XP Search Companion Error
Hi all
I'm newb
I've got a really weird problem; the standard F3 search option (XP SP2)doesn't work. Didn't give any detailed error message, don't know what to make of it or how it happened
All I can do is enter the search criteria and when I hit 'Search' it come up with an error dialog
Have I deleted some dll accidently?
I'm newb
I've got a really weird problem; the standard F3 search option (XP SP2)doesn't work. Didn't give any detailed error message, don't know what to make of it or how it happened
All I can do is enter the search criteria and when I hit 'Search' it come up with an error dialog
Have I deleted some dll accidently?
When I installed service pack 2 I lost the ability to use the Search Companion all together and can't search for files and folders on my computer. I get the error "A file that is required to run Search Companion cannot be found, you may need to run setup", and the left sidebar where the search fields should be is transparent. The only thing that shows up is the dog at the bottom. I have reinstalled this feature several times but still get the same thing.
I also had the same problem when using Search in Internet Explorer, but I resolved that by going to Start>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs>Add/Remove Windows Components and uninstalling and reinstalling Internet Explorer. Now when I use Search in IE I at least have some internet search options in the left sidebar, but still can't search for files and folders on my computer. :banghead:
Uninstall SP2.
Restart Windows.
Install all security packs for SP1 that are not present after uninstall. make note of any that fail to install.
Do a complete and thorough malware and virals cleanup (I would try an F-Prot AV or Command AV trial to begin with). Remove TV Media if present, also.
Reload any security packs for SP1 that errored before.
Now, reload SP2, IF you do not mind not using Yahoo's products. Yahoo is partners with other companies, and one of them puts things on computers that some folks find objectionable, and they work in SP1 but not after a completely successful SP2 install, as of now.
Absolutely, positively 100% untrue. My rig at home has SP2 without .Net installed. All of our XP rigs at work have SP2 without .Net installed. Do you have proof to back this up, a verifiable source perhaps? A non-johndanielsonii.comnetorgbizinfoname link?
Again, no. I have Yahoo messenger, works fine with SP2. Again, do you have proof to back this up?
I recently installed Copernic's Desktop Search program, and it's working pretty well and is much faster than Windows' search for files and folders feature as long as you keep it's index up to date by letting it run in the background. The only problem is right after adding, moving or deleting files it may not be fully indexed for an accurate search. Maybe Microsoft will address this issue for sp2 sometime in the future, but in the meantime, anyone else know of a better alternative to Copernic?
I thought it was just something I had done. How come MS didn't address this issue and released a botched up version of SP2? . Can I report this problem to MS directly? or are they aware of the problem already? { since you said "there are many people left w/o search companion after sp2 }
Yeh I agree with you on the point that just to regain search companion it's not worth the hassle going back to SP1 etc however I might try it cos my C: drive is Imaged anyway so I can go back to the current state anytime.
I mean it's perfect at the moment. Just no search companion. Got no bugs/hijackers, systems clean.
Anyway thanks to everyone for their comments. Hopefully there should be a fix for this soon.
For me, the Search function is valuable. I use extensively.
This is the fix to Remove the dog and use the old Windows 2K style search.
I always hated that dog anyway...
(Advanced Users) You can also just paste the following lines in a TXT document and save it a a .reg file to run it and remove the dog..
*********Start Copying the Next Line*******
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"use search asst"="no"
Bye Bye Doggy , Hello Searchability!!! Woof!....
These are the existing values in [CabinetState]
Do I double click the Default key and insert the string here?
just download the .ZIP I created, it has the key saved in it, just run the .REG file and say yes. And the Dog is gone.....
SOrry I tried to make it clearer in my post. But this is easier.
BTW to create a new key you uhave to right click in the white area below the current entries and Create a new key... For this you would choose "String Value"....
Thanks CaptainPiracy!
when you open internet explorer , and hit the search button you get the old error again. I have solved this as well...
Download the updated registry entries and run them. I have also included a way to reverse the changes made. You could try running that option to see if the Search Companion returns repaired. But I did not try it, I hate that dog.... (WOOF) :shakehead
Anyway. hopefully this is the last update, unless I actually find a way to repair the search, without by passing it...
Thanks for the help with windows files and folders search. It's nice to have that working again.
I used your zip file and it worked wonderfully, but I question whether it has anything to do with the dog because he's still there and cute as ever. Thanks for the fix. I highly recommend it.