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Team Fortress 2: Manniversary Update

Team Fortress 2: Manniversary Update

Check out our new guide on getting all the TF2 Halloween achievements and items!

UPDATE: Less than an hour after we published this article, Valve pulled a 180 on us and dropped The Manniversary Update. It includes no Halloween content. It does include dual miscellaneous slots and loadout presets as described below along with minor tweaks to the class selection and loadout screens to accommodate those changes.

The main focus of the Manniversary update is community-created items. Valve has added over 30 new items available in TF2’s in-game shop, The Mann Co Store. We’ve yet to confirm if they are craftable and available in drops at the time of update but if they are not, based on how Valve has handled items in the past, they will be soon.

Other highlights include the ability to put decals on certain items with a new tool called the Decal Tool. One item you can decal is The Demoman’s bottle and another being a new pin that you can craft called The Clan Pride. Also it looks like everyone is getting a box of Saxton Hale’s garbage. What is in it? Grab that update, log in and open it then report back here to let us know what kind of Hale Trash you received.

TF2 HalloweenOur favorite free update provider, Valve, has released two amazing Team Fortress 2 updates revolving around Halloween, as they’ve done in years past. This has included both running from and battling NPCs, Halloween themed maps and exploding pumpkins. There is no doubt in this TF2 addict’s mind that we will not be disappointed this year. Sources at Valve have confirmed that today, Thursday October 13, is that day.

Currently there are no details on the 2011 Halloween themed content—but two big updates that have been in beta for a while have been confirmed by a Valve employee. The first is doubling the miscellaneous item slots. This allows players to further accessorize their classes with two miscellaneous slot items instead of only one. For example, The Spy can now wear sunglasses (Summer Shades) while sporting a beard (Camera Beard) and The Pyro can now wear his monocle (Whiskered Gentleman) along with his Portal 2 Pin.

Team Fortress 2 Spy Mask

Yo Spy, I heard you liked masks

Equally as awesome; we will now have preset item setups. You will be able to create a set of weapons/headgear/miscellaneous/action slot items and save it. Switching sets will switch all your weapons, headgear, miscellaneous slot and action slot items with one easy action instead of changing each item individually. For example, you might set up your Scout with The Special Delivery set for offense on Badwater Basin and The #1 Fan set for defense. After successfully delivering the goods to the red base, quickly switch to superhero mode for some mini-crit Scout defense.

I will be on the edge of my seat all day keeping you posted with details as they trickle out. Many Icrontic members will be hanging out on the Icrontic TF2 server tonight, playing with the new, no doubt awesome, toys that Valve will provide for us. Come join us for some Halloween TF2!

If you don’t have TF2 already, head over to Steam and start your download now. It’s free but the server will be hammered tonight when the update drops and this will significantly affect your download speed.


  1. primesuspect
    primesuspect Grats on your first article, Bobby!
  2. PirateNinja
    PirateNinja Awesome first article! I had no idea, and now I'm extremely excited. I also noticed Steam is 5 mins away from finishing a 500+mb update ..
    Among other things listed:
    - Added a new item type that can accept user-applied decals. Take any image off your hard drive, put it on a stick, and then smash people with it! (See the Decal Tool in the store!)
    Meaning I am going to bonk you guys to death with a real HammerC*ck. I can't wait.
  3. cola
    cola Damn son, TF Tizzle tonight fo sho
  4. trooster89
    trooster89 Oh boy, Can't wait to check it out.
  5. Scratch
    Scratch Server is updated and fixed. Have at it!
  6. RootWyrm
    RootWyrm And now nobody can check it out because Valve pushed another patch.

    Things currently broken due to Valve:
    - Mann Store is offline.
    - Item Servers are frequently "unavailable."
    - Frequent "No Steam Login" errors dropping most players on servers
    - Load Outs are not saving properly
    - All load outs are lost if the game crashes; resets everything to stock

    Update for Oct 13 19:09
    - Fixed a problem with the Foster's Facade not correctly hiding the pyro's head.
    - Fixed a problem where loadouts would get reset under certain conditions if the item server couldn't be reached.
    - Fixed a common client crash when displaying items.
    - Items purchased from the store are no longer craftable.

    Emphasis mine. No idea what that last one means yet. Somebody failed at brevity perhaps.
  7. BobbyDigi
    BobbyDigi The drama around that second update is entertaining. Mostly this:
    Items purchased from the store are no longer craftable.

    What happened was Valve when they released the initial update made everything in the Mannco Store both craftable and will eventually become tradeable. This coupled with multiple hats being on sale for 74 cents the cheapest way ever to craft a random hat. Buy two cheap hats for $1.48, craft them together for the possibility of getting a hat worth up to $25 (Low numbered desirable new hats get this high, srsly). Before this the cheapest route was about $1.70 and even that is a stretch in today's market (Purchased 2 refined metals for 85 cents each then trade each refined for a craftable hat).

    So people purchased these hats in droves. Enough that 3 of the top 4 top selling items in the Mannco Store were these hats. Then Valved dropped the second update... Items purchased from the store are no longer craftable. Now everyone who purchased these hats (and had not crafted them yet) are "stuck" with these hats.

    The Steam Powered User Forum is in an uproar with allegations of Bait and Switch and demands that Valve do something about this.

    I didn't purchase anything, not a fuck was given this day.

  8. PirateNinja
    PirateNinja That is loltastic news for a Friday. The pretend video game hat trading industry is in uproar.
    It sounds like an Onion news title, but it's the real deal.
  9. pigflipper
    BobbyDigi wrote:

    I didn't purchase anything, not a fuck was given this day.



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