I would LIKE to overclock...

edited September 2004 in Hardware
But I can't get to my Bios? Talking to knowledgable people on MSN, they say it should you should have to press either the delete key, or one of the F keys, on the first screen when I boot. I've tried all the F keys and the Delete key, and none of them work. Someone else said maybe eMachines wont let you get to your bios? Here are my computer specs. Please tell me what you think

Emachines 556i2
566MHz Intel Celeron processor
Windows ME
66MHz system bus
6.96GB hard drive (Store said it was supposed to be 7.5, maybe virtual memory is taking up the .54GB?)

Yes, this computer is over four years old.

Me and my family are really getting sick of the slowness of this. I'm going to be getting this computer in a month or so and don't know if I can put up with the slowness of it. When I get it I'm going to get more RAM, which should help it be faster. But this 566MHz just won't cut it. Can you please help me?

(Sorry if some of this makes me seem like a n00b, I don't really know much about the hardware other than what is good/bad)


  • t1rhinot1rhino Toronto
    edited August 2004
    Welcome to SM. I could be mistaken, but I do not think that you will be able to overclock your eMachines very much. Normally vendors like Dell, Compaq/HP, etc strip out the ability to change any settings.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    t1 is right - there's no way to overclock an OEM computer. The motherboard has to give you the ability to change the multiplier and bus speeds - either via jumpers on the motherboard itself (a method that hasn't been used in years) or via the BIOS. No OEM computer has any of those options available in the BIOS since people overclocking their 1337 emachines and compaqs would cause no end of support headaches.

    You have to build your own if you want to overclock :)
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    I have a friend I do tech support for who owns 2 emachines...neither is the same model as yours so not sure if the following will apply for yours. In any case, I can get into the bios - but as T1R says, the options for overclocking are stripped out.

    That computer is on the cutting edge of obsolete unfortunately. The 32MB of RAM is the biggest roadblock but the cpu is slow and (being a Celeron) stripped. Most people around here will tell you that Windows ME is horrible. Your onboard video is going to struggle with even simple tasks like web surfing. Wish I had better news for you.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    The ram is really the only thing you can do to improve the speed of the machine. You should wipe it out, install 256mb of ram in it, and get windows XP and it will run decently - at least to surf the net and do homework. Don't expect any gaming, though :(
  • t1rhinot1rhino Toronto
    edited August 2004
    The good news is that with a knowledgeable site like this, Newegg, and a couple hundred bucks, you can build yourself a new computer with whatever overclocking options you like. :)
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    You could even buy some slightly used equipment to learn with. It would be faster than what you have and it won't cost much. You would be surprized what some of us have laying around.
  • SquillSquill Chesterfield, Va
    edited August 2004
    I'm selling a 1.1ghz AMD Athlon computer if you wanna buy it. It's a big jump in speed from what you have. Here's the link if you wanan check it out :-D http://www.short-media.com/forum/showthread.php?p=178215#post178215
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    keto wrote:
    That computer is on the cutting edge of obsolete unfortunately. The 32MB of RAM is the biggest roadblock but the cpu is slow and (being a Celeron) stripped. Most people around here will tell you that Windows ME is horrible. Your onboard video is going to struggle with even simple tasks like web surfing. Wish I had better news for you.

    I know... I want (and need) more RAM. I am getting really annoyed at the slowness of this computer. It has a max of 256MB of RAM. Yet the computer has a sticker on it that says "This computer is never obsolete" and has upgrade instructions. I don't know what the people were smoking when they put that sticker on there =\. Probably by the end of this year 256MB will be near obsolete. Already computers are coming with 1GB, even from stores like Staples. People on MSN say that to get a new processor and a larger hard drive that I'll need a new motherboard which will be like $200. If I update this to the max, it's going to be over $600 ($300 for XP, $50+ for RAM, $200 for a motherboard, I don't know how much for a hard drive or a processor). With that I might as well get a new computer, which I know is not going to happen. And I don't have $600 to spend on this thing to upgrade it. My mom was saying a few months ago that we'd get a new computer this summer. Now she's saying it's going to be hers and I'm stuck with this piece of crap. I said I'd take it only if she'd get me more RAM for it. Hehe. How much do you think having 256MB of RAM instead of 32 will speed it up?
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited August 2004
    It'll speed it up a LOT. Games will still be totally out of the question (at least any games made in the last 4 years or so, maybe more) but it'll make everything else much, much faster.

    BTW, XP is $100, and you can get a new motherboard and cpu for under $200 :)
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    Around here XP is over $200.

