Help Us Upgrade Older SMx Rigs



  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    Jimborae wrote:
    True, but I am part of the team & a generous chappy by nature so it was easier for me donate what I could rather than get parts shipped from USA. ;)

    You certainly are generous! :thumbsup:
  • DogDragonDogDragon Jacksonville, Fl Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    if you need ram send me a pm with an address to get it to you profdlp:thumbup
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    PM sent! :woowoo:
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK New
    edited March 2006
    PM replied to. ;)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2006
    My apologies to all - especially Jimborae. :(

    I just got the RAM in the mail to finish off SM12's upgrade. It should arrive by the end of next week. :ukflag:
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK New
    edited April 2006
    profdlp wrote:
    My apologies to all - especially Jimborae. :(

    I just got the RAM in the mail to finish off SM12's upgrade. It should arrive by the end of next week. :ukflag:

    Hey no apologies needed Prof, we all have real lives to attend to :)

    SM12 has been running with the new parts for a week or two now using a borrowed gig of lurvely Patriot PDP XBLK. I noticed she's crunching alot faster now.Also her new case turned up a couple of days ago so when the ram arrives I'll post some piccies of her rebuild. :)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2006
    Jimborae wrote:
    Hey no apologies needed Prof, we all have real lives to attend to...
    I'm afraid that I don't even have that for an excuse. It's pathetic, really... :bawling:

    Sounds like it's all coming together for SM12. :clap:
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2006
    How's the upgrade path going now? just curious.
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    Help the upgrade project by buying Join Folding T-Shirts and suppporting the First Annual Short-Media "Walk for a Cure"! This is what makes it all possible!!!
  • edited June 2006
    here is the address to ship the stuff to
    Steve Thoburn
    1491 Hunters Chase Drive
    Apartment #1C
    Westlake, Ohio 44145

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    Thanks, airbornflght. :)

    As for "not really" being on the team, it's easy enough to fix that. :nudge:
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    If you fold for Team #93, you're on the team. It's that easy!!!
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    yeh, but I only have one computer to fold with, and my mom thinks that computers should be turned off when not used, Im trying to fix that. But I still have to problem of having a dumbass motorolla modem, which is a good modem, but the idiot put a "standby" button on it, so when its on standby, no internet, and she is always turning it to standby and I am one step away from opening that damn modem up and ripping that switch out. I dont know why anyone would want one.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    The computer only needs to get on the Internet for a minute or two every couple of days. Part-time Folding beats none at all. :)
  • edited June 2006
    yeh, but I only have one computer to fold with, and my mom thinks that computers should be turned off when not used...
    that is how my parents are so i just say that it is running something or im downloading something. they seem to buy it everytime and they dont ask as much now...i only started out with one computer as well but i am slowly requiting people from my family to fold for me...a great to get people to help you out is when you work on their computer just tell them about it and give them a discount then.

  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    well, my computer is in my room, and theirs is in the living room, I told her it was mine, I paid for it, I bought it, so she needs to leave it alone. She doesnt bother it anymore. but the internet drives me nuts. that litlle oval shaped blue button might disapear in a week or so;)
  • edited June 2006
    i have the same problem with the dad shuts it off whenever he isnt using it. it is really annoying when my internet randomly gets cut of.

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited June 2006
    ...that little oval shaped blue button might disapear in a week or so;)
    Superglue it. :cool:

    (I am most definitely KIDDING, btw.)

    Have you spoken with you parents about the issue? Think about it - this could be a real opportunity for you. Get your computer Folding, then tell your parents how proud the rest of us are that you have joined in the cause. Take them over to Stanford's site and show them what you are doing with your computer, then casually mention that you could do even more good if you had a reliable Internet connection.

    You never know... ;)
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2006 mom isnt the most technological person. If you watched me trying to teach her to use the computer. you might start laughing. she knows basic stuff, but for instance. I spent 2 FRIGGