Who is running XP SP2?
Wichita Falls, TX
I am, and with no problems. BTW, how do I remove the security center icon from the tray?
auto updates, firewall, and .... something else, the 3rd 1
btw, i am as well
Actually, I turned off Autoupdates, and unckecked Auto Updates from alert settings.
The 266MB one is for network adminds, and those who slipstream the service pack into their CD's and patch multiple computers.
And it broke my nero 6.3. Now nero says its not compatible with this version of windows.
I've installed it on six computers with only one issue. On my wife's laptop, she has a crappy "A4" brand mouse. Well, SP2 detected it as an "A4 optical mouse" instead of a generic "HID-Compliant Mouse"...... And now whenever I plug the mouse in, I get INSTANT BLUESCREEN.... So I had to delete the microsoft WHQL certified A4 Mouse driver and now everything's peachy. No issues with SP1, it didn't happen until SP2.
Forgot . . . I have had some display issues (artifacting) but it is intermittent. It's not because of an OC'd video card because the video card isn't OC'd. Even when underclocked it happens. Maybe an updated video driver will fix it, but it doesn't happen all the time so I'm not too bothered by it.
this sounds like a driver problem and not specifically an sp2 problem. you DID say it started trying to load a diff driver, at least they tried to supply an up to date version
When I installed the hardware driver from windowsupdate, BLUESCREEN BAMMO
Turn off the sec monitor.. goto your services and disable the security center service. thats the only one you need to kill the tray Icon.
With sec monitor on, some q3 engine games stutter during online play. In particular Enemy Territory. Your frame rates and lag bars will not indicate an issue but your screen will stutter like you are lagging.
To fix this.. disable security monitor service, windows firewall service, windows icf service. you dont need any of them anyway if you have a properly configured router.
I am curious though as to why Microsoft decided to remove the differential. But don't worry it is supposed to be like that under SP2. For whatever reason. Next time I see Bill and the boys I'll ask him.
Well thanks for all the help everyone! With all of your combined help I figured out why I was receving that error and I fixed it, no thanks to the worthless help from the MS Support website
1) my rig can no longer get an automatic IP address from my router, DHCP doesn't appear to work. It's no big deal though, I just have to configure it manually.
2) Remote desktop doesn't work. I used to be able to remote desktop from my main rig onto my server, with SP2 on the main rig it doesn't work now. I've got the firewall turned off, so it ain't that.... I casn ping the server, and my file shares on the server are still accessible. My second rig (pre-SP2) still connects fine so the server is still accepting remote desktop connections... I'm stumped and it's really annoying me. Anyone got any ideas?
Also, has anyone noticed a drop in temperatures since installing SP2? I've no idea how or why this should happen, but my A64 runs 2-3 degrees cooler with SP2 than without.... and I've tried multiple installs / reinstalls to confirm it....
I haven't noticed this at all.
It's been 3 or 4 days now since installing SP2, and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised that everything is working great without one single problem.
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