Random note: There has not been a TF2 update for about 5 weeks. This is odd. Looks like we are right on schedule for our yearly TF2 update right in the middle of Expo.
I'll admit I was skeptical about ticket sales this year.
Last year, ticket sales dropped precipitously to a below-average 54 (from an above-average 65 the year before). That tied 2009 with the lowest attendance since it became "Expo". I figured next we'd be dropping to the 40-45 bracket, where 2005-2008 LAN attendance levels were. Right off the bat I knew of at least half a dozen regulars who were skipping this year.
Turns out: I have no idea what I'm talking about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ticket sales are almost exactly average again this year (59 - same as the good ol' 10th Annual Expo). Lots of new folks showing up. Some folks coming back after missing a year or three.
@NullenVoyd said:
Every year I see this go by, I get the notion that I should come up and cook strange food for you all (no meat-brownies though, I swear). And every year, I wish I hadn't already promised or used all my vacay time.
We'll have lists of stuff when registration is over.
We have now exceeded ticket sales from last year.
Getting down to last call.
Invite someone new!
$ curl http://icrontic.com/discussion/100400/the-expo-icrontic-2016-red-carpet/p1 -o redcarpet $ curl http://icrontic.com/discussion/100400/the-expo-icrontic-2016-red-carpet/p2 >> redcarpet $ grep gargoyle redcarpet | wc -l 0
I'm only human, man. I make mistakes. It's not personal. Ask @Mertesn about the time I forgot his badge
Yep. And the first year they forgot to pick me up from the airport.
Okay, with @Mertesn it IS personal. We just sorta don't like him
Who is responsible for the bike tour? I can't seem to find a thread for it, and I don't know who to paypal..
There's no thread for it. Nicole is organizing it. We'll give everybody instructions after tomorrow when registration is over.
Random note: There has not been a TF2 update for about 5 weeks. This is odd. Looks like we are right on schedule for our yearly TF2 update right in the middle of Expo.
No @UPSLynx in the Red carpet?
He didn't register
I guess he wins chicken?
I win by default when they cheat on the time:
Chump gonna chump.
You's trollin.
I did the thing, Paypal almost ruined it
I'll admit I was skeptical about ticket sales this year.
Last year, ticket sales dropped precipitously to a below-average 54 (from an above-average 65 the year before). That tied 2009 with the lowest attendance since it became "Expo". I figured next we'd be dropping to the 40-45 bracket, where 2005-2008 LAN attendance levels were. Right off the bat I knew of at least half a dozen regulars who were skipping this year.
Turns out: I have no idea what I'm talking about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ticket sales are almost exactly average again this year (59 - same as the good ol' 10th Annual Expo). Lots of new folks showing up. Some folks coming back after missing a year or three.
Guess this is still a thing then, eh?
Here we go!
Is there room in the attic?
Going for 12 straight...
revision: 60.
So how did that go this year?
Hah! Prime... it means something serious to me that you remembered that / brought it back up. You rock and this community rocks.
Chance is near-zero this year, but let me look and see what is possible, and thank you for keeping me in mind.