Happy Birthday, Short-media :)
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Well folks, here we are.. We made it to the one year mark. This has been a phenomenal trip and I have made a ton of friends. Thanks so much to all of you.
wonderful job, all of you
Happy birthday to you...
Happy biRRRRTTHHHHHDAYYYY short-media...
Happy birthday to you. :birthday:
It's been real fun seeing us grow. Can't wait to see us a year from now...
Many members spend more time here than they probably should, and I think that speaks volumes for how good S-M is, and how much faith they invested in it becoming the best damn place on the internet like it is now.
To countless future years! Thank you Dan, Brian and Doug for shepherding all of us lost eSouls at Icrontic's end.
Some screen shots of IM sessions from a year ago. What a crazy time that was. We were scrambling like absolute madmen... Insanity.
Session Start (AIM - sarcnetbrian:ShortyMediaUK): Tue Jun 03 21:47:30 2003
ShortyMediaUK: SQL is crashin
SarcnetBrian: i just noticed that
ShortyMediaUK: This is bad
SarcnetBrian: welcome bacl
SarcnetBrian: *back
SarcnetBrian: well, consider it a stress-test
ShortyMediaUK: Im not gonna make an announcement
ShortyMediaUK: Will look ****e
SarcnetBrian: yeah, let's keep the member count low, I'm glad there's only 36 right now
ShortyMediaUK: People are reporting problems
SarcnetBrian: We'll consider this a "beta" launch
ShortyMediaUK: they dont like the layout.. dont like this.. dont like this
SarcnetBrian: How was your trip?
SarcnetBrian: It's 3AM mate! go to sleep!
ShortyMediaUK: I was a bit.. err..
ShortyMediaUK: about a comment u did make
SarcnetBrian: err... what?
ShortyMediaUK: The fact that MediaMan and Shorty honored me deeply by asking me to come on board is almost more than I can fathom.
ShortyMediaUK: Honoured?
ShortyMediaUK: Make us sound like gods or kings
ShortyMediaUK: Far from that my friend
SarcnetBrian: oh I know! I spelled it wrong! I should have put honoured!
ShortyMediaUK: no
ShortyMediaUK: not quite what i meant
ShortyMediaUK: lol
SarcnetBrian: I am honored, tho, really
ShortyMediaUK: My friend..
ShortyMediaUK: I am nothing more than a normal guy
ShortyMediaUK: with a moderately normal life
SarcnetBrian: well yeah, it's nothing like that
ShortyMediaUK: good
ShortyMediaUK: Make it sound me and MM are like teh gods!
SarcnetBrian: it's just an honor to be a part of something this big... I know that you and doug are really just toolios who got lucky like me
ShortyMediaUK: We did get lucky
ShortyMediaUK: We talked for an hour about this before taking it where it went
SarcnetBrian: who knew?
ShortyMediaUK: Doug said and I quote ...
ShortyMediaUK: jsut me and Doug
SarcnetBrian: It was a rhetorical "who knew?
SarcnetBrian: Tone of voice doens't translate well on IM
ShortyMediaUK: "Brian's offer was fantastic last time and he was so gracious.. even when Mort was such an arse.. we would be good as a trio with Brian.. he is totally reliable and a great guy"
ShortyMediaUK: usual MM overspeech
ShortyMediaUK: he never can just say "yeah.. brian is tight."
ShortyMediaUK: oh no
ShortyMediaUK: gotta say 10 sentences
ShortyMediaUK: Without everything you have done..
SarcnetBrian: hehehe
ShortyMediaUK: and all the work u and -tk have done
ShortyMediaUK: we wouldn't have a site
ShortyMediaUK: Or maybe we would.. but..
ShortyMediaUK: would it be as secure?
ShortyMediaUK: no
ShortyMediaUK: would it be solid
ShortyMediaUK: no
ShortyMediaUK: would it be kinda.. "well should work"
ShortyMediaUK: more than likely
ShortyMediaUK: I have no fear on our ability to stay connected to the world.. It's one fear I don't have in any of this
SarcnetBrian: well, you could say the same for you, and the same for doug... .which is why we do make a great team.. Without doug, we won't be successful as a "legitimate" review site, we'd be Just Another Forum Site.. Without you, we wouldn't have anything right now - no content, no forums, and we'd all be sleeping happily, and ... hey! Get out now!
* ShortyMediaUK gives Brian a platonic hug
SarcnetBrian: should I take a picture of this chat window as well?
SarcnetBrian: Seth would certainly get a kick out of it
I wouldn't change it for a second
:birthday: our little home :celebrate
EDIT: For those who haven't seen Keeb's One Year Anniversary video...tis great.
*Qp runs and hides.
ShortyMediaUK: Hey.. kicked the **** out ur US guys yesterday nite
SarcnetBrian: bleh
SarcnetBrian: i don't want to hear it
ShortyMediaUK: Shwaip is good though
ShortyMediaUK: He is fast
ShortyMediaUK: VERY fast
ShortyMediaUK: U got a good player there mate
SarcnetBrian: I think I played him once
SarcnetBrian: he wasted me, If I remember correctly
ShortyMediaUK: Hope his PC doesnt suffer some horrendous fate or disaster before next sunday
ShortyMediaUK: that would be terrible <grin>
The thought had crossed my mind.
/me runs
But your posts are different. So as not to be insulting, I'll not mention how. Everyone knows how.
Difference is that you understood my post and my post was less than 1000 words.
ShortyMediaUK: Run a bar with Seth
ShortyMediaUK: The worlds most misunderstood barman
ShortyMediaUK: hehehee
ShortyMediaUK: Great guy, great coder
ShortyMediaUK: Wrong career
ShortyMediaUK: Needs to be a barman
SarcnetBrian: totally.. That guy was MADE for that job
SarcnetBrian: he's such a gossiper
SarcnetBrian: He calls me out of the blue now just to update me on his latest girl troubles
ShortyMediaUK: haahaa I get those calls too
ShortyMediaUK: He leaves me dumbass answerphone messages at work
ShortyMediaUK: I get in some mornings and Its a really good way to start the day
ShortyMediaUK: listen to my seth message
Gold star for you too!
Session Start (AIM - sarcnetbrian:GeneralKeebler): Thu May 29 02:18:31 2003
SarcnetBrian: you still up?
GeneralKeebler: *shakes head* yeah
SarcnetBrian: JEEZ What are you as dumb as I am?
GeneralKeebler: hehe, apparently
GeneralKeebler: i gotta stay up communicating...
GeneralKeebler: as long as people are posting, i will be there to greet and go out to find more...
SarcnetBrian: You wanna hear dumb: I just ate a whole set of leftover mexican food: enchiladas, homemade salsa, beans and rice, etc
SarcnetBrian: now THAT's dumb
GeneralKeebler: i've been releasing a flurry of PMs at digitalferret
GeneralKeebler: hahaha
GeneralKeebler: nice
SarcnetBrian: I've been releasing a flurry of gas at my chair
Mexican food will do it every time. Great way to clean out the works. It's like fuel injector cleaner for your G.I. tract...
I don't think I can add anymore to wot Thrax has said so succinctly apart from adding my own thank you to all those involved.
Happy Birthday S-M :birthday: :celebrate
I don't know whether to laugh or reach through my computer screen to strangle the both of you.
I see how much they were appreciated.
In this harsh, cold world I call my workplace... those hysterical BraveHeart impressions MADE A DIFFERENCE goddamnit!
Congratulations to The Great Triumvirate - I can't wait to be able to tell everyone 20 years from now that I was here from the beginning.
This is the finest spot on the Internet!
:celebrate :birthday: :celebrate