Not to complain guys & gals but wtf

shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
edited June 2005 in Folding@Home


  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited May 2005
    was wondering that myself -

    with all the recruitment going on and we are going backwards!!!!

  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Team eggroll

    all of these teams show a downward production trend

    school is out, A/C's are on...

    time to recruit door to door :)
  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    yeah, i noticed the general downward trend, but ours seems to be more severe than the others.
  • edited May 2005
    I think it also has to do with the wu's that Stanford is sending out too. I've been getting quite a few Tinkers and "slow Gro's" lately. :mad:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    csimon also lost his MIGHTY lab for a while, maybe permently. He moved on and the lab may not come back. That is a mighty big point tally per day.... We also lost a lot of Kingfish's PC a few months ago...

    But every team is hurting.... not just ours.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Yeah, I think we're seeing a combination of project-wide point fluctuation and Chris's lab going down. It is a bit disheartening to look at, but I think overall we're still growing :)
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2005
    muddocktor wrote:
    I think it also has to do with the wu's that Stanford is sending out too. I've been getting quite a few Tinkers and "slow Gro's" lately. :mad:

    It is with me, terrible 'slo gros', and I just lost a 300+ pointer but I'm handing in 841 points today. It just took forever.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    muddocktor wrote:
    I think it also has to do with the wu's that Stanford is sending out too. I've been getting quite a few Tinkers and "slow Gro's" lately. :mad:

    That's the main problem, my "garden" was having uptime issues while I was out of town. Now that I'm back up the weekly totals are just now approaching what they were when the big WU's were around.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    shwaip wrote:
    yeah, i noticed the general downward trend, but ours seems to be more severe than the others.

    The bigger the WUs, the more "turnin spikes" will SEEMINGLY vary prod over days AND weeks. EOC uses weeklies to predict, at largest, and some boxes take a week or more to complete a WU. Benchmarking assumes 24/7 production, BTW. Some people cannot do this, those should not use the -advmethods flag at all, rather get timeless WUs and some points. 24\7 prod from those that CAN would be appreciated, and is so appreciated.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2005
    I recently lost a 300+ pointer. I was to hand in 841 points today. One WU I finished today was a 600 pointer but when I check I only have 300+ points for it. I checked the log file and it finished early and sent the results of the work it had done. This is two cock ups in a week, Arghhh!
  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    csimon was getting over 6000 points a day, now he's down to 341, that's a huge hit for our team.
    It's also not going to get better over the summer, that's traditionally when everyone's production drops down even further.
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Yeah, I just saw the trend now and we're at a definite downturn now. The distribution of WU's may play a small role but the deficit is largely due to csimon's production stop. I must say though, Chris has had an amazing run and pumped a hell a lot of WU's for the Team and into this project. It was nice while it lasted, thanks a ton Chris. :)

    In retrospect, our drive for increasing support for the project couldn't have come at a better time. We are much further ahead now with having lost serious production from a few key members as of late. 241 contributing members reported to date which is up 20 new members/smx from even 2 months ago. That has been the biggest jump in growth since s-m and the Team stabalized after the big move.

    I have no answers for how to change our trendline back to being positive, but, you have to hope that people will constantly come along our way, from the single home computer user to people with vast resources and computing power to pitch in their help.

    I'm still plugging away the wu's as best I can, hopefully all of you are too. Consistency always wins in the end. :thumbsup:
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    I guess I missed something earlier. What happened to csimon's lab? I'll be adding a processor pretty soon, but I can't fill shoes that big :)
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    The folding card drive is in full effect - if anyone wants a batch of cards (or if you want more cards), PM me. It should be a good way to get some new blood to the team :)
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited May 2005
    Well for one its summer and he is switching jobs.
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited May 2005
    If you turn the graph upside down were going up :D.
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited May 2005
    I'm going to add the other computer (P4 3.0GHz, 512MB RAM) probably later tonight. I just want to make sure it wont interfere with my current WU.

    I also left this computer on folding all yesterday (I lost a 200 pointer at around 8:00 but I got a tinker running now), last night, and today, and I am planning on leaving it on all night tonight thrugh tomorrow. I'm going to have to turn it off tomorrow night because its getting really hot. It froze earlier today and when I rebooted I took a peek at the Hardware Monitor and its running at 150º. And that was 9 hours ago :(.

    Hopefully that'll help a little bit but it'll still be tens of thousands of points away from the huge deficit we're in now.
  • edited May 2005
    I lost a couple machines because the electricity bill at home has been outrageous. So, we have to turn off a few of the machines when we're not actually using them now.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    I'm going to add the other computer (P4 3.0GHz, 512MB RAM) probably later tonight. I just want to make sure it wont interfere with my current WU.

