EXPO 2016 - What is this sorcery BEER TASTING
Uh, so, a wizard did it.
We will be tasting beer at 12:30pm Thursday June 23rd. That's in less than 12 hours. OMG how are we gonna pull this off? I dunno, it'll be an adventure.
Here's how this one will work - You post your 2 favorite beers. Of all time. Of any time. What you're drinking now, what you wish you could drink now. WHATEVS. If possible, tell us what you like about them. Based on the responses from the attendees, I'll be trying to bring beer that will be in the vein of those beers or surprise them in some way.
Tasting will be $20 and I might bring scratch made donuts because why the hell not, it's noon.
Great room is usually good to seat 20 comfortably but this is last minute seat-of-my-pants stuff so let's say 15 attendees max. Post your "IN!"s here as fast as you can and then have your 2 favorite beer thing for me before 10:30am. That's less than 10 hours, folks. Let's get cracking.
In. First.
In. Sonny sucks.
In! Yay!
Bourbon County or KBS.
Allagash curieux.
An auspicious start. Now let's hear about your favorite two beers.
2 Favs: Firestone Walker Double DBA, Anchor Our Barrel Ale
Note: Please make sure you've eaten before this. Don't go out to eat between beer tasting & opening at 3pm, you simply will not have time.
//Edit: not gonna make it back from bike tour in time so count me out.
In if the bike tour makes it back in time. Wish I was drinking; FO, BA Abraxas, DB Huna. What am I drinking; BA Plead, BAEX, Pugachevs Cobra. Favorite beers; BCB Barleywine, Blacknote, Backwoods Bastard.
two favorites:
Firestone Walker Parabola / Parabajava
Bourbon County Brand Stout Vanilla Rye
Yeah that's three. deal with it
Okay, so far we're at 8 including MAGIC.
My goal is to get us done before Giant Catan at 3pm, so we could start as late as 1pm and still wrap with 30 minutes to spare - anyone have an idea what time the bike tour will be returning?
I need the great room cleared by 2:45pm.
Two favorites how limiting
Oh come on, I'm not asking you to cut a baby in half here.
@Aaron is in.
@RyanMM GHoosdum edited his post earlier to say he's out due to bike tour at the same time as you posted your attendee list.
10 out of effing 10
Nice lineup, shame to miss it.
I don't have the discipline required to collect several rare beers. I think the longest I've ever stored a beer is maybe a month, and that's like a stretch goal that I'm probably making up.
The trick is to spend hundreds of dollars and buy it in volume. Then its impossible to drink it all in a month.