If geeks love it, we’re on it

Yes we Catan

Yes we Catan

Today GelaSkins announced that they are now offering skins for mobile devices based on artwork from BustedTees

After sorting through the press release, I followed the links and was delighted when I saw this one:

GelaSkins is now offering that as a skin for netbooks and phones. I thought of many people in the Icrontic community who would appreciate this one.

The other BustedTees skins that GelaSkins is offering are just as funny (I especially like the Helvetica skin)


  1. QuadyTheTurnip
    QuadyTheTurnip Oh man, i need that Helvetica one. I'm a sucker for typeface jokes.
  2. Gate28
    Gate28 Settlers is awesome. Nuff said.

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