—a cute little Jack Russell Terrier who is to be the new “spokesdog” for the 3DS.

Naturally, Uggie enjoys playing the new Nintendogs + Cats on a Pearl Pink 3DS. One of the three versions of the game (it would appear to be the Toy Poodle version by the look of one of the pictures) even includes a Jack Russell Terrier just like Uggie that children can play with in the game. How’s that for a tie-in?

On a serious note, however, it appears that one of Uggie’s jobs in conjunction with the game is to help people with tips for responsible pet ownership and care—a lesson valuable for both adults and children


  1. Thrax
    Thrax Phew, this is some seriously targeted pandering.
  2. AlexDeGruven
    AlexDeGruven Inorite? It's obvious that they believe their pre-teen girl demographic is lacking in sales on the 3DS, and this is a direct attack in that direction.
  3. Food Fan Frank I love Uggie. Gotta admit they have some really cute shots of him doing this advertising. I guess they are targeting young girls, but I think that Uggie could get anyone to buy that game :)

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