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Team Fortress 2 free weekend and half-off sale

Team Fortress 2 free weekend and half-off sale

If you haven’t yet acquired Team Fortress 2 as part of any of Valve’s software combos, now is the time to try it out. This weekend starting December 17th, anyone can play the full version of Team Fortress 2 for free. Additionally, the game is on sale for 50% off for the duration of this event.

Team Fortress 2 offers Team Deathmatch / Team Objective gameplay with a distinctly stylized cartoonish approach. Some of the characters’ weapons and tools are unrealistic, funny, and occasionally, completely outrageous. It can be thought of as the team first-person shooter not intended to be played seriously. Fans of the first-person combat genre may find this a relaxing change from the norm in most other games.

For the last two years, Valve has been providing major game-changing content updates, gameplay modes, new weapons, new achievements, and more—for free. Team Fortress 2 represents one of the best values in gaming. If you get a copy, be sure to let us know; Icrontic has a vibrant and very active TF2 community and our own dedicated server.


  1. Bandrik
    Bandrik Gosh, who would play this silly game? Is this for kids? It has to be something realistic for me to enjoy it. Something like Modern Warfare 2. Or Halo ODST.

    Since shields and 15-foot leaping makes me pr0.
  2. QuadyTheTurnip
    QuadyTheTurnip I...what? Are you being sarcastic, or serious? Because if you're being serious, I think we have a problem on our hands.
  3. Bandrik
    Bandrik Haha, that's how I meant to leave it. Offensive enough to be detected as sarcasm, but still plausible enough to sound like a fanboy.

    In truth, total sarcasm. I only casually enjoy Modern Warfare 2, and I don't even effing own ODST. And besides, Halo? Realistic? Honestly.

    I've had more fun playing TF2, by far. I keeping thinking "man TF2 has classes down pact compared to this." It's just more laid back, more entertaining. I LIKE the over-the-top flair TF2 has!

    In summation, while it was fun to make you wonder, it does make me a little sad. =D
  4. lordbean
    lordbean In truth, I actually don't really like TF2, but I know an awful lot of people do. I can see where the appeal comes from, it just doesn't work for me in particular for some reason.

    Left 4 Dead 2 is more my style.
  5. Grimnoc
    Grimnoc What lordbean said, about TF2 anyway.
  6. Cliff_Forster
    Cliff_Forster Might not be the proper place for this, but I just needed to say, the Demo update is insanely stupid. Its ruining the game.
  7. aw423 can anyone send me a copy for free? because i lost my other account with all my games and it
  8. Koreish
    Koreish How does one go about losing an account?
  9. Snarkasm
    Snarkasm And why would we give a guest a free copy?
  10. pigflipper
    pigflipper You lose your account by being stupid in a number of ways, most likely two: was phished or banned by Valve.
  11. cola
    cola Haha, Fished

    Also, TF2 is probably one of the best games I've ever played aside from Valve time and the wonky server problems you get on occasion. If your computer can run it then try it, and if you love it then buy it. XD

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