Welcome SM25 to Team 93!
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
SM25, folding under the wings of newly anointed SMx Host DRASNOR, has turned in her first WU! Congrats to the whole team, and especially to Drasnor!
He didn't even tell me the package had arrived yet!
Guys, this was mailed late last Friday afternoon. I didn't even think it would get there until Wednesday or so. drasnor, my man, you don't fool around, do you?
Here's the certificate for posterity:
EDIT: I think I'm going to use a custom sig for SM25 to commemorate:
SM15 has been tux-powered since dec 15th last year.
nice sig though
The main nice thing with Gentoo is that we used a 2GB drive for SM25 with one gigabyte being entirely swap. If SM25 had only 256MB of RAM, we could have built it on a 1GB-1.5GB drive.
See? I'm never first at anything :bawling:. Good work and you're welcome to use that graphic. Truthfully I only put it up there because the SM sig generator needed the pic hosted somewhere.