Crashplan friends club

in Hardware
I am a Crashplan user.
One of the things Crashplan does is allow you to share (highly encrypted) backup chunks with your friends for free. You can decide how much drive space to allocate to your friends and they can, in return, allocate some drive space to you. Crashplan handles all the logistics.
Anyways, I'm perfectly willing to give up some chunks of storage to other IC crashplan users. I've been doing this with @Kwitko for years.
If anybody wants to join the shared IC backup pool, post here.
How much bandwidth does this use?
You can allocate as much or as little as you want. I have mine set to unlimited.
Few other questions:
@primesuspect, you haven't CrashPlanned with me in a while. I was never able to connect to your machine. We need to reconnect.
So you are saying your planned Crashplan crashed?
1) I give 250gb to each person, but I have more space than I used to, so I could always up that
2) I dunno. I have 110mb internet and it was done overnight. I never bothered to time it. Started it, went to bed. I backup most of my machine sans Steam and WoW directories because fuck that
3) I don't know
4) Restoring, I've done it once. I browsed for the file on the website through a normal file tree, restored on the web. It pushed the file to my PC. Flawless.
Seth, I dunno. It says we're friends and you're still authorized. I'll remove you and then we can reconnect.
My friend backup code is 7YTDFG