A Milestone Anniversary (and-a-half)

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited March 2005 in Folding@Home
On August 25, 2003 General Keebler posted a call for volunteers, saying help was need in the Notable Milestone Forum.

I believe very strongly in the importance of this project. As I've mentioned before, my mom is a cancer survivor. Over the last year I have found out that my dad is being treated for the early symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease. I wish I had a billion dollars to donate to help advance the research into finding an answer to these problems. Since I don't, I try to be satisfied with doing all that I can, which in my case means Folding and encouraging others to do so.

When I saw Keebs' call to arms it occurred to me that I might be able to do some good beyond what my humble Folding arsenal could provide. I threw my name in the hat to assume the job as one of Team 93's Milestone posters.

My offer was accepted exactly one-and-a-half years ago today. A quick count shows that there have been 2563 Milestone threads posted since then, an average of nearly five threads per day. During that time the team has seen many changes and has worked through many obstacles. I'm glad to say that we are still going strong.

Those who have read this far are probably thinking that I'm writing this just to pat myself on the back. You couldn't be more wrong. :)

It has been a great honor for me to be allowed to cheer on my fellow teammates and take notice of their Folding achievements. Every one of you who has celebrated a milestone has done so because you are contributing to a project that is very near and dear to my heart. I don't have the means to solve these problems alone, no matter how much I wish I could. When I look back at all of the progress we have made as a team I take great pride in being a small part of our success. Every one of you who participates in the F@H project is doing something to help my parents, and the millions of other people who are (or will be) suffering from the cruel diseases that have brought so much pain to so many.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. :)



  • tcithtcith Sydney, Australia Member
    edited March 2005
    WOW - You have done an awesome job in the roll of Milestone poster

    You realise it was your milestone posting, those humerous pats on the back, that spurned me on to drive my folding harder....

    Your a legend .....

    Thankyou for all the encouragement and effort you have put into this project, S-M would not be the same without you.

  • DanGDanG
    gives profdlp a pat on the back. :thumbsup:
    I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    gives profdlp a pat on the back. :thumbsup:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited March 2005

    You deserve 2563 pat's on the back for all the work you've done. Thank you.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    A hearty pat on the back and thank you to all the milestone-achievers in the past 18 months from me as well! :rockon:

    And another heart pat on the back too: Prof has somehow managed to keep the steam behind posting milestones, which I don't think anyone else could have done. Many thanks to you, sir :cool:

    I'm also moving this to the main Team forum so it gets on Hot Threads :)
  • edited March 2005
    Thank you for all the milestone posting prof. It takes a lot of time and dedication to keep it going on after all this time. :cool:
  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited March 2005
    Prof', as I frequently say, you da man! :thumbsup:

  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Prof, you're such an inspiration, I feel like you could take on even more challenges and responsibilities for Team 93!
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited March 2005
    Thanks for all your hard work prof! As tcith mentioned above, it is your postings that keep us inspired to fold harder and keep our production up!

    I always wondered how you kept track of all those milestones too :D:fold:
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited March 2005
    I don't know how you manage to keep all your milstone posts original and amusing. Excellent work prof, glad to be under your wing. :thumbsup:
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Prof, thanks for keeping up on all the milestones all this time. I don't think I'd be capable of doing what you've done. Great work!
  • chipatkinsonchipatkinson San Antonio Texas
    edited March 2005
    Thanks for all your time, hard work, and dedication. You are a motivator and I appreciate your willingness to share and help! :thumbsup:
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Thank you prof ...you come through even when not expected to and it is truly appreciated! :fold:
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Yup, you deserve a huge pat on the back. I know how what's it like to keep it up and it takes much time, so thanks for all you do. :)
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited March 2005
    Prof, in true Aussie style........."Good onya Mate". :thumbsup:

    "F:fold:LDING for team 93 wouldn't be the same without your congratulatory milestone comments". I'm not only speaking for myself, but for Sally (the handbrake) as well.

    We would like to take this opportunity and give you our warmest thanks for the job you are doing. Only someone with your warmth, dedication and sense of humour, can make it what it is. :D

    Keep up the good work. :)
    Many thanks

    Jon & Sally
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Thanks for everything, Prof. I'm really excited about the future of this team, and you're a major part of that.
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    The moral of the team is what keeps it going, and Prof is a big part of our team moral. Thanks for all your work!

    Here's to another few years! :cheers::fold:
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited March 2005
    Thanks prof.

    Don't know what to say. I guess everyone's said it all, really!

  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited March 2005
    Gargoyle wrote:
    The moral of the team is what keeps it going, and Prof is a big part of our team moral. Thanks for all your work!
    Couldn't have said it better! I'd probably get tired of milestone after the first 10 or so. :p

    Thanks prof, you deserve much more than a pat on the back! :)
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited March 2005
    I agree with everyone above. It is a tough job to keep up with who is doing what, and with all these power folders, trying to keep up with there thousands of points, haha. You do a great job
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    Kwitko wrote:
    Prof, you're such an inspiration, I feel like you could take on even more challenges and responsibilities for Team 93!
    What would you suggest? :D

    I'm pretty good at fixing bicycles. :mullet:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    Thanks prof for taking on that challenge. No one else has been able to do it for that long. WTG man!!
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Your work has not been unnoticed. It has made a difference.
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