Man, you'll get used to my pwnings after a while. Then you'll kick my ass. You were noticeably getting better with each round, I might add. Leading people better, taking better aim, etc.
Great stuff Hawk, Just popped on there for a while, Nice pings.
I know you said earlier that there would be a map vote, Will this include CTF maps? How about suggestions for maps to include, Do you want some?
Glad you guys had a chance to get in there to play! profdlp--LOL Don't worry man, you just need to practice-practice-practice. I also have the gamespeed set up to 120% so it has a peppy feel to the game. Bothered-- Yeppers man, There will be a vote program and yes we will have all the gamemodes-deathmatch-assault--ctf- domination etc. I've got probably 100 maps to choose from. And I'll get the map list and download site to you all after I've loaded the good ones. There's some I won't put up because they're pretty old hat so to speak. I'll definitely pick out the good ones that aren't too small. Thats too funny bothered (Last night how come you wouldn't talk to me! Made me feel all lonely just talking to the bots...) It's hard to talk while your playin the game because your concentrating on not getting killed! Hehehe
I'm lucky to be able to run around, much less talk. I did notice Slick saying "Talk to me, prof" at one point, but (as Shorty mentioned) didn't know how to reply. I'll figure it out, though it might be a while...
I did get a laugh out of it when thinking about it later. It was like one of those old war movies where the second lead gets killed and the hero shakes his lifeless body and shouts "Talk to me, talk to me!"
I've got the "lifeless body" part mastered, anyway.
i've been gone most of the summer, so i haven't been around to observe the development of this new UT server, but i'm really happy about it because UT is my favorite multiplayer game... i put in the IP and it appears to still be down, but i want to make sure i'm not doing something incorrectly... when i try to play, in the favorites box i'm seeing that i have a ping of 9999, there are 0/0 players, and the version is 0.
is this what everyone else is getting? if so, i can't wait until the server is up again!
Should be up and running better now. The machine was scheduled for replacement. The maintenence window was set for 15 minutes, but as always problems arose and it took a couple hours to get things settled.
And big thanks to addaboy for hosting it!
Now, if I could just find my other leg...
(You like my pwnings huh Slick?!
a) don't move around enough, then when I do I just race around aimlessly
b) can't jump worth a lick
c) use poor weapon selection
Any advice can be directed here.
BTW - that was only the second time I have played against live opponents, the first being when UT first came out. It was tremendous fun, though.
I know you said earlier that there would be a map vote, Will this include CTF maps? How about suggestions for maps to include, Do you want some?
Last night how come you wouldn't talk to me! Made me feel all lonely just talking to the bots...
Last night how come you wouldn't talk to me! Made me feel all lonely just talking to the bots...
Do you mean me?
I was typing in to Prof but he never answered?
In fact nobody did????????????
He's new to the game Slick
I wonder if he has figured out how use the "talk" button :thumbup
I said that
Nothing to it
//EDIT: And the server is down :sad2:
I did get a laugh out of it when thinking about it later. It was like one of those old war movies where the second lead gets killed and the hero shakes his lifeless body and shouts "Talk to me, talk to me!"
I've got the "lifeless body" part mastered, anyway.
If you guys think I could possibly type out a message while playing you're way too optimistic.
Learn to type fast, or learn where to hide.
//EDIT: The server...Still down...Must frag comrades.
Too busy planning my funeral arrangements, fragmaster bothered.
is this what everyone else is getting? if so, i can't wait until the server is up again!
Everyone should be able to connect fine now.
I actually can't ping it either, and the tracert stops after
" []"