No problem mate. If you need any other BIOS's modded, then PM me or preferably just post in this forum.
Wow, I have been searching for this the whole month, week, evening and night
I've had some serious trouble (just like every one else in this topic) with my Silicon Image SiI SATAlink 3112 Controller with a Maxtor Diamond Max 9 200 GB for over a month now :shakehead .
I kept on having errors like "g:\$mft" (or something) and "Delayed Write Failure" (blah blah)
I tryed lots of things..... a WHOLE lot of things. I reinstalled XP pro with and without Service Pack 2/1 to begin with, didn't work.
Then i read somewhere it could maybe have a IRQ conflict with something else, so I uninstalled my 5.1 soundcard (Terratec Aureon 5.1 fun) and disconnected it from my Motherboard (GA-7VRXP rev 2.0) I restart windows and start testing by watching large movie files (from the 200 gb) and copying at the same time from the 200 GB to the 80 gb i already had, and it worked.... but without sound.
I tryed to put my 5.1 card into different slots of the Motherboard, and also my SATAlink controller, I tried every possibility..... didn't work. later i tryed to manual change my IRQ but.... that didn't work.
Later i read that it might has something to do with my ATI (radeon 9700) Catalyst drivers, everything before catalyst 4.10 and 4.11 was good. So i downloaden Catalyst 4.9 and installed it..... didn't work . Then i thought: If it has something to do with the ATI card i'll just disconnect my card. still the same errors......
Then on the ATI website i found this article:
Data corruption may occur if the Large System Cache feature is enabled in Windows XP.
So i checked out the details and how to fix it but that was still not the problem.......
So at this point i suspected it had nothing to do with my ATI card or my Soundcard.
While I was reading all this information on forums like:
I noticed people where thinking it had something to do with the BIOS, because of messages like these:
i needed to have the RAID controller set to enabled in my bios, and my SATA controller set to "raid", and not set to "Base" in my bios for the SIL 3112 drivers to work and not hang XP at the logo screen...
But as i was testing with that, it also..... didn't work.
So i when to and downloaded the latest bios for my Motherboard which is named: Bios_7vrxp_f12.exe
I had installed F11 so i was getting really excited, maybe I had solved it! I did NOT solve it! :bawling:
Then later this night i found on the site the new SiI3x12: Serial ATA (SATA) RAID/IDE BIOS v.4250 Bios update I knew for sure I solved it, but i couldnt update my bios with the new 4250 files
I followed the tutorial on:
But when i was in "dos" and typed: Cbrom 4250.bin /d to see what was in the 4250.bin files i only saw one big list with squares that continued for 1 minute and then stopped without a result......didn't work.
Then after some google searching I found this site I couldn''t believe what I read, that Gigabyte still hadn't solve this problem for their Motherboards while it's been there for so long..... But I also read about SPINNER and the big help Spinner was in this topic for all these people with Gigabyte Motherboards in combination with SiI 3x12 Serial ATA.
So you can feel my question coming Spinner If it is no problem for you, could you mod a bios for the GA-7VRXP Motherboard ?
I will be so happy if it finally works
And i've been on a lot of other forums this month/week/evening/night, could i (if it's okay with Spinner and other people from this forum) inform those people from other forums with the information/help I found here. I would like to help them out to in anyway, because i know now how frustrating it is to not be able to get something to work while you keep trying and trying and trying.
Well that's it for this long story...... but after all this trouble it's kind of a relief to write it all down
Wow, I have been searching for this the whole month, week, evening and night
I've had some serious trouble (just like every one else in this topic) with my Silicon Image SiI SATAlink 3112 Controller with a Maxtor Diamond Max 9 200 GB for over a month now :shakehead .
I kept on having errors like "g:\$mft" (or something) and "Delayed Write Failure" (blah blah)
I tryed lots of things..... a WHOLE lot of things. I reinstalled XP pro with and without Service Pack 2/1 to begin with, didn't work.
Then i read somewhere it could maybe have a IRQ conflict with something else, so I uninstalled my 5.1 soundcard (Terratec Aureon 5.1 fun) and disconnected it from my Motherboard (GA-7VRXP rev 2.0) I restart windows and start testing by watching large movie files (from the 200 gb) and copying at the same time from the 200 GB to the 80 gb i already had, and it worked.... but without sound.
