Futuremark Games Studio today announced that Shattered Horizon, their PC exclusive multiplayer first-person shooter, will be free to play and 50 percent off to buy on Steam this weekend. In Shattered Horizon, a catastrophic explosion on the Moon has filled near-Earth space with billions of tons of rocky debris and bits of ships and moonbases, all forming the backdrop for a struggle between opposing factions attempting to control the few remaining resources and habitable locations. The combat is all FPS style in zero gravity, which leads to interesting mechanics and tactics.
If you haven’t played it, the free weekend is a perfect opportunity to check it out. If you tried it before, and thought that there was perhaps too little variety of maps and weapons, you’ll want to give it another shot now that the newest DLC Firepower has been released. Eight new weapons have been added, along with three new grenade types.
“Shattered Horizon continues to evolve as we add new features requested by the community,” said Jaakko Haapasalo, head of Futuremark Games Studio. “This weekend PC gamers can play the complete game for free and experience the new Firepower weapons. And those who wish to continue playing can buy Shattered Horizon for just $9.99.”
Free weekend begins at 23:00 GMT Thursday 3 June and ends 20:00 GMT Sunday 6 June.