D820 Dual Core Overclocking

System Specifications:
Intel Pentium D 820 (Dual Core, 2.8GHz/core, 800MHz FSB, 2MB L2 Cache)
MSI 945P Neo-F motherboard
1 GB (2X512MB) Gigaram DDR2 667 (value RAM) (4-4-4-11 SPD)
ATI Rage 8MB PCI video card (it does 1280X1024, 32bit color!)
Robanton 600W PSU, modified
Chieftec (Antec 1030) case, modified
Zalman CNPS 7000-AlCu HSF
Preliminary Results for Overclocking, each core:
CPU Frequency - (MBM5 & CPU Z) 3023MHz; 14 X 216
I've hit a brick wall at BIOS FSB 215 (CPU Z 216). So far, I have not tweaked the DDR2 except for switching between 533 and 667. I've enabled "CPU Ratio Unlock", which allows the CPU:FSB ratio to switch between 3:4 and 3:5 automatically. I don't know whether the FSB barrier is DRAM limited or CPU limitations. Interestingly, maybe the problem is the motherboard. After increasing the VCore from default 1.37v to 1.5v, the BIOS hardware monitor and CPUz still indicate the voltage as 1.37. Bad motherboard?
There may be other BIOS settings I've overlocked. I'm new to MSI overclocking and also new to DDR2. Ah, who knows, maybe 3GHz is the limit for this early release processor.
Intel Pentium D 820 (Dual Core, 2.8GHz/core, 800MHz FSB, 2MB L2 Cache)
MSI 945P Neo-F motherboard
1 GB (2X512MB) Gigaram DDR2 667 (value RAM) (4-4-4-11 SPD)
ATI Rage 8MB PCI video card (it does 1280X1024, 32bit color!)
Robanton 600W PSU, modified
Chieftec (Antec 1030) case, modified
Zalman CNPS 7000-AlCu HSF
Preliminary Results for Overclocking, each core:
CPU Frequency - (MBM5 & CPU Z) 3023MHz; 14 X 216
I've hit a brick wall at BIOS FSB 215 (CPU Z 216). So far, I have not tweaked the DDR2 except for switching between 533 and 667. I've enabled "CPU Ratio Unlock", which allows the CPU:FSB ratio to switch between 3:4 and 3:5 automatically. I don't know whether the FSB barrier is DRAM limited or CPU limitations. Interestingly, maybe the problem is the motherboard. After increasing the VCore from default 1.37v to 1.5v, the BIOS hardware monitor and CPUz still indicate the voltage as 1.37. Bad motherboard?
There may be other BIOS settings I've overlocked. I'm new to MSI overclocking and also new to DDR2. Ah, who knows, maybe 3GHz is the limit for this early release processor.
3024 (216FSB X 14multi) still seems to be the limit. I tried relaxing the RAM timings way down to 5-5-5-15, raised the vCore and memory voltages, shut off all unused IO devices. No dice. If anyone has suggestions, I'd be glad to try it. Heat does not seem to be a factor. Core temperature, reported by both MBM5 and the BIOS, did not exceed 44*C. (I thought these Smithfields were supposed to be hot?)
Have a look at that page.
Can you run CPU-Z and see if the screen looks like from that review? The review shows that he is using an unlocked cpu.
High Performance Mode
Dynamic Overclocking
Adjust CPU Ratio
Also, on the CPUZ screen, mine shows "x 14.0" only, instead of a range. That tells me there is only the factory default multiplier available. I've attached the two images: 1) BIOS Cell Menu screen from linked article, and 2) screenshot of CPUZ from my computer.
if not, then i think you just have a very poor overclocking motherboard. you did buy it from newegg's refurbished section, right? maybe the 215fsb limit is why it was returned?
i also remeber something about artificial ocing limits being placed on 915/925/945/955 chipsets to like a 10% max oc unless extreme measures were taken by the mobo maker. i think asus and abit got around the 10% thing, but i don't remember if msi did....or if they did which of their motherboards circumvented it.