I tryed to put my 5.1 card into different slots of the Motherboard, and also my SATAlink controller, I tried every possibility..... didn't work. later i tryed to manual change my IRQ but.... that didn't work.
Later i read that it might has something to do with my ATI (radeon 9700) Catalyst drivers, everything before catalyst 4.10 and 4.11 was good. So i downloaden Catalyst 4.9 and installed it..... didn't work . Then i thought: If it has something to do with the ATI card i'll just disconnect my card. still the same errors......
Then on the ATI website i found this article:
Data corruption may occur if the Large System Cache feature is enabled in Windows XP.
So i checked out the details and how to fix it but that was still not the problem.......
So at this point i suspected it had nothing to do with my ATI card or my Soundcard.
While I was reading all this information on forums like:
I noticed people where thinking it had something to do with the BIOS, because of messages like these:
i needed to have the RAID controller set to enabled in my bios, and my SATA controller set to "raid", and not set to "Base" in my bios for the SIL 3112 drivers to work and not hang XP at the logo screen...
But as i was testing with that, it also..... didn't work.
So i when to and downloaded the latest bios for my Motherboard which is named: Bios_7vrxp_f12.exe
I had installed F11 so i was getting really excited, maybe I had solved it! I did NOT solve it! :bawling:
Then later this night i found on the site the new SiI3x12: Serial ATA (SATA) RAID/IDE BIOS v.4250 Bios update I knew for sure I solved it, but i couldnt update my bios with the new 4250 files
I followed the tutorial on:
But when i was in "dos" and typed: Cbrom 4250.bin /d to see what was in the 4250.bin files i only saw one big list with squares that continued for 1 minute and then stopped without a result......didn't work.
Then after some google searching I found this site I couldn''t believe what I read, that Gigabyte still hadn't solve this problem for their Motherboards while it's been there for so long..... But I also read about SPINNER and the big help Spinner was in this topic for all these people with Gigabyte Motherboards in combination with SiI 3x12 Serial ATA.
So you can feel my question coming Spinner If it is no problem for you, could you mod a bios for the GA-7VRXP Motherboard ?
I will be so happy if it finally works
And i've been on a lot of other forums this month/week/evening/night, could i (if it's okay with Spinner and other people from this forum) inform those people from other forums with the information/help I found here. I would like to help them out to in anyway, because i know now how frustrating it is to not be able to get something to work while you keep trying and trying and trying.
Well that's it for this long story...... but after all this trouble it's kind of a relief to write it all down
Many thanks and respect in advance,
Robin Mastertman
Hi mate. Well I've had a quick try at modding that BIOS for you, but for some reason I've had a bit of trouble with it. I understand why you;ve had problems doing it yourself. Don't fear though... I've PM'd SM's resident experto BIOS modder Equito and I'm sure he'll get back to us a bit later on.
For now though, can you just confirm something for me?
When your soundcard is physically removed from your system, does the problem with your HD remain?
Oh yes, Thank you so much for responding so quickly
and yes, when i remove the soundcard physically from the system, the problem is over.
If you and anyone else need more info, please ask!
Greeting, Robin
Get your hands on another PCI soundcard, not a Creative one, and try it out. You know, borrow one if you can. At this point it would seem pretty clear it's your soundcard that your system doesn't get on with, not your SI controller.
You might also however want to make sure you've got the latest drivers installed for your card. It's a Creative SB Live 5.1 right?
So yeah, try another soundcard, just so we can confirm it's an incompatiblity with your mobo/mobo chipset, and of course also make sure the card has the latest drivers installed.
My system was running great (also with the TerraTec Aureon 5.1 Fun soundcard) until I bought and installed the Maxtor Diamond Max 9 200 GB with the Silicon Image Sil 3112 SATAlink Controller from Sweex.
-I installed the drivers from the CD I got (3112A_x86_win_idvr-11052)
-Then when windows XP Pro started and i was copiyng or whatever, the write failure things where starting.....
-later I found the latest driver for the Silicon Image Sil 3112 SATAlink Controller (3112A_x86_win_idvr-12057) But still the same problems.
Everything else on my System has the latest drivers installed. Soundcard, videocard, motherboard etc. etc.
