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Scribblenauts sequel coming this fall

Scribblenauts sequel coming this fall

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced plans to release the next Scribblenauts for Nintendo DS. In the origianl Scribblenauts game players use their imagination to write any word, bring that object to life and use it to solve puzzles, in which the protagonist must retrieve “starites”. In this follow up, the players will be presented with more robust and challenging levels. A title for the sequel has not yet been announced, but the project is working under the title “Scribblenauts 2”.

New features include a level editor and an “adjective system” that increases the variety of objects available, and thus the number of possible solutions, and the complexity of those solutions. Adjectives can change the color, size, elements, behaviors and many other aspects of the object they are describing. Multiple adjectives can be combined together to produce even more complex objects.

The game, under development at 5th Cell, is slated to be available in Fall of 2010.

“The Scribblenauts sequel gives all players an enhanced game experience they will love and new challenges where they can use their imaginations even more,” said Samantha Ryan, Senior Vice President, Development and Production, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “5TH Cell is a very talented and creative developer and we are excited to add to the Scribblenauts franchise with this new game.”

“The next Scribblenauts broadens the players’ experience from the first Scribblenauts through more creativity, innovation and in-depth gameplay,” said Jeremiah Slaczka, Creative Director and Co-Founder of 5TH Cell. “All of these enhancements give players even greater control over how they want to play the game.”


  1. kryyst
    kryyst I was super excited about the original, until I got my hands on it. It's got elements of fun to it, but overall the novelty I found wore off really quick.

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