Help overclocking!

csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
edited December 2005 in Hardware
Here is my rig I'll add to my sig later:

Opteron 175
Asus A8R-MVP
Mushkin Redline pc4000xp 2gb dual channel 3-3-2-8@ 2.6v
Evga 7800gt

I'm trying to get the most out of this ram so can you help me losen the timings ...I'm not sure where to start. This is what I have so far ...and I'd like to be able to take it farther. Simply changing the multi to 9x or even lower doesn't get me farther.

Here are my bios settings:

cpu frequency: 240
pcie frequency: 100
multiplyer: x11
processor voltage: 1.400v
ddr voltage: 2.80v (does same @ 2.65v)
pci-express voltage: +1.20v
vcore over-voltage: enable
southbridge over-voltage: enable
peg link mode: auto
peg buffer length: auto
ht link speed: 1ghz
rd480 ht pll control: normal
dram ecc enable: enabled

memclock value: 200mhz
cas latency (cl): 3.0
tras: 8 clk
trp: 2 clk
trcd: 3clk
trrd: 2t
trc: 11t
trfc: 17t
trwt: 4clk
read preamble: 5.5ns
asyc latency: 7.0ns
cmd-addr timing mode: 1t
bank interleaving: auto
burst length: 4 beats
hardware memory hole: disabled



  • edited December 2005
    OK Chris, a few things jumped out at me there.

    ht link speed: 1ghz - Set this to 800 MHz, which corresponds to a 4X HT multi. You are running the HT link way too high at this setting.

    dram ecc enable: enabled - That is unbuffered ram, so change that to disable.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Try this:

    cpu frequency: 250
    pcie frequency: 100
    multiplyer: x9 when testing ram
    processor voltage: 1.400v
    ddr voltage: 2.70v (does same @ 2.65v)
    pci-express voltage: +1.20v
    vcore over-voltage: enable
    southbridge over-voltage: enable
    peg link mode: Normal or disabled
    peg buffer length: Disabled or Normal if it exists
    ht link speed: 600 first, then try 800
    rd480 ht pll control: Dunno, but disable it firstl
    dram ecc enable: Disabled

    memclock value: 200mhz
    cas latency (cl): 3.0
    tras: 8 clk
    trp: 2 clk
    trcd: 3clk
    trrd: 3t
    trc: 16t
    trfc: 22t
    trwt: 4clk
    read preamble: 5.5ns
    asyc latency: 7.0ns
    cmd-addr timing mode: 1t
    bank interleaving: auto
    burst length: 4 beats
    hardware memory hole: disabled

    Some things can be tightened but lets shoot for max htt first.
  • rykoryko new york
    edited December 2005
    umm... i think you need way more voltage for that mushkin redline--it's rated all the way up to 3.6v or so...

    with that low voltage you won't get anywhere with that redline stuff---max it out to as much as your mobo can handle. make sure to have some active cooling on it when you take it over 3.0v and you should be fine. once you get the voltage up, then you can tighten the timings and push your frequency way up.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    muddocktor wrote:
    OK Chris, a few things jumped out at me there.

    ht link speed: 1ghz - Set this to 800 MHz, which corresponds to a 4X HT multi. You are running the HT link way too high at this setting.

    dram ecc enable: enabled - That is unbuffered ram, so change that to disable.

    See below:
    MackanzOCZ wrote:
    Try this:

    cpu frequency: 250
    pcie frequency: 100
    multiplyer: x9 when testing ram
    processor voltage: 1.400v
    ddr voltage: 2.70v (does same @ 2.65v)
    pci-express voltage: +1.20v
    vcore over-voltage: enable
    southbridge over-voltage: enable
    peg link mode: Normal or disabled
    peg buffer length: Disabled or Normal if it exists
    ht link speed: 600 first, then try 800
    rd480 ht pll control: Dunno, but disable it firstl
    dram ecc enable: Disabled

    memclock value: 200mhz
    cas latency (cl): 3.0
    tras: 8 clk
    trp: 2 clk
    trcd: 3clk
    trrd: 3t
    trc: 16t
    trfc: 22t
    trwt: 4clk
    read preamble: 5.5ns
    asyc latency: 7.0ns
    cmd-addr timing mode: 1t
    bank interleaving: auto
    burst length: 4 beats
    hardware memory hole: disabled

    Some things can be tightened but lets shoot for max htt first.