I find it strange that my system first was good without the 200 GB and SATAlink controller. But like you say and what i also kinda suspected, it really looks like my system can't handle the soundcard in combination with the new 200 GB and SATAlink Controller.
I will try to get my hands on a other soundcard from a other brand as soon as i can and will check of the problems stay the same. I will post a message when i know more.
I installed the drivers from the CD I got (3112A_x86_win_idvr-11052)
later I found the latest driver for the Silicon Image Sil 3112 SATAlink Controller (3112A_x86_win_idvr-12057) But still the same problems.
You're using the wrong drivers. Those are for non-RAID add-on PCI SATA controllers.
You're using the wrong drivers. Those are for non-RAID add-on PCI SATA controllers.
I've just realised by what you said Chomp' that you're not using an onboard SATA 3112 controller. I thought you were. A modded BIOS would have done you no good, because you're using a PCI card solution for your SATA, not an onboard one, correct?. Your motherboard is a KT333 board correct? and it comes with a Promise PATA RAID controller but no onboard SATA ability correct?
Can you confirm the above information please? Sorry for the confusion. I can tell you how to flash you PCI card BIOS, it's done in a completely different way to how you would update a controller integral to the motherboard.
I've just realised by what you said Chomp' that you're not using an onboard SATA 3112 controller. I thought you were. A modded BIOS would have done you no good, because you're using a PCI card solution for your SATA, not an onboard one, correct?. Your motherboard is a KT333 board correct? and it comes with a Promise PATA RAID controller but no onboard SATA ability correct?
-Yes I'm using a PCI Card solution for my SATA, I don't have an onboard one.
-My motherboard is a KT333 board. (I don't know if it comes with a Promise PATA RAID controller, but it has no onboard SATA ability)
New Info:
A Friend of mine has a Audigy soundcard also compatible with 5.1 and I hang his card in my system, guess what?? I'm watching a video right now and copying from the 200 GB without any kind of problems!
So now it's clear that my Terratec Aureon 5.1 soundcard was the problem in combination with my 2 Port Serial ATA PCI Card. But why???
I still hope this can be solved somehow, guess a new soundcard is pretty expensive, and this soundcard is just like 5 months old. I'll inform Terratec about the problem and see if they have a solution, otherwise i've gotta sell this one and buy a new soundcard. Spinner or EQuito if have any other suggestions in things I can try please let me know. I wanna thank you for your help, time and suggestions you have given me. Nice to know there are people like you who try to help the "less skilled" with their computer problems.
New Info:
A Friend of mine has a Audigy soundcard also compatible with 5.1 and I hang his card in my system, guess what?? I'm watching a video right now and copying from the 200 GB without any kind of problems!
So now it's clear that my Terratec Aureon 5.1 soundcard was the problem in combination with my 2 Port Serial ATA PCI Card. But why???
I still hope this can be solved somehow, guess a new soundcard is pretty expensive, and this soundcard is just like 5 months old. I'll inform Terratec about the problem and see if they have a solution, otherwise i've gotta sell this one and buy a new soundcard. Spinner or EQuito if have any other suggestions in things I can try please let me know. I wanna thank you for your help, time and suggestions you have given me. Nice to know there are people like you who try to help the "less skilled" with their computer problems.
Well I'm glad you now know the cause of your problem. Some components just don't like working with each other, nothing you can really do apart from replace them. There are always little things you can try but more often than not it's just easier and simplier and more efficient to just swap out the troublesome component.
Hi there, i have got a 7N400Pro2(rev.2) (bios FJ) with Sil3512A 4.3.33, is there a way to have the newest sil bios 4.3.47 together the latest MB bios FJ?
Hi there, i have got a 7N400Pro2(rev.2) (bios FJ) with Sil3512A 4.3.33, is there a way to have the newest sil bios 4.3.47 together the latest MB bios FJ?
Not sure if I should put this here, But here you go.
I also enabled some toggle options that were not enabled by the manufacturer.
Thanks, but since i saw that u r new here (1 post), r u sure that this bios is good? Is it based on FJ? How can i know if it works wihtout damaging my mobo? And what have u enabled?
