If geeks love it, we’re on it

Forget furniture. Sumo Gamer reviewed

Forget furniture. Sumo Gamer reviewed

Sumo is a bit ubiquitous in certain circles on the web nowadays. If you spend time on sites like Icrontic, you’ve probably seen the ads with the beautiful girls on the big bean bags. Perhaps you’ve wondered if they’re really that comfortable or useful. Hopefully, after this read, it’ll be a little clearer for you.

We took a look at Sumo’s original Omni bag a couple of years ago. We came to the conclusion that if you were willing to spend the money, the Omni is a fantastic addition to any gaming lounge.

The Omni did have some downsides, however. It’s a bit noisy and the fabric is a little stiff. Like most beanbag chairs, we discovered that after a year and a half of hard use, it tends to “deflate” a bit. Don’t get us wrong, the black Omni that we have here at ICHQ still gets used. It has definitely seen better days, though.

Sumo set out to address these minor quibbles and decided to unleash upon us the ultimate lounge bag in the form of their new Sumo Gamer.

The Sumo Gamer

As you can see, this thing is massive—way bigger than the already large Omni. This is a whole new ballgame.

The smallest Sumo  (and I use this term lightly) is 3 feet tall x 4 feet wide. It doesn’t sound like much until you see the thing in a room. It is gigantic. Lugging it around is quite an athletic endeavor. Our model had a lot of fun beating the thing into submission to try to get it into position:

Yeah, I said beating...

We had the Sumo Gamer at ICHQ for the Icrontic LAN. It was a highly contested sleeping spot. You can’t walk by a Sumo Gamer and NOT get the urge to flop down onto/into it. There were actual fights over it.

Nerd fight!

Shorty, the toughest guy at the Expo, won the coveted spot

The material is a faux-suede microfiber. It’s significantly more comfortable than the Omni material (which I had compared to tent or parachute material). It breathes much better and is softer than its counterpart. I’ve slept on the Omni and, while comfortable, it can lead to hot and sweaty nights (not the good kind). The Gamer, however, makes a perfect whole-night sleeper. Many people have come through the ICHQ flophouse and spent a night on the Gamer, only to find themselves leaving here wanting to buy one.

Sitting upright, the Sac still provides good lower back support

The product page for the Gamer lists at $199. We took our big, hard, $800 sofa out of our media/game room at ICHQ and replaced it with the Gamer and three Omnis. The end result: more room, more comfort, and the ability to open up the room and rearrange things on a whim. Is it worth $199? It depends on whether or not you have room for it. If you do, then I say a resounding “YES”, it’s worth it.

This is a hard product to review for this very reason. It’s one of those things that you almost have to try. Once you do, though, it definitely sells itself. There’s no reason not to get a Sumo Gamer other than the room it takes up. It is by far the most comfortable piece of furniture I have ever sat in.

You can sink into it, you can use it as a chair, you can sleep on it, you can probably do lots of naughty things on it… It’s extremely versatile.

They offer four sizes—The Gamer (pictured here), the Couple, the Sultan, and the Gigantor. I cannot imagine the Gigantor in my media room. Seriously, SIX FEET AROUND by four feet high, you’d have to have a pretty damned big room to make this effective. I’d say that it would make a great replacement for a bed, but apparently Sumo is now offering … well, beds, to replace your bed. At four feet high, some people would even have trouble getting into it.

The filling is furniture-grade urethane foam, which Sumo claims will “never decompress”. I can believe it, because when they ship it, they compress the filling into a brick and cram it into a box. When you unpack it and get the microfiber covering zipped around it, it decompresses and almost triples in size. The best way to describe it would be like watching one of those magic sponge animals grow in a glass of water.

Sumo currently offer four colors to complement just about any decor, and offer two covering materials: Suede microfiber (shown here) and soft corduroy.

So, so versatile...

There’s really not much more to say—the Gamer is a versatile, comfortable, attractive piece of lounge furniture. At $199 with free shipping giving it the label of “fantastic value” might be an understatement. In the interest of full disclosure and integrity, I will say that we signed on with Sumo’s affiliate program because we believe in their products and use them ourselves. If you wish to purchase any Sumo product, you can do so directly through Icrontic.

(Alright, I know what you really came for) Moar pics:


  1. _k
    _k uuuhhh I so want one.
  2. GnomeWizardd
    GnomeWizardd Ok who and where is that chick from??? !
  3. FelixDeSouze
    FelixDeSouze Sumo looks fun, however the chick looks better.. How much? ;)
  4. Linc
    Linc Both kids were playing video games on it last night, and when I woke up this morning it was missing. I think it got dragged off by the kids to sleep on somewhere... :p

    We had it in the basement for the two weeks between the LAN and when we moved the couch, and I literally had to brace myself to not succumb and fall into it every time I walked past it because I knew I would be instantly asleep if I did.
  5. GHoosdum
    GHoosdum I like it, I like it a lot.
  6. UPSLynx
    UPSLynx I know Shorty approves of this one.
  7. MrTRiot
    MrTRiot Now that's cool....

    I want one....pretty please! I'll be good! Promise!:rant:
  8. yagga
    yagga I like big chairs.

    I want a big chair.