    cpu freq: 250
    pcie freq: 100
    multi: x9
    proc volts: 1.400v
    ddr volts: 2.70v
    pci-e volts: +1.20v
    vcore over-volts: enable
    sb over-vs: enable
    peg link mode: disable
    peg buffer length: auto (options auto-short-long-longer-longest)
    ht link speed: 600 (800 no post)
    rd480 ht pll control: normal (options normal-fast)
    dram ecc: disable

    memclock: 200
    cl: 3.0
    tras: 8
    trp: 2
    trcd: 3
    trrd: 3t
    trc: 16t
    trfc: 22t
    trwt: 4
    read preamble: 5.5ns
    asyc latency: 7.0ns
    cmd-addr timing mode: 1t
    bank interleaving: auto
    burst length: 4 beats
    hardware memory hole: disabled
    ryko wrote:
    umm... i think you need way more voltage for that mushkin redline--it's rated all the way up to 3.6v or so...

    with that low voltage you won't get anywhere with that redline stuff---max it out to as much as your mobo can handle. make sure to have some active cooling on it when you take it over 3.0v and you should be fine. once you get the voltage up, then you can tighten the timings and push your frequency way up.

    I think you're thinking of the 1gb redline pc-4000xp ...sorry I edited the desription thanks :thumbsup:
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Did that work simon?
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    yes sir @ 600 ht link!
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Now, leave the cpu multi low and go for 260 dad gummit.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Got it!

    cpu freq: 260
    pcie freq: 100
    multi: x9
    proc volts: 1.400v
    ddr volts: 2.70v
    pci-e volts: +1.20v
    vcore over-volts: enable
    sb over-vs: enable
    peg link mode: disable
    peg buffer length: auto
    ht link speed: 600
    rd480 ht pll control: normal
    dram ecc: disable

    memclock: 200
    cl: 3.0
    tras: 8
    trp: 2
    trcd: 3
    trrd: 3t
    trc: 16t
    trfc: 22t
    trwt: 4
    read preamble: 5.5ns
    asyc latency: 7.0ns
    cmd-addr timing mode: 1t
    bank interleaving: auto
    burst length: 4 beats
    hardware memory hole: disabled
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Try for the magic 270 as well.
    After that, work on the alphatimings below.
    Post a memory benchmark before and after as well as a memory screen from cpu-z.

    memclock: 200
    cl: 3.0
    tras: 8
    trp: 2
    trcd: 3
    trrd: 3t
    trc: 16t
    trfc: 22t
    trwt: 4

    Check how low you can get the TRC and TRWT. TRC at 7 is the best, but possibly not doable. Drop it to 12 and try. Then to 9. When that's done, drop the TRWT to 3 and try. If that works, drop it to 2. Last, try the TRFC to 16, then 12.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Damn ...260 ended up not being stable with those timings and I had to back down to 255. At one point I had it well at 258 ...then no good ...then 257 was ok but then it crapped. I'm at 256 at the moment but it doesn't feel right. I'll post a mem bench but that's all I can get at the moment I'm having OS issues.

    Apparantly I installed the Asus antivirus utility. As soon as I noticed it was the Symantec 90 day crap I tried uninstalling it. I even ran regcleaner and everything I could think of my there are still remnants floating around. Now everytime I try to run cpu-z etc I get error messages so I am going to re-install OS -Symantec.

    On another note ...I can get around 267 with memclock: 183 and the ht link speed really likes 400 more than 600. Just a few things I noticed.

    Other than that I've noticed that when everything is set as we went thru previously (250 x9 600 etc) ...I have to really concentrate to get to the bios flies by so damn fast I have to start pressing del before I ever see anything on the screen. Even w/ quick boot disabled! ;D

    Anyway I'll start on tightening the timings as you suggest above at 255 once I get the OS reinstalled and I post some more benches and stuff. Which mem bench would you prefer?

    edit:\ after some tinkering I finally got them to show ...see attached.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    sorry been tied up in infinite loop issues ...going to reinstall once more with mfg vid drivers and find out what's going on here. This is the crap! :mean: I get no error message just a total reboot now right as I log in ... :scratch:
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    SP2 issue?
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    I think I have it resolved now.
    Actually I believe it to be a driver issue. Apparantly what was happening along the driver installation process is everything went smooth until I began the windows updates. I was updating the marvell yukon gigabit driver thru windows update and I believe it was the wrong model type or something. Everytime I logged into windows afterwards it would reboot. Had I omitted the log in screen I would have definitely been in an infinite reboot loop. Anyway I reinstalled the os and drivers including yukons last night and omitted the windows-update yukons. No reboots and everything ran smooth throughout the night and folding 100%. :thumbsup:

    So ...I'll move back on up to where we left off and do some memtesting and report back asap. :headbange

    edit:\ I need to post something about this issue in the asus forum because I went back to w-u to check it out and it appears to be the same driver. I bet I won't be the only culprit of this update ...if in fact it was the problem at all. :shakehead
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Ok this is where I am again so far ...
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    went from 133 mem clock to 183 ...some band improvent.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    By taking the ht link from 400 to 600 there is some latency improvement.
    It seems that I was getting more benefit from the higher mem frequency ...I suppose I should see if I can get back to that ...
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    here we are back up to 256x9 600ht 200mem 3-8-2-3-3-16-22-4
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    rather than begin to tighten the timings just yet I wanted to experiment with the 800 mem clk. I expected it to crap a lot earlier than it did but I've learned that this board likes to take things 1mhz at a time after 250.
    I got to 258 this time surprisingly ...though I seriously doubt this is memtest86+ stable. But just for giggles this is what I got. ;D
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    These numbers may not be as impressive but they made it thru memtest86+ 1x pass successfully. It's bedtime!