The problem with a7v880 is that when i raise the fsb from 133 to 150 i get data corruption and not accessible partitions on my sata hard drive. When i raise it to 166 it works perfect but with a slight drop in memory performance. I didn't have this problem with my previous pata hard drive. So i believe that vt8237 controller is responsible for that. Don't tell me to lock pci frequency because i have already done this without success. I have also flashed with the last bios.
The problem with a7v880 is that when i raise the fsb from 133 to 150 i get data corruption and not accessible partitions on my sata hard drive. When i raise it to 166 it works perfect but with a slight drop in memory performance. I didn't have this problem with my previous pata hard drive. So i believe that vt8237 controller is responsible for that. Don't tell me to lock pci frequency because i have already done this without success. I have also flashed with the last bios.
Forgive me but, why do you want to run your BUS at 150?
Because my memory modules are pc2100 and i can't expect an fsb over 160 without performance drop. With the pata hard disk i had the best performance at 158mhz.
Presuming your mobo is exactly the model you specified and not 'Pro 2' or 'Pro 2 revision 2', then the below is the latest bios revision for your board modded with the latest SI3112A controller BIOS. Try it then post back.
I have the GigaByte GA-7N400 also. I just bought my first serial ATa drive. I bought a new Maxline 3 (300 Gigabyte) ATA150 . It is not even detected by the bios. I installed the one that was linked in the above post. Nothing happening! I tried two different cables. I made sure he drive was getting power. I can feel it spinning. I have it set to base mode, not raid, in the bios (since i only have one) I have 3 other regular IDE drives. 2 (200 gigabyte) and 1 (160 gigabyte) I unplugged them just to see if the bios would recognize it. What can I do. Any help is appreciated. DO I need a serial ata card instead of the onboard Serial )Please help.
If you look on their website it says it has several Serial ata 2 functions. If that matters I do not know. During boot up it says it is a SI3112A controller. (So the controller shows up, but not the drive. DOes that mean the drive is bad? It is brand new.Any advice is welcomed.
Wow, I have been searching for this the whole month, week, evening and night
I've had some serious trouble (just like every one else in this topic) with my Silicon Image SiI SATAlink 3112 Controller with a Maxtor Diamond Max 9 200 GB for over a month now :shakehead .
I kept on having errors like "g:\$mft" (or something) and "Delayed Write Failure" (blah blah)
I tryed lots of things..... a WHOLE lot of things. I reinstalled XP pro with and without Service Pack 2/1 to begin with, didn't work.
Then i read somewhere it could maybe have a IRQ conflict with something else, so I uninstalled my 5.1 soundcard (Terratec Aureon 5.1 fun) and disconnected it from my Motherboard (GA-7VRXP rev 2.0) I restart windows and start testing by watching large movie files (from the 200 gb) and copying at the same time from the 200 GB to the 80 gb i already had, and it worked.... but without sound.
I tryed to put my 5.1 card into different slots of the Motherboard, and also my SATAlink controller, I tried every possibility..... didn't work. later i tryed to manual change my IRQ but.... that didn't work.
Later i read that it might has something to do with my ATI (radeon 9700) Catalyst drivers, everything before catalyst 4.10 and 4.11 was good. So i downloaden Catalyst 4.9 and installed it..... didn't work . Then i thought: If it has something to do with the ATI card i'll just disconnect my card. still the same errors......
Then on the ATI website i found this article:
Data corruption may occur if the Large System Cache feature is enabled in Windows XP.
For complete details see;
So i checked out the details and how to fix it but that was still not the problem.......
So at this point i suspected it had nothing to do with my ATI card or my Soundcard.
While I was reading all this information on forums like:
I noticed people where thinking it had something to do with the BIOS, because of messages like these:
i needed to have the RAID controller set to enabled in my bios, and my SATA controller set to "raid", and not set to "Base" in my bios for the SIL 3112 drivers to work and not hang XP at the logo screen...
But as i was testing with that, it also..... didn't work.
So i when to and downloaded the latest bios for my Motherboard which is named: Bios_7vrxp_f12.exe
I had installed F11 so i was getting really excited, maybe I had solved it! I did NOT solve it! :bawling:
Then later this night i found on the site the new SiI3x12: Serial ATA (SATA) RAID/IDE BIOS v.4250 Bios update
I followed the tutorial on:
But when i was in "dos" and typed: Cbrom 4250.bin /d to see what was in the 4250.bin files i only saw one big list with squares that continued for 1 minute and then stopped without a result......didn't work.
