Lets Get The Fold on!

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited October 2005 in Folding@Home
I see in the future as of now we have no hope to get furthur than we are in the folding rank. What we need is about 4% more members to Fold to jump 3 postions. We are not to far off, and I declare we do something about it, make it a huge goal to jump to 9th place. I know we have the users lets just get them all excited again about Folding. I knwo I am helping in getting us back on track but I am 1 person we need like another 150 persons. So Lets Go guys fold for the cause, you never know when you might fall victim to one of these sicknesses,

Your computer might find the cure today, for the sickness your going to get in the fututre.

So Do it!


  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    We're a pretty unusual team, in that we have way more computers per user than most of the other leading teams (all but 2cpu.com). We've been competitive with a relatively small base of very dedicated members, but if we can restart our recruitment drive, I think we'll jump up a rank or two in no time :thumbsup:

    The 2005 rally isn't over yet, folks
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Gargoyle wrote:
    ...The 2005 rally isn't over yet, folks
    Not by a longshot. :D

    There is an idea in the works to generate more interest among active members of Team 93. Look for an announcement soon. :cool:

    As Sledge & Gargs pointed out, this is no substitute for adding new members. Many of the S-M faithful are already maxed out as far as personal production goes (and God bless you for it! :thumbsup: ), but some fresh blood is needed to push us over the top.

    A few ideas:

    1) If you're a student, talk up the project around your school. If you can get a few people in your dorm on fire for Folding it will surely help.

    2) If you routinely help others with their computer problems, suggest that they pay you back by Folding. Point out that their (now) smoothly-running computer can make a real difference in the world.

    3) Put together a little demonstration of what Folding does, how it works, and what it has already accomplished. (If you give me a day or two I hope to have something available for download that may help.) Once they understand that this is not just another cutesy-pie thing that they can do with their computer, recruiting them for the cause becomes much easier.

    4) Study up on the methods, then volunteer for the S-M SVT Team. You'll be helping a lot of people get rid of that lousy Spyware/Virus/Trojan crap, and also put yourself in a great postion to ask the grateful person you helped return the favor.
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2005
    Haha Sledge! Leave it to you to start the discussions that gets everyone involved going - :thumbsup:

    I'd like to maybe throw in this slightly different idea -

    Gargoyle has brought up an interesting point. As popular as SM is, the folding is mostly among a few "CPUs intensive" individuals. For those of us who are a CPU or "few" individuals, there is no chance of breaking into the top 20 and maybe that puts a clamp on things- especially after seeing some posts that say "I fold for deeper reasons, but if it wasn't for the points, I wouldn't fold at all." And I know for many of you, the sport is definitely important.

    Soooo, I have an idea that was really implemented by another team that crashed into the top 20 despite a late start and could well overtake other leaders if no one changes gears: Tech Report.

    They have a subteam called "The United Gerbil Nation". It is composed of individuals with not a lot of CPUs who take on the heavyweights. I'm not sure when they formed, but they have like 50 commited folders who are- as a team- millionaires and are pushing the leaders.


    Personally I'd rather not rip-off the idea as is, but maybe we could have like two sub-teams or more with varying flavors like Team SM Intel or Team SM AMD or Team SM OC. Have rules like no more than one or two CPUs per member. Now you have a situation where competion now runs a full course right from individual PC to keeping the CSimons, DanGs, and Sledges honest. Of course they could enter a single rig too (if it's worthy ;D ). This might appeal to the competitor in all of us and "the rest of us".

    There is a very important catch here that everyone MUST pay attention to. While SM is a popular site, it is not a "crowded" one that might overwhelm those managing it. Someone like Profdlp, who puts in a prodigious effort here (thanks man) as it is, may not be able to keep up with the details and maybe a thousand productive and active members without help. The call for recruits is very real.

    Well, gtg for now (doing my daytime job), but maybe kick it around.

    Fold on :thumbsup:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    Qeldroma wrote:
    Haha Sledge! Leave it to you to start the discussions that gets everyone involved going - :thumbsup:

    I'd like to may throw in this slightly different idea -

    Gargoyle has brought up an interesting point. As popular as SM is, the folding is mostly among a few "CPUs intensive" individuals. For those of us who are a CPU or "few" individuals, there is no chance of breaking into the top 20 and maybe that puts a clamp on things- especially after seeing some posts that say "I fold for deeper reasons, but if it wasn't for the points, I wouldn't fold at all." And I know for many of you, the sport is definitely important.

    Soooo, I have an idea that was really implemented by another team that crashed into the top 20 despite a late start and could well overtake other leaders if no one changes gears: Tech Report.

    They have a subteam called "The United Gerbil Nation". It is composed of individuals with not a lot of CPUs who take on the heavyweights. I'm not sure when they formed, but they have like 50 commited folders who are- as a team- millionaires and pushing the leaders.


    Personally I'd rather not rip-off the idea as is, but maybe we could have like two sub-teams or more with varying flavors like Team SM Intel or Team SM AMD or Team SM OC. Have rules like no more than one or two CPUs per member. Now you have a situation where competion now runs a full course right from individual PC to keeping the CSimons, DanGs, and Sledges honest. Of course they could enter a single rig too (if it's worthy ;D ). This might appeal to the competitor in all of us and "the rest of us".

    There is a very important catch here that everyone MUST pay attention to. While SM is a popular site, it is not a "crowded" one that might overwhelm those managing it. Someone like Profdlp, who puts in a prodigious effort here (thanks man) as it is, may not be able to keep up with the details and maybe a thousand productive and active members without help. The call for recruits is very real.

    Well, gtg for now (doing my daytime job), but maybe kick it around.

    Fold on :thumbsup:

    I know I am very new to the site, But I think I have found my Nitch here, and to all admins and mods, count me in for help, If you need it just ask. I am always online for my www.bfmetournaments.com, and repair comps everyday. and I have tons of parts for SM towers.. I just want to see team SM get to the top 10, If I was really postion hungry I would have joined the 2nd or 3rd place teams, But I have found Short Media to be a good Folding home. With a much more mature audience. That seems to love to have fun,,,

    side note: awesome ideas bud, SM Intel and SM AMD..that would be freaking awesome.....
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    I have plenty of friends with powerful computers i should've talked to way long ago!

    Also, whats the difference between a graphical client the screensaver and the text-only console? Can you run more than one?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    what are you waiting for???????
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    what are you waiting for???????

    Just tried to invite a friend, didn't go well.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited September 2005
    We usually like to keep members folding under their own names and not join up under one subteam. Some other teams have that and it discourages forms of competition.
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    Can I get a HOORAH
  • edited September 2005
    It'd be nice to see us back at the top.

    If I got another ethernet cord, and my old pc up and running I'll add that to the mix.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    It's nice to see all this renewed energy thanks to some of our newer members :D

    Be sure to check out www.joinfolding.com.. You can download printable fliers to paste up or hand out :)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Nightwolf wrote:
    Can I get a HOORAH

    HOORAH! ;D
    Nightwolf wrote:
    ...whats the difference between a graphical client the screensaver and the text-only console? Can you run more than one?
    The screensaver version Folds only when the screensaver is active. If all you're doing is surfing the web and checking email you will probably only be using a few % of your CPU cycles - the rest will be wasted until the screensaver kicks in. It is the worst choice of the three for rolling up the points.

    The graphical client is slightly easier for most people to set up, and is much easier to monitor. You'll get a little red c:fold:g down by the clock; click it and a screen will pop up showing your score, current WU progress, and a graphical representation of the protein you are currently Folding. For people who want an easy way to get started, plus a simple way to check things out, this is probably the best choice. The only real drawback is that drawing the pretty proteins on the screen uses up a few of the CPU cycles which would otherwise go towards crunching the WU.

    The text-only console is the professional Folding addicts weapon of choice. It runs in the background and if set up as a service will actually seamlessly integrate itself into Windows (or Linux), meaning fewer hassles. For the vast majority of users, it truly is a set-it-and-forget-it program. It uses the fewest resources of the three clients - leaving more power for Folding.

    Of course, your average "professional Folding addict" wants to know what's going on (as often as fifteen times a day!), so a monitoring program like Electron Microscope will come in handy. I've monitored as many as eleven different computers on my home network at a glance using it. Our Team 93 heavyweight Folders often keep track of more than twice that many.
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    I think after my next wu i'll be installing the text only console, But does it affect the performance of my computer? DO i always have to leave it running?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Nightwolf wrote:
    I think after my next wu i'll be installing the text only console, But does it affect the performance of my computer? Do I always have to leave it running?
    Not any more than the graphical version, and probably less. All of the clients are designed to automatically back off when you run a CPU-intensive program. The text-only console is no exception. Throw in the fact that running as a service will eliminate a few possible issues with compatibility with other programs (rare to begin with), and you'll be pleased with the result.

    Stopping it is as easy as stopping any other non-critical service. If you need advice on doing that, just ask. :)

    You're smart to wait for the end of your current WU - no sense in wasting work already done. :thumbsup:
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    Cool, so i just download it and run it? seems easy enogh. :thumbsup:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    It will ask you a bunch of questions when you first run it. Make sure you enter your username exactly as it is now, put in 93 for the Team # (duh!), and say "yes" when it asks if it should run automatically as a service upon restart.

    The answers to the other questions, like enabling large WU's, etc, will depend on how robust your computer is. What CPU do you have and how much RAM?
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    I have a 939 3000+ winchester, and 512mb of g.skill (pc3200) cas latency 2

    I'm planning on buying more ram when i sell the subwoofers in my car.
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    Just got a friend to run F@H on his pc under my name, MWAHAHAHA
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Go for the large WU's. You may not get them anyway (there was a period where they were being limited to systems with 1GB+ of RAM, though that may be over). Your system should be just fine with them, otherwise.

    Once you've downloaded the Windows NT/2000/XP "No-nonsense" text-only console, make a new folder in "Program Files", name it FAH, then put the console installer (FAH502-Console.exe) in it and run the installation from there. This makes adding EMIII somewhat easier when you are ready to do that.

    EMIII (Electron Microscope) is not difficult to set up once you've done it a time or two. If you have trouble getting started just send me a PM and I'll be happy to give you a hand. :)
    Nightwolf wrote:
    Just got a friend to run F@H on his pc under my name, MWAHAHAHA
    Awesome! :eek:

    Face it, man - you're hooked. :D
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    profdlp wrote:

    Face it, man - you're hooked. :D
    I'm not denying it at all!

    How do i pick which WU's to do? :thumbsup:
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited September 2005
    Hang in there Wolf- Hoorah!
    mmonnin wrote:
    We usually like to keep members folding under their own names and not join up under one subteam. Some other teams have that and it discourages forms of competition.

    I'm not folding savvy and actually, not really in it for the point competition, but this statement begs the question - what forms of competition are we talking about? I probably also need to learn more about the shortcomings of sub-teams. I don't ask this in a "in your face way", I'd just like to maybe encourage more of what works. I would like to understand what it is. Maybe I do sense what your saying - maybe it's growing by the sense of a stronger community and not hotter competition?

    While I cheer that other teams are also producing more, I've noticed that the p2p-community has changed gears and appears to be gaining once again. There are other teams that are climbing rapidly through the ranks. The competition ahead of us is also daunting ...

    ... but so are the diseases we seek to fight.

    For me, gentlemen, this is a race we can win no matter what. Let us run it well!

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Nightwolf wrote:
    ...How do i pick which WU's to do? :thumbsup:
    It'll ask you a series of questions the first time you run it. When it gets to the one something like "Allow WU's larger than 5MB...?", just type in the letter Y and hit {Enter}.
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    OK, cool. WU is almost finished! :thumbsup:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited September 2005

    The way I look at SubTeams and the way others look at subteams may vary. I view my collection of PC's as "My F:fold:lding Farm". I only have 7 or eight that are my systems, the rest are family and friends PC's. After I explain what Folding is and the benefits of the research, I ask them if I can run the program. Most of them have nice new PC's that sit on a desk 23 hours a day doing nothing. Most of them don't know what a Forum is so would not bother to stop at Short-Media.

    So... I have over 35 PC's running F@H... most are not mine. Is this a SubTeam... NO. If several friends drop their username in favor of a common name in order to climb the ranks... that is a subteam. HOWEVER... A organization may wish to list their PC's under one combined name (JuniataCollege for instance). General Keebs is the "admin" / "Owner" of JuniataCollege but still not a subteam.

  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    Sweet, got the no-nonsense F@H set up and that electronic microscope thing! :thumbsup:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Nightwolf wrote:
    Sweet, got the no-nonsense F@H set up and that electronic microscope thing! :thumbsup:
    You're showing exactly 50 WU's, too - right on the nose. :thumbsup:

    Glad you got it going, buddy. :)
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    keeping the CSimons, DanGs, and Sledges honest
    That's not necessarry, as they are great assets as the b4astards they are! ;D

  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    djstubbs wrote:
    If I got another ethernet cord, and my old pc up and running I'll add that to the mix.
    If you get that "old pc" running, I've got an ethernet cable waiting for you in my parts bin. free
  • NightwolfNightwolf Afghanistan Member
    edited September 2005
    How well do P3's fold, i know a guy who has stacks upon stacks of em!
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    Pent 3's are some of the most stable CPU's Intel ever made, they should fold fine depending on what series they are.....
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