    Nothing impressive in the above passed memtest so I'm not sure if I'm at the beginning or the end of my project. Seems I should get more out of this mem ...and I know I can get 2650 out of the proc.

    Could it be 1t has been holding me back all along?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited December 2005
    csimon wrote:
    ...Could it be 1t has been holding me back all along?
    I looked high and low, but couldn't find the article I intended to quote.

    It basically was a compilation of benchmarks which showed practically no measurable difference between the two, at least in real-life usage.

    If I'm not mistaken, my MSI K8N2 board requires one to switch to 2T if you use the second set of dual-channel RAM slots. Of course, your board may be different. I know that if I ever find myself in the position of needing another GB of RAM I'll be happy enough to change the setting in order to do so. :)
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    I looked high and low, but couldn't find the article I intended to quote.

    It basically was a compilation of benchmarks which showed practically no measurable difference between the two, at least in real-life usage.

    If I'm not mistaken, my MSI K8N2 board requires one to switch to 2T if you use the second set of dual-channel RAM slots. Of course, your board may be different. I know that if I ever find myself in the position of needing another GB of RAM I'll be happy enough to change the setting in order to do so. :)
    Hehe ...yeah there is a noticable difference between 1t and 2t's called stability! ;D
    Good news is ...2t allowed me to get back up to 257 memtest86+ 1x pass stable. The only time I've seen a memtest pass completely thru once is when I've enabled 2t. Life is wonderful again! :thumbsup:

    I think I need to loosen the timings again to try and get higher ...there must be something left to this redline because a 7mhz overclock isn't much. I really think it's the timings.

    I'm posting this 257 benchmark just for you prof ...2t and metest stable! :thumbsup:
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    I upped the ddr volts to 2.9v which is within mfg specs (2.6-2.9) ...I'm wondering if this is good for 24/7 or not but the systems isn't running overly hot that I can tell so far. Anyway this is about the tops for this combo!
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    It's only been a few days that this machine has been up and running ...but this morning I noticed the temps and I just had to get a capture!
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited December 2005
    csimon wrote:
    ...I'm posting this 257 benchmark just for you prof ...2t and memtest stable! :thumbsup:
    And I'm posting this response just for you, :csimon:

    --I'm jealous!!!!!!! :D
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    260 isn't quite stable ...yet. 259 isn't really stable either. To get 258 stable I have to bump the ddr volts to 2.9 and I won't go any higher.
    For some reason it just feels like the vcore is holding me back. 1.4v is the highest setting but then there is over-volting. With overvolting the voltage will vary anywhere from as low as 1.4v to 1.5v. I've even seen it get as high up as 1.52v. I hope my psu isn't the crap but I remember reading a review about this unit where they can tweak it. I'm going to surf a little a see what I can dig up.

    Right now I'm at 258 w/2.9v ddr and my vcore=1.46v-1.47v +3.3=3.41 +5=5.17v +12=11.54v :scratch: ...temps are41c & 27c full dual instances of tinker load.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Wish I had some suggestions for your settings. But I can at least say your temperatures are sure good. Not like a dual core Pentium! ;D
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    Leonardo wrote:
    Wish I had some suggestions for your settings. But I can at least say your temperatures are sure good. Not like a dual core Pentium! ;D
    I'd like to compare some bandwidth points with a dual core pentium ...hehe

    Am I the only one who sees the irony of this? I mean you in alaska with those hot procs screaming at over 3ghz and me in louisiana with the cool procs under 2.7ghz ...merry christmas leon! ;D:thumbsup:
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    I need more vcore. :bawling:
  • rykoryko new york
    edited December 2005
    mmm..........vcore mod time. :rarr:

    you could be one of the first brave souls to vcore mod the are some kits you could use.

    or you could beg asus to release a BIOS update with more vcore options for the holidays. :)
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited December 2005
    The vmod has been done successfully but I'm trying to avoid that. One guy got over 3.0ghz on 1.65v wth the same opti 175 chip. :mullet:

    You should try the asus forum ...full of beggers! I guess that'll be my first resort. ;D

    Thanks for your reply ryko ...I really want this to work out.
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