A Big Thank You To lemonlime

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited April 2005 in Folding@Home
A few days ago I received a nice box of parts in the mail from our teammate lemonlime:

(1) Celeron 800
(1) 64MB PC100
(1) 128MB PC133
(1) 3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP
(1) ATi Rage IIC AGP
(3) Realtek 8139 10/100 PCI NIC's

Thanks, buddy - it is much appreciated. :thumbsup:


There are three things needed to keep the SMx Project going:

1) Parts to build the computers with.
2) Financial donations to pay for shipping and buying parts to fill in the gaps when needed.
3) Qualified team members willing to volunteer to Host a rig.


So far, there has been no shortage of item #3. I think I can speak for the whole SMx Committee when I say that each time we have had to vote recently it has been an extremely difficult task. It's not just hyperbole to say that we wish we had enough rigs on hand to send one to everyone who wants one. Eventually, those who are tenacious enought to keep trying will indeed get their turn - if we can keep the assembly line going.


As for item #2, at the moment we are not too bad off. There currently is enough money in the SMx Fund to cover shipping expenses, and maybe a wee bit more. (I'll let you in on a little secret - some of the money already donated just paid for a brand-new MB for an upcoming rig. More on that soon.) If we have greater resources we can do even more.

Like most of the rest of you on the team, I use many of my spare parts to build dedicated Folding computers to put up points in my own name. Whether a WU is crunched by an SMx rig, or someone's personal Folding computer, the effort counts just the same for our team and (most importantly) for the F@H Project as a whole. If you don't have any parts to spare, why not consider contributing a few bucks instead? Donations can be sent to the SMx Fund Manager, primesuspect. PM him for details.


When it comes to item #1, donating parts, a great number of us have sent in usable equipment they no longer have a use for. You can see a list of what's on hand at the SMx Project page. Right now we are in serious need of the following:

1) Processors: CPU's 1GHz or greater (much greater, if you can swing it!) are really needed right now.

2) Motherboards: It doesn't have to be fancy. we have a lot of video cards and NIC's on hand at the moment, so it doesn't really have to have anything onboard. If you have a board which will support a 1GHz (or greater) CPU and aren't using it, why not consider sending it in - we'll have it crunching WU's and turning in points for Team 93 before you know it.

3) Hard Drives: We'd prefer 2GB drives (or larger), since most of our Hosts run Windows on the rig in their care. Please test them before you send them in. We'd hate to see someone spend money on postage for a drive that's not in 100% working order.

4) Memory: With system memory needs increasing by leaps and bounds, I'm sure many of you have old 128MB and 256MB sticks of RAM that you aren't using. Folding doesn't need any Dual-Channel low-latency overclockable memory - the plain old stuff you tucked away in your desk drawer when you upgraded your system to the latest high-capacity high-speed RAM will do just fine. PC2100 or faster is preferred, as we intend to try and have all of the new rigs pack a hefty punch CPU-wise. We need memory to support the higher FSB which allows us to offer rigs with some real Folding power.

Parts donations may be sent directly to me, the SMx Parts Manager. Just send me a PM and I'll fill you in on the particulars.


The SMx Project was brought up to full speed on April 8th, when we offered SM24. A Host was chosen less than a week later. That very same day, SM12 was reborn and its new Host was selected shortly thereafter. Yesterday, SM25 was offered to the team for hosting. We already have a number of fine candidates to choose from - one of whom will be the proud Host of our latest SMx rig. As I hinted previously, SM26 will not be far behind.

Let's keep the momentum going, there's no need to stop (or even slow down) as long as we have all the pieces in place to keep us rolling. We are all working hard as a team to regain our rightful place in the Top Ten worldwide - the SMx Project can be a big part of that.

Thanks, everybody. :)


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Thanks lemonlime. That rocks!

    I'll back up what prof said: 100% of your financial donation will go directly to folding. We will either be shipping parts to hosts or buying parts for SMx machines with the money. And we work fast! When we buy a part, prof has it benched and folding as soon as he gets it.

    I'll reiterate what prof said about hardware donations: If you donate a hard drive or memory stick, PLEASE test it before you send it. It's a waste of everyone's time and money if you send a non-working piece :( memtest the ram, and use the drive manufacturers test tool to test the HD.

    We appreciate it!
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    someone give this man a year supply of coffee!!

    excellent work prof :thumbsup:
    thanks for the parts lemon :clap:
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Dude, that is a SWEET donation. The team thanks you. :respect:
  • VolvoVolvo Eureka, Ca on the Pacific
    edited April 2005
    Generous gift LemonLime thanks big time :thumbsup:

    Just lookin for them WU's 24/7
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Thanks lemonlime! :)
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK New
    edited April 2005
    Hey Lemonlime, don't you know Xmas is in december. ;D Well done on being so generous :thumbsup:
  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited April 2005
    WOW :thumbsup:

    you are a star
    the team thanks you
  • MrNiceGuyMrNiceGuy Denmark
    edited April 2005
    What a contribution :) Nice one, fella.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited April 2005
    My pleasure!. Hate to see perfectly good computer parts collect dust :buck:

    Biggest thanks should go out to Prof, Prime, and everyone else who makes this project possible! You guys are awesome! :thumbsup:

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Lemonlime... great donation!!!! :thumbsup:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited April 2005
    Thanks Mike!!
  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    If someone can solder replacement caps, I have a perfectly fine MSI k7T 266A board that I'd donate. It ran my xp1800 flawlessly for several years. I only stopped using it because there were a couple of caps that started leaking/bulging. It's the board only, the cpu and ram have been sold off.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    I think I could get that done, DanG. Send me a PM and we can discuss it, or look for my mailing address at the SMx Project page. :)
  • JakethJaketh Ohio Member
    edited April 2005
    Way to go lemonlime, great donation!
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