I'm working my way up incrementally, 1 or 2MHz at a time. Here's where it stands now:
3220MHz - 14/230
FSB: 230/920
vCore: 1.55v
vMem: 2.05v
Memory Freq: 383.7 (CPU Z)
DRAM Timings: 4/4/4/11
CPU-FSB Ration -- 3:5
I am overclocking in Windows using the MSI CoreCenter software. I'll report back on progress. Time to observe for stability. Two instances of folding are running, one each per core.
what multi are you using now?
Do you think 2.1v is too much for this RAM? Default voltage is 1.8.
Maybe Mack can shed some light on that.
OK, time to run up the FSB some more.
FSB: 236/44
vCore Set/vCore Indicated: 1.56/1.47 (default 1.37)
vMem: 2.00v
Memory Freq: 393.3 (CPU Z)
DRAM Timings: 4/4/4/11
CPU-FSB Ratio -- 3:5
Don't know how much more the PSU will support. I had reported earlier that the 12v rail was very health. Hmm, well it's only good according to MBM, which shows it to be 12.22. Core center and BIOS both show it at about 11.75-80.
(Stability testing is nothing sophisticated. I'm running two instances of Folding, browsing the internet, and turning on a slideshow of 1 to 3MB digital photos.)
It's really nice not having to enter the BIOS, save settings and reboot after every tweak. I was really against using the overclocking utilility. As my only experience previous was the good old fashioned line-by-line changes in the BIOS, software overclocking just seemed wimpy. A while ago I tested to see what a shutdown would do. Upon rebooting the system defaults to the settings that were last saved manually in the BIOS. CoreCenter only holds settings when Windows is running.
I suppose tomorrow I'll remove all the MSI software and return to in-BIOS, manual overclocking. Ryko suggested I try uninstalling the OC software to see if somehow it was the cause of the previous 215 FSB "brick wall".
Still working my way up on the FSB ladder. Currently stable (I think?) at 2332MHz, 14X238/952, memory 396.7MHz. The only instability I've encountered so far in this overclocking foray has been the keyboard occasionally not working. That may just be the keyboard though. It's ten years old.
I'm watching the vCore readings closely through SpeedFan and CoreCenter. Not good. The setting I input was 1.55v; readings are fluctuating between 1.45 and 1.49. CPU core temperature is good - only 47*C at full load on both cores.
CPU Freq: 3360MHz - 14x240
FSB: 240/960
vCore Set/vCore Indicated: 1.53/1.45
vMem: 2.00v
vPCI/PCIe/AGP: 1.7
Memory Freq: 400 (CPU Z)
DRAM Timings: 5/5/5/13
CPU-FSB Ratio: 3:5
I guess 2 X 2.8GHz @ 3.36Ghz isn't so bad. Seems stable. We'll see.
About your temps; I wouldn't dismiss the core cell readings without verifying by using throttlewatch, which checks to see if the processor is throttling (due to temps). Just google throttlewatch and it should get you a link to d/l it. If it shows the proc is throttling, then your temps are probably running in the 60+ C range. And it wouldn't surprise me if they are running that high, just cooling it with the Zalman. If it's throttling it won't hurt the proc, just reduce it's folding efficiency. Since you value a quiet machine, you might consider watercooling that machine too, if it's throttling. You might check out Dangerden for a waterblock and radiator, since they are located in Washington or Oregon to save a little on shipping.
that's what i was talking about earlier...if you want to get around 250+fsb, you have to ditch the corecenter stuff. for minor overclocking it doesn't seem to interfer.
good job on the oc!
Also, which temperature monitors should I trust? CoreCenter's monitor is 17*C higher than MBM5's, SpeedFan's, and the motherboard's BIOS.
the single core 3.0e in my g/f's pc can easily get to 3.6ghz (240fsb), but even with an xp-90/sf-2 it was climbing to 70+* C under full load---totally stable mind you, but my uguru monitoring software would go nuts and flash red and beep an alarm. plus the pwm's were climbing to 75+* C which can't be healthy.
it now sits comfortably and more importantly quietly at 3.2ghz (215fsb) and never goes above 60* C under full load.
but since the 820 is essentially 2 prescotts taped together, i would think it has very similar characteristics to a single core prescott (if not worse). since my prescott behaves pretty much like yours at the 600mhz overclock level.....
it would seem that corecenter is right on. msi must have got their stuff together on the most recent corecenter update.