Desert Bus for Hope 9. THE BUS DON'T STOP.
Desert Bus is back, and it's time to sit in mumble and watch a group of nerds play the worst game ever made for a week straight while raising money for charity. Desert Bus for Nope Hope 9 starts Saturday, November 14th at 10AM PDT, and ya'll better be there to enjoy it with us.
WTF is Desert Bus for Hope? Glad you asked. Top bro Graham explains for you:
Donations are open now, but if you're pro, you'll hold your money to get some sweet stuff.
A bunch of us are gonna be watching every moment of every day. You can hang out with us on Mumble (srsly, do so) in the Dessert Bust channel. Bring a booze and help kick this crazy thing off with us. is being used as the live chat for this year's event, so make sure you've got a Twitch account going into it if you want to participate in the chat. Also, do note that this will make bans more serious since they're Twitch accounts, so be careful or bring an alt.
As usual, Sonny set up the rad dashboard with all the goods on it, so hit it up for the best viewing experience:
Previous threads:
Desert Bus 3
Desert Bus 4
Desert Bus 5
Desert Bus 6
Desert Bus 8
Sorry, brah. He got dat fallout 4.
Look, bro. I know he posted in the Fallout 4 thread today. I know he's around. this is some BS. He's part of the old guard and needs to step up.
Step up? Stepping on your dik. Hooking up the laptop for second monitor first thing in the morning. Also, they're test streaming right now. WHERE YOU AT?!
That time Kate got a giant Dick butt.
Levar Burton on Desert Bus. Get in here.
omg at first I thought that was Ben Carson. Ben Carson on Desert Bus would be mindblowing.
That time @DontCallMeKelso shared the floor with Commander Shepard.
Dix sucks.
Gotta say, he's better than Liz.
Liz is the worst. Every flipping time a group activity happens, she is right there. I'm willing to get banned to get her away from the middle.
I'll find the video, but this was just done, it was amazing.

Who is Liz, why does she suck?
@DontCallMeKelso and I had the same challenge in. He won, and it is glorious:
Click and watch, it's so good.
So far this year, Ian has won back many points.... and Liz has lost all of hers.
The most insane auction is happening right now with Mikey Neuman from Gearbox. R/C Claptrap signed by everyone on Borderlands plus a ton of other exclusive stuff, currently going for over 8K, fight between Chimara and Fugi. Amazing.
edit it just went for $8080.80. Insane.
UkeLeeLee is just the best:
Well isn't she just a cutie.
Last 10 to 12 hours is upon us. As soon as I get home, I'm cracking a beer and watching the rest of the bus. Join me.
Liz, summed up in one pic.
Cool. Record breaking. Now I'm depressed and I miss it
As a kid I was told by a lot of adults that "nothing good could ever come from playing video games".
$677,141 for children's hospitals says otherwise.
Whale Dong, everyone.
Sorry I wasn't in the mumble. I have had one -hell- of a week. I did catch as much as I could on the Twitch app on my phone, though, so I still tuned in.
Molly Lewis on the ukelele singing that Stephen Fry song was easily one of my favorite moments. She told the story about her going to sing it to the actual Stephen Fry back in 2011, and I managed to track down the video. I've had it stuck in my head for days now.

I guess the bus stopped after all.
You've waited all week to say that, haven't you?
Nah, it just takes a full year in real-time to fuel up again.
Yet another wonderfully-constructed game mechanic.