    I also left this computer on folding all yesterday (I lost a 200 pointer at around 8:00 but I got a tinker running now), last night, and today, and I am planning on leaving it on all night tonight thrugh tomorrow. I'm going to have to turn it off tomorrow night because its getting really hot. It froze earlier today and when I rebooted I took a peek at the Hardware Monitor and its running at 150º. And that was 9 hours ago :(.

    Hopefully that'll help a little bit but it'll still be tens of thousands of points away from the huge deficit we're in now.

    A new machine won't affect the current WU on other machine.

    I am a little concerned about your temps, any dustbunnies? How's your case cooling? Folding WILL heat up your CPU's.

    Thanks for adding the new machine, every little bit helps. :thumbsup:
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited May 2005
    I have been concerned about it too, but I was told not to worry, since Athlons can handle up to 90ºC (and it was 62 last time I checked).

    The computer was set up in January and hasn't been cleaned, but I have been inside the case multiple times and there is hardly any dust. It has been really hot ever since I bought it, and I think it is because of lack of air vents. There is one vent under the case (stupid place to put one), one about 2"x1" on each side, and the two by the fans at the back of the case.

    Also, I decided that the P4 3.0 wouldn't help much since it is only on for maybe 2 hours each day. At that rate it might take weeks to get a single WU done.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    The reason I asked was that ilt appeared you had instability running the Gromacs. The Gromac core will work the CPU harder than the tinker core (more heat).
    I just didn't want you to get frustrated with Folding and give up.
  • SpywareShooterSpywareShooter
    edited May 2005
    I lost the gromac because I accidently ended task on F@H and when I restarted it it loaded a new WU. I'm not giving up.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    I lost the gromac because I accidently ended task on F@H and when I restarted it it loaded a new WU. I'm not giving up.

    :o , Sorry, see what I get when I assume. :D

  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited May 2005
    TheSmJ wrote:
    I lost a couple machines because the electricity bill at home has been outrageous. So, we have to turn off a few of the machines when we're not actually using them now.

    I am seriously considerring turning my machines off over night, as we have just had a HUGE electricity bill, far more than I was expecting. I may have to turn off over night for the next 3 months to see if It makes a huge difference.

    Still undecided, as i really want to contribute, but $1000 bill for the quarter is too excessive- will think about it!!
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Siggy... I will tell you that F@H does add $$$ to your electric bill. I'm running 7 PC's 24-7 . I have seen an increase n my bills due to them. I'm running about $130 every month. That is for an entire household with a teenager, a baby, and a wife. We run ceiling fans, AC, furnace all adds up. To have a $1000 bill??? How many PC's do you have running? I would expect that a PC should increase you bill by less than $5 per PC.

    Either way... thanks for folding. Fold 24-7 or just during the day, either way, you're helping Stanford and helping the team. Thanks.
  • RiversCuomoRiversCuomo Missouri New
    edited May 2005
    well...once i get my rig up i can help fold....wont be much but its better than nothing. this whole increase in electric bill thing is scaring me, lol. One computer folding about 18 hours a day wont increase electric bill too much will it?
  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited May 2005
    QCH2002 wrote:
    Siggy... I will tell you that F@H does add $$$ to your electric bill. I'm running 7 PC's 24-7 . I have seen an increase n my bills due to them. I'm running about $130 every month. That is for an entire household with a teenager, a baby, and a wife. We run ceiling fans, AC, furnace all adds up. To have a $1000 bill??? How many PC's do you have running? I would expect that a PC should increase you bill by less than $5 per PC.

    Either way... thanks for folding. Fold 24-7 or just during the day, either way, you're helping Stanford and helping the team. Thanks.

    Well it is an internet cafe and I have 22 pcs running and a laptop, as well as the coffee machine and lights and fridges and freezer, so it is not just the PCS but, I need to control costs, so I am unsure what to do!

    Anyway I will think on.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    If it's any help, I've read that the average computer adds about $4US a month to your electric bill. The monitor is the biggest drain; turn it off at night and Folding won't hurt too much.

    I can sympathize with having to pay for 22 machines, though. :(

    ...but just barely - color me green with envy... :vimp:
  • RiversCuomoRiversCuomo Missouri New
    edited May 2005
    4 bucks? Meh. No problem then
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    The monitor is the biggest drain; turn it off at night and Folding won't hurt too much.
    Right about the monitor - huge electricity consumption.
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