    "It'll speed it up a LOT. Games will still be totally out of the question (at least any games made in the last 4 years or so, maybe more) but it'll make everything else much, much faster."
    I can't play games anyways, or download anything.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited August 2004
    Are you in the US? You can get legal copies of XP for <$100 from all sorts of reputable places...
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Where are you man?
    I know location can make it difficult. But we have people about everywhere that can give you local tips.
    What you need is an OK mobo (NF7-S) a cheap CPU (XP24 or 25) and 512 of DDR. Then you can start learning more.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    You can get an OEM copy of Windows XP for about $100. Fully legal.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited August 2004
    Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that I was talking about the OEM version. Technically you have to buy it with hardware, but a $0.99 CD Audio cable qualifies as hardware, so... :D

    And the only difference between OEM and retail versions of Windows is that the OEM version doesn't come with the prettyful box, and I believe the retail version has a more complete manual.
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    Okay... a lot of this is confusing me lol. I'm not good with the hardware.

    "and 512 of DDR."

    My computer has a maximum of 256MB =\
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    But replacing the mobo would change that. Then it would accept DDR and it would allow a lot more potential.
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    Like I said before, I don't have tons of money to put into this thing. I'm probably just going to buy 256MB and that's it. I don't want to go spending tons of money on it (which I don't have anyways) where it's 4 years old and might not last anther year.

    You can close this topic or whatever now. Problem solved, I can't get into the bios =\. Thanks anyways.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited August 2004
    You can have a new system that's worlds faster than your old one (no new OS tho) for under $250 (not including shipping or tax)

    Specs of the system in question:
    1.3GHz Athlon
    ASROCK motherboard w/KT400 chipset
    256MB DDR
    ATi Radeon 7000/32MB
    20GB hdd
    use your old optical & floppy drives
  • edited August 2004
    I was just working on my neighbor's old Comcrap POS 433 Celeron tonight and decided to see what it would take to give a decent upgrade to it. I priced out an Asus KM400 chipset mobo(integrated video, refurb), 256 MB pc3200 DDR, XP2000+ retail proc (Tbred), Thermaltake 420 watt psu(don't forget that those el-cheapo brand name boxes use small psu's) and a 40 gig Maxtor 7200 rpm hard drive for a little less than $230 shipped. You can always use your old operating system for now and upgrade to XP later.
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited August 2004
    IF you do decide to put any money out, come here first. I was where you are a year ago and now I build PCs for my friends as a hobby. The money you will spend on RAM for that older system will easily get you into a total upgrade in performance and quality of usage if you take our advice. Seriously.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited August 2004
    Bro, I would have to agree with geeky and the rest. Putting money into that old pc is just a waste.

    Sdram prices are just silly. You also have to make sure how much memory it can take per slot. I know my old p2 system could only recognize 64megs per slot. So getting 4x64megs of sdram is really gunna push the price up.

    Next the harddrive you have now is most likely an old 5200rpm. You could throw 100 gig's of memory and the system will still perform like poo. A slow hard drive will just choke the life out of the whole system.

    I went on New egg with the price point that Geeky put up to see what could be built.

    What I came up with is a system that would do at least 2.1ghz, 256mb ddr333, 40 gig hardrive, geforce mx400, video 6 channel audio and a list of more on board stuff.

    BIOSTAR "M7NCG 400" nForce2 IGP $60.00 <-- it's actually not a bad ocer and it has onboard video fo free

    AMD 45 Watt Mobile Athlon XP 2400+, $79.50 <--- This puppy will do 2.4ghz and it runs cool

    Buffalo Technology 184 Pin 256MB ddr333 $41.00 <-- It'll beat up some pc133

    Maxtor 40GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Drive $46.00 <--- A lot of mp3 storage

    Speeze "WhisperRock II" CPU Cooler $8.99 <--- it can cool up to 3200xp

    Make use of your old parts for teh rest $free

    Total: $240.49

    Now this isn't a doom 3 machine but you should be able to get a little 2k4 action on low settings. Down the road you would want to look into upgrading the memory to 512 to 1 gig ddr3200 when funds allow, if you are into games the video card, and possibly your power supply. I can email you the wish list from new egg. There might be better Motherboards with video out there. I didn't spend too much time loooking for all the best features. All in all Besides teh Memory I wouldn' mind having the above setup as a secound computer.
  • edited August 2004
    Don't waste your time on that computer.
    Don't waste your money on RAM for it.
    $250.00 will get you a very nice computer.
    Give the computer to someone that doesn't
    have one and don't waste time/money on it!
  • CreepCreep Hell Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Emachines 556i2
    566MHz Intel Celeron processor
    Windows ME
    32MB SDRAM
    66MHz system bus
    6.96GB hard drive

    Buy a new one or buy more RAM for that one, format it and reinstall windows 95.....
    Justin wrote:
    IF you do decide to put any money out, come here first. I was where you are a year ago and now I build PCs for my friends as a hobby. The money you will spend on RAM for that older system will easily get you into a total upgrade in performance and quality of usage if you take our advice. Seriously.