Then after some google searching I found this site
So you can feel my question coming Spinner
I will be so happy if it finally works
And i've been on a lot of other forums this month/week/evening/night, could i (if it's okay with Spinner and other people from this forum) inform those people from other forums with the information/help I found here. I would like to help them out to in anyway, because i know now how frustrating it is to not be able to get something to work while you keep trying and trying and trying.
Well that's it for this long story...... but after all this trouble it's kind of a relief to write it all down
Many thanks and respect in advance,
Robin Mastertman
For now though, can you just confirm something for me?
When your soundcard is physically removed from your system, does the problem with your HD remain?
and yes, when i remove the soundcard physically from the system, the problem is over.
If you and anyone else need more info, please ask!
Greeting, Robin
You might also however want to make sure you've got the latest drivers installed for your card. It's a Creative SB Live 5.1 right?
So yeah, try another soundcard, just so we can confirm it's an incompatiblity with your mobo/mobo chipset, and of course also make sure the card has the latest drivers installed.
Do all that if you can, and then post back.
-I installed the drivers from the CD I got (3112A_x86_win_idvr-11052)
-Then when windows XP Pro started and i was copiyng or whatever, the write failure things where starting.....
-later I found the latest driver for the Silicon Image Sil 3112 SATAlink Controller (3112A_x86_win_idvr-12057) But still the same problems.
Everything else on my System has the latest drivers installed. Soundcard, videocard, motherboard etc. etc.
I find it strange that my system first was good without the 200 GB and SATAlink controller. But like you say and what i also kinda suspected, it really looks like my system can't handle the soundcard in combination with the new 200 GB and SATAlink Controller.
I will try to get my hands on a other soundcard from a other brand as soon as i can and will check of the problems stay the same. I will post a message when i know more.
Greetings, Robin
Can you confirm the above information please? Sorry for the confusion. I can tell you how to flash you PCI card BIOS, it's done in a completely different way to how you would update a controller integral to the motherboard.
-Yes I'm using a PCI Card solution for my SATA, I don't have an onboard one.
-My motherboard is a KT333 board. (I don't know if it comes with a Promise PATA RAID controller, but it has no onboard SATA ability)
A Friend of mine has a Audigy soundcard also compatible with 5.1 and I hang his card in my system, guess what?? I'm watching a video right now and copying from the 200 GB without any kind of problems!
So now it's clear that my Terratec Aureon 5.1 soundcard was the problem in combination with my 2 Port Serial ATA PCI Card. But why???
I still hope this can be solved somehow, guess a new soundcard is pretty expensive, and this soundcard is just like 5 months old. I'll inform Terratec about the problem and see if they have a solution, otherwise i've gotta sell this one and buy a new soundcard. Spinner or EQuito if have any other suggestions in things I can try please let me know. I wanna thank you for your help, time and suggestions you have given me. Nice to know there are people like you who try to help the "less skilled" with their computer problems.
Keep us posted.
Seriously though
Not sure if I should put this here, But here you go.
I also enabled some toggle options that were not enabled by the manufacturer.
I can say that I have never had a problem with any of my modded bios's besides the user that was flashing it wrong.
Yes it is based on the FJ.
I would have to recheck on what options I enabled, I did not change the options just enabled them.
If you feel like waiting for Equito or Spinner I understand.
He's an expert in the field. He may be new here but he has been moding bios for years.
Glad it worked for you.
I have the GigaByte GA-7N400 also. I just bought my first serial ATa drive. I bought a new Maxline 3 (300 Gigabyte) ATA150 . It is not even detected by the bios. I installed the one that was linked in the above post. Nothing happening! I tried two different cables. I made sure he drive was getting power. I can feel it spinning. I have it set to base mode, not raid, in the bios (since i only have one) I have 3 other regular IDE drives. 2 (200 gigabyte) and 1 (160 gigabyte) I unplugged them just to see if the bios would recognize it. What can I do. Any help is appreciated. DO I need a serial ata card instead of the onboard Serial )Please help.
Do you have the SATA option enabled in the bios?
Although I did not know what all the different options for serial ata were. I just picked "Normal" mode (base)