SM-Bytes idea!
I was driving home last night and I had an inspiration, if you could go as far as to call it that. What if instead of having just one new SM-Byte after the other, every week or so, i.e. when it is manually updated, why not create a 'refresh rotation algorithm' paired with a basic 'stack' system? What I mean is, it would be great if each time you load up SM, a different SM-Byte comes up. Say a small pool of the latest and greatest could be set to random upon refresh and all the maintainer would have to do is simply add new ones in his own time and delete outdated ones at his leisure. This way, there is something different to read every time you visit the site.
I mean my own personal website has this system, in the form of a randomly rotating selection of pictures upon each refresh of the main page. If I can do it, then I guess it wouldn't be too much hassle for the coding monkeys over here to implement right?
I mean my own personal website has this system, in the form of a randomly rotating selection of pictures upon each refresh of the main page. If I can do it, then I guess it wouldn't be too much hassle for the coding monkeys over here to implement right?
$motd = $DB_Site->query("SELECT pagetext FROM post WHERE threadid =2089 ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0 , 1");
$smbytes = $DB_Site->fetch_array($motd);
$smbytetext = stripslashes($smbytes);
eval('$smbyte .= "' . fetch_template('smbyte') . '";');
Took me 35 seconds to write the code necessary
Il just wait and see if anyone else wants this or thinks this is a good idea
It will pull from the short-media bytes archive thread. It shall just be renamed. When we don't want them anymore.. they just get deleted
It's also efficient for the db and for Vbulletin
Il test it later on to make sure it formats correctly and so on, then Il just make it live
You know what this means, don't you? Supermods can add bytes now too
You know what this means, don't you? Supermods can add bytes now too
Random irrelevancies like the Athlon 64 coverage keep cropping up.
EDIT: Also, just noticed the link in the SM-Byte about PCMark04, is dead. The link should be amended (to the latest version from the downloads section) or that Byte should be removed.
EDIT 2: The SM-Byte text could do with being 1 or 2 sizes larger as well.
Damn right you'll fix it! he he
Damn right you'll fix it! he he