Our turn....Farm will be down for a while.
not here much New
Been making up some shelves to re-organise Sally's puters. After changing the case of one of them, i'll shut everything down and do a complete "Makeover".
At the moment the kvm and network cables look like nobody owns them.
Instead of 2 shelves with 9 puters, it will be 3 shelves with 3 puters each. Got everything ready to minimise the down-time.
I have been planning it for quite some time now and it works "in my head", lol.
Hoping this is me at the end of it. Not this. :bawling:
I'll post a few "after" pics when done.
At the moment the kvm and network cables look like nobody owns them.
Instead of 2 shelves with 9 puters, it will be 3 shelves with 3 puters each. Got everything ready to minimise the down-time.
I have been planning it for quite some time now and it works "in my head", lol.
Hoping this is me at the end of it. Not this. :bawling:
I'll post a few "after" pics when done.
at least that's the way my wife describes it. She says that for every fan I buy she gets to change her hair color!!! LOL
Good luck with the project dragon ...I am surely glad as well as others I'm sure to have you on team 93!!!
Oh and for the record ...I call it "dedicated"!
Cosidering this was meant to be something you do on the side, it sure has taken up a great part of our lives. All in all, it is a great project, we're with a great team (Team 93) and it benefits humanity............What more could you wish for.
Shwaip did a nice impression of your wife's hair don't you think, hehehe. Would that be close to factual, lol.
Gibbonsl, the electrical bill has gone up quite a bit. Since they come in 2 monthly, we have not had a real chance at working out the additional cost.
As Muddocktor said in one of his replies in another thread.....It's OK whilst i'm working.
We have only been folding since February, i think. Sally started after me and we have been adding more puters progressively everytime i come home on leave from my job in the mine. 2 weeks on/1 week off. All but one is in her name. Our next bill will give us a much better idea for costs during winter. Summer will be more as we will be running a 28,000 BTU A/C. (2 1/2 HP).
Correct about the climate. The room is the biggest in the house. Commonly referred to as the "Games room". 27' x 14'. This gives the puters a chance to breathe a bit.
As you may have noticed in the 2nd pic, the majority of cases are Antec Super Lanboy's. 2 x 120mm in each and do quite a good job of keeping them cool. Also they are the quietest of the bunch, hence the black one on the top shelf will be changed to the same.
This will make the top and middle shelf look identical. 3 x antec's on each.
Just hope the picture in my head will match the actual outcome. I'm sure it will as "the voices in my head" said so. (Thought i'd beat you to it Leo, knowing your sense of humour, lol).
Good luck on the re-organization. I'm looking forward to the pics
BTW, if you are planning to expand the farm any more, you might want to go dual Xeon with the Asus PC-DL Deluxe and using 2 Xeon 2.4/533 fsb procs. I had read that OC-AMD (with the 2CPU folding team) is highly recommending them for "bang for the buck" for building folding farm nodes. He says that they will overclock to a 800 fsb (actual 200 fsb quad pumped) easily and it is a simple mod needed to enable sujpport for 800 fsb operation on the mobo, which uses the i875 chipset. I'm thinking hard about replacing one of my single proc AMD rigs with this setup to try it out or maybe one of my MPX duallies. It all depends on the funding issue though, if you know what I mean.;) BTW, I just linked to that mobo on Newegg's site to show you the mobo I'm talking about because they don't ship to overseas customers.
Sally and I looked at xeon cpu's etc, sometime ago prior to purchasing the last 2 puters and found the cost to be quite high. (It's that funding issue, lol). We've put it in the "too hard basket" for the moment.
In regards taking pics, our room is a mess to say the least. This is why i want to clean up starting with the farm and working out from there. The pics won't show the mess, cause i won't point the camera at it, lol.
I just finished changing the black case for another Antec. Looks much better on the (present) top shelf, having 5 puters identical. The only difference being the coloured lights from the fans inside the cases. 3 have the HT101's with a blue lit fan and another one has a red rear led fan.
Had planned to start the renovation straight after the case change. It's now 23:45hrs so i'll do it tomorrow. Can't think straight when i'm tired.
If you ever want to try the Xeons and they are too expensive over there in Oz, PM me and we can talk about what we can arrange for me to get you some stuff here in the US and ship it to you if you want. That mobo sells for around $200 and the 2.4/533 Xeons for around $222 US here, but I don't know what they are selling for over on your side of the world.
Mudd: stop it stop it stop it STOP IT. I've got an ASUS PC-DL Deluxe buried under a dead A7N8X, a P2 board, and an i740 graphics card on top of my printer. You're making me want to go spend money on the Xeons.
Wait until late August when the next Intel price cut happens. Then you can dig it out and order the Xeons. If they cut 10% on prices, that will brng those 2.4/533's down to 2 bills a pop.
Good luck Dragon. Your dedication and commitment are to be commended.