SM22: It's ready for a host!!



  • VicodinVicodin Chicago
    edited May 2004
    Oh I hope I get it, I hope I get it, I hope I get it.

    Oh wait, I suppose I would've had to volunteer for that to happen.

    I should've tossed Spidey's name in the hat... everybody loves his alternative lifestyle dancing.


    Seriously... best of luck to all.

    Fold on.
  • VicodinVicodin Chicago
    edited May 2004
    Let's pretend the post that WAS originally written here was in response to a post that USED to be here and that I'm not entirely daft.

    I knew I should've been typing in that dissapearing ink font.

    Fold on.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited May 2004
    well if the judging was on funniest avartar then you would certainly win vic.

    As for this thread there must have been many posts by john that got deleted because mud and other has quoted stuff i haven't read. What was the discussion about anyway.

    Who ever gets this rig should know that you'll be the envy of all who doesn't own one. But who cares as long as it's for a good cause. :thumbsup::fold:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    Okay, host selection has started. This thread is now purposeless... :)
This discussion has been closed.