Well this year it was @mertesn and @cola first by a long shot. Nick was waiting on the porch when I got back from the airport with cola on Sunday morning. With no one else expected til Tuesday, it's been 48 hours of Detroit food and Pack Clash / Sealed Deck Magic.
Highlights from the pre-show:
A last minute forced luggage rearranging resulted in five beer casualties in cola's luggage. No matter, since the other FIFTY beers from Hawaii made it.
It's been mid-90s the entire time so far. We're desperately waiting in a puddle of our own sweat for the temperature to plummet (which it's doing right this minute) where it will then stay in the 70s for the remainder of the week.
A brownout fried something in our networking stack (of course it would the week of Expo) so Brian is working on fixing that right now.
A fire extinguisher has accidentally discharged indoors.
We cracked my last bottle of the 2013 Hoppy Ending - and it was a hoppy ending indeed with a rich caramel flavor from 5 years of aging, shared with both the brewer and the label model.
The badges are off to the presses, the basement is cleared and airing out (2 dehumidifiers, 1 AC, 1 giant fan), the final sponsorship plaques have been lasered, and the backyard landscaping is done (please direct all compliments to Aaron, please... please). We just waiting for the weather to break and the rest of y'all to show up.
Alright so technically @evonnecameron showed up like 10 days early, but then she left to go camping or something, and then came back Sunday afternoon so technically she just lives here part time like a vagrant and doesn't count as an Expo guest anymore.
Checked in for my flight and I'm ready for tomorrow. If there's time I'd love to request a trip to Windsor for Motorburger so some other awesome Canadian food. I found a $5 CAD Cashbux in an old album from when I went to Niagara Falls like 20 years ago so it's play money unless I can actually go across the border to spend it.
A last minute forced luggage rearranging resulted in five beer casualties in cola's luggage. No matter, since the other FIFTY beers from Hawaii made it.
Nice to know it was @cola beating me out this year with a beer haul. Also FIFTY?!
A fire extinguisher has accidentally discharged indoors.
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
After we determined that neither of us would hit a bullseye within the next week with normal throwing, @Mertesen and I decided to throw 9 at a time and see what sticks.
KwitkoSheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuffIcrontian
Wish I could make it this year, but something always comes up. Oh wait...
First @Ryder found a @BobbyDigi & @DigiKid at the airport, then @CB did the same with @CrazyJoe an hour later. Aaron and I did a complex ballet of exchanging our cars at the garage (mine planned, his not) while finishing clearing the attic and carriage house. Everyone just headed out to a brand new Italian sandwich shop named Rocko's in Midtown. And... it looks like we're going to have all the swag assembled on Tuesday night in an Expo first.
@kwitko and I in the basement looking at old pics, reminiscing like old farts tend to do.... and came across this gem from 2008, and all we both said was "goddamn look how thin we were" sigh
That is such a great picture. My last memory snapshot of what @Kwitko looked like after my first expo. You guys having the time of your lives while wearing a @NiGHTS vintage shirt.
Well this year it was @mertesn and @cola first by a long shot. Nick was waiting on the porch when I got back from the airport with cola on Sunday morning. With no one else expected til Tuesday, it's been 48 hours of Detroit food and Pack Clash / Sealed Deck Magic.
Highlights from the pre-show:
The badges are off to the presses, the basement is cleared and airing out (2 dehumidifiers, 1 AC, 1 giant fan), the final sponsorship plaques have been lasered, and the backyard landscaping is done (please direct all compliments to Aaron, please... please). We just waiting for the weather to break and the rest of y'all to show up.
Alright so technically @evonnecameron showed up like 10 days early, but then she left to go camping or something, and then came back Sunday afternoon so technically she just lives here part time like a vagrant and doesn't count as an Expo guest anymore.
Checked in for my flight and I'm ready for tomorrow. If there's time I'd love to request a trip to Windsor for Motorburger so some other awesome Canadian food. I found a $5 CAD Cashbux in an old album from when I went to Niagara Falls like 20 years ago so it's play money unless I can actually go across the border to spend it.
If there is ANYTHING computer related needed in the coming days, please let me know. I literally have great hardware sitting around gathering dust.
Nice to know it was @cola beating me out this year with a beer haul. Also FIFTY?!
Looks like it was the Smoothwall's BIOS randomly switching networking card assignments. We flipped the cords and we're back in business.
After we determined that neither of us would hit a bullseye within the next week with normal throwing, @Mertesen and I decided to throw 9 at a time and see what sticks.
Wish I could make it this year, but something always comes up. Oh wait...
oh my god I woke up and it's 71 outside, high of 78. I'm in heeeeeeeeeaven.
First @Ryder found a @BobbyDigi & @DigiKid at the airport, then @CB did the same with @CrazyJoe an hour later. Aaron and I did a complex ballet of exchanging our cars at the garage (mine planned, his not) while finishing clearing the attic and carriage house. Everyone just headed out to a brand new Italian sandwich shop named Rocko's in Midtown. And... it looks like we're going to have all the swag assembled on Tuesday night in an Expo first.
It's official when the colors go up. We're now under the sign of Expo.
@PinkInDetroit took @evonnecameron, @cola, and me to a Krav Maga class. We got sweaty, choked each other, then got ice cream.
Rocko's Prosciutto
Arwen had the Steak Sandwich and I got a couple bites. Both recommendable.
Boardgames have begun!
@DigiKid gets a 7 Wonders refresher from @CB
It's Rocco's
Kyogre raid!
Basement setup has begun

And at that moment, cola unleashed the kazoo
@Linc sponsorship plaques are done??? Will we see ours in the hallway finally???
Also please contribute your photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KLqHGz27HZgrsMh79
You kids have fun! Sad Brian is sad and working.... Again.
@kwitko and I in the basement looking at old pics, reminiscing like old farts tend to do.... and came across this gem from 2008, and all we both said was "goddamn look how thin we were" sigh
And back then, I thought I was a fat lard!
That is such a great picture. My last memory snapshot of what @Kwitko looked like after my first expo. You guys having the time of your lives while wearing a @NiGHTS vintage shirt.
Carcassonne tourney enters the final round.