How NOT to defrag your drive
Before reading please gather some common household tools and other implements of destruction.
Remember if a screwdriver works good a power drill will only work better.
Before reading please gather some common household tools and other implements of destruction.
Remember if a screwdriver works good a power drill will only work better.
datachisels ? LMAO ! I liked the name. And you know pretty much if the tech guy working on your computer pulls out a datachisel it aint gonna be pretty folks.
Now whe knoew why swedes are best at computar mantainence. :sweflag:
Lol Lol. much obliged for the laugh.
Must defraggle my motherdisc!!
/me goes to find it.
Needless to say, I spent a good week going around the office with the datachisel breaking off pieces of motherdisk to put back into the group. I then left the group on top of a magnet to realign the data into an order we could use.
I owe all of my success to that article.
Yeah right... Thats what Robin said after she deleted 12gbs of porn from my computer too..
I'm sure they do mistar loltastic.