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Stardock expands onto Steam

Stardock expands onto Steam

Sins of a Solar Empire Logo

Stardock have just announced their plans to begin releasing their PC strategy titles on Steam starting with the award-winning Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity.

Previously, Sins of a Solar Empire was tied to Stardock’s own digital distribution platform, Impluse—but with Gamestop’s purchase of Impulse earlier this year, Stardock are now free to begin offering their gaming catalogue on Steam, with further releases planned in the coming weeks. As yet there is no official word on Steam redemption of preorders for the forthcoming Rebellion expansion pack, but it has been confirmed that customers who purchased Sins of a Solar Empire on Impulse will not be able to redeem their game keys on Steam.

Some good news, though, for anyone who has not yet purchased Sins of a Solar Empire (or who just wants the Steam version) as there is 25% off the regular price until the 23rd November.


  1. MiracleManS
    MiracleManS This is a wonderful game. I'm certainly interested in buying it again just to have it on Steam.
  2. mertesn
    mertesn I'm buying it again just to not deal with Impulse...especially now that GameStop owns that miserable piece of crap.
  3. CrazyJoe
    CrazyJoe Must resist... Too many new games out to play without rehashing old games...

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