    I like my big old moon chair.
  9. zero-counter
    zero-counter Somebody please answer GnomeWizardd's question!!!!!!! :D
  10. fatcat
    Ok who and where is that chick from??? !

    a friend of icrontic. IF you had been at the LAN, you would know these things, and have met her.
  11. primesuspect
    primesuspect She's an old friend of mine.
  12. mas0n
    mas0n I really need one of these. I've been casually bringing it up to the wife whenever furniture is mentioned.
  13. PurplezArctic
    PurplezArctic I can haz Sumoz Sac?
  14. kenmiester23 where ca i get the sumosac gamer in the uk? please please please.....
  15. primesuspect
    where ca i get the sumosac gamer in the uk? please please please.....

    I'll forward your question to them and let you know :)
  16. chrisWhite
    chrisWhite Awesome, perfect timing to read your review, I was going to go out and look for a chair like this tomorrow, looks like you saved me the trouble and I'll get a great sac.

    So, my one question is, could you get your link activated so I can credit you in on the purchase? Depending on how much I spend at the Applestore I may buy it tomorrow or later, I guess I could probably tell them I found out through you if you don't get hte link working before I buy.
  17. primesuspect
    primesuspect The link is active :)
  18. chrisWhite
    chrisWhite Hmmm, here's what I see when I click on the link at the bottom of the second page:

  19. primesuspect
    primesuspect Bahhh.. That's sumo's fault.. I gotta check in on that and see what gives. Sorry.

    Thanks for letting me know!
  20. Annes
    Annes Speaking of which, did you ever get the kickback from when Prag and I bought ours?
  21. Cliff_Forster
    Cliff_Forster Think Mrs. Forster would allow me to move out the typical furniture for these? hmmmmm....
  22. chrisWhite
    chrisWhite So are the people in these photos really small or something? I swear, mine is 50-60% that size, I wish I would have gotten one of the much bigger ones.
  23. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ What one did you get Chris?
  24. primesuspect
    primesuspect Well, actually yes: Jeanelle is 5'5" and Shorty is 5'2"
  25. pigflipper
    pigflipper Gotta say, I love mine and my roommate, erin, loves it even more.
  26. primesuspect
  27. QCH
    QCH I slept on the rocker Sumo (rocker frame removed) and it was awesome. I slept better at EPIC than I do at home... and I am not joking.
  28. primesuspect
    primesuspect The rocker was discontinued due to manufacturing issues, unfortunately. I'll tell them that the rocker pad was great for sleeping though :)
  29. Annes
    Annes I just spent the morning recovering from my hangover on my Sumo. Mmm Sumo.
  30. chrisWhite
    chrisWhite I have the Sumo Sac Gamer, it's soooo comfortable, I love it but I do wish it was much bigger. I'll buy one of the really large once someday.
  31. ardichoke
    ardichoke I plan on getting one once I purchase and move into a house. Funny story, one of my coworkers was looking for beanbags, I tweeted a link to the sumosack site. They actually replied asking if I was looking to buy one and sent me a link to the Icrontic review! Amusing.
  32. _k
    _k Just showed up today!
    Attachment not found.

    Then for scale( Med. T, 3.5 HDD, 775 PROC, 30-30 pants, Large Fedora, Sunglasses, and Chill Pill speakers.)
    Attachment not found.

    Attachment not found.

    Enjoy! I am!

    Also that is not what I would look like if I was a computer. There would be more processors and a few GX2s for arms instead of speakers.
  33. DrLiam
    _k_ wrote:
    Also that is not what I would look like if I was a computer. There would be more processors and a few GX2s for arms instead of speakers.


    I'm jealous of your bag though... very, very, very nice.
  34. shwaip
    shwaip dr liam likes your sac.
  35. DrLiam
    shwaip wrote:
    dr liam likes your sac.

    It's true.

  36. _k
  37. _k
    _k so why is this reposted?
  38. Thrax
  39. primesuspect
    primesuspect Updated for 2010 with new product descriptions, new material, and name change.
  40. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ I still want one. Sumo bags are awesome.
  41. Colgere
    _k_ wrote:
    so why is this reposted?
    Why not? :D
  42. GnomeWizardd
    GnomeWizardd oh goodness I fell in love again
  43. Chooch
    Chooch i need to have one...
  44. ardichoke
    ardichoke I think one of these is needed for my office... Nothing says classy like a beanbag chair. Amirite?
  45. DeeTee
    DeeTee Nothing available in NZ :( Only the Omni to choose from on the local site here.
  46. Obsidian
    Obsidian Maybe if you buy a ticket to EPIC and fly in you could win one :D
  47. DeeTee
    DeeTee =D this idea has more substance
  48. primesuspect
  49. BuddyJ
    BuddyJ What I don't even.
  50. _k
    _k Why did they come up with their own liberator?
  51. ardichoke
    ardichoke SOLD! (But not really)
  52. Jokke
    Jokke Is the girl included?
  53. Nick I'm mulling over buying one, but as you used tiny petite girls and an abnormally small sleeping man in the review, i can't really gauge how big it really is.

    I need to fit my fat ass in it, which I'm sure it will cater for, but i want to know how much room i have to toy with. i'm mulling between this, the Omni and the other big bugger whatever it's called.

    Gief help!
  54. _k
    _k Get one size bigger than the gamer, especially if you think you are fat or larger than normal. I bought one and it is alright for some positions for me but I would really love for it to be slightly better so I can kind of curl up more.

    I am 5-10 and 152 pounds.
  55. primesuspect
    primesuspect I'm kind of a fat bastard. The gamer is pretty big, but yeah, the next one up is probably what you're looking for.
  56. pigflipper
    pigflipper I have (had) the Gamer and being 6-2 it was a bit too small to sit on comfortably for long periods of time without leaning it against a wall or couch.

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