    Damn I know I have been "out of the loop" but when in the hell did None ECC SDRam go up to 500 bucks?!

    His computer is great for the novice that doesn't do much on the PC, Webpages, e-mail, maybe some online radio stations, that sort of thing. a FRESH 9x install and some RAM will have that PC running like a champ.
  • CreepCreep Hell Icrontian
    edited August 2004
    Komete wrote:
    BIOSTAR "M7NCG 400" nForce2 IGP $60.00 <-- it's actually not a bad ocer and it has onboard video fo free

    AMD 45 Watt Mobile Athlon XP 2400+, $79.50 <--- This puppy will do 2.4ghz and it runs cool

    Buffalo Technology 184 Pin 256MB ddr333 $41.00 <-- It'll beat up some pc133

    Maxtor 40GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Drive $46.00 <--- A lot of mp3 storage

    Speeze "WhisperRock II" CPU Cooler $8.99 <--- it can cool up to 3200xp

    Make use of your old parts for teh rest $free

    Total: $240.49

    For like another 400 he can get a Dell package with a LCD Monitor and can Call Dell when he breaks it.....
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited August 2004
    Creep wrote:
    For like another 400 he can get a Dell package with a LCD Monitor and can Call Dell when he breaks it.....

    Shoot son for anouther $400.00 I could build a system that'll make you wanna Slap Your Momma!

    I'm talking 21inch sony crt.. doom3 ultra playin.. 22000 3d mark benching... boot in 15 secounds.. momma told me to knock dell out beast of a system.

    Dell is just a fancy four letter word. Besides thats what great forums like this one is for Spreading the wealth of pc knollege one post at a time.
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    Thanks, but like I said. I don't have any money for this, or a new computer.

    "Buy a new one or buy more RAM for that one, format it and reinstall windows 95....."

    I was going to get 256MB of RAM for it, and was thinking about maybe installing 98. Why are you saying 95?
  • edited August 2004
    SpywareShooter, I just checked memory prices for your old emachines 566i2 at Crucial.com's website and sdram is now expensive for it! To upgrade that old clunker to 256 MB ram will cost you right at $100, which is a hell of a waste of money, in my opinion. You will be buying ram for a machine that's already at the end of it's lifespan and it would be better to spend that same $100 on getting some upgrade stuff. Either decide to live with the clunker as-is or decide to spend around $230-250 and upgrade the machine to a decent standard such as I or other people have recommended.

    BTW, that old Comcrap machine of my neighbor's turned out to have a bad motherboard and she wants me to upgrade her machine to the XP2000+ I mentioned in my earlier post. Here is a list of the parts and their prices, just to give you an idea of what would be involved with the upgrade.

    Hard drive - Maxtor 40 gig 7200 rpm drive - $46
    memory - A-Data PC3200 256 MB - $38
    motherboard - ASRock KS741-GX - $44
    power supply - Thermaltake Silent Pure Power 420 - $38
    Processor - AMD XP2000+ retail - $63
    Shipping - $7.99

    Grand total: $236.99

    All prices from Newegg.com and if you don't want to upgrade the hard drive, then knock off $46 from the price.
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    Bah, maybe I'll just upgrade to 128 or something. Will those prices go down?
  • edited August 2004
    Bah, maybe I'll just upgrade to 128 or something. Will those prices go down?

    I kind of doubt it. They aren't manufacturing much sdram any more so the price on it stays high. If you do want to look for ram for the old box, then you might see what you can find on ebay; maybe you can find better prices on it there. Crucial.com's website shows your machine as able to run a max size of 128 MB sdram PC100 dimms per slot and the mobo has 2 slots. That's about all I can recommend for that old mobo though. :)

    We aren't trying to force you to upgrade for the hell of it here, we just don't want to see you wasting good money on that old machine. :)
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited August 2004
    There's a sticker on this that says 256 max. But with that price I'd only go up to 128. I don't want to waste my money either, which is why I'm asking about it here. My mom is going to get her new computer in a month or so (when I get this one) so I'll probably upgrade then. Do they still sell Windows 98 Disks? Lol. ME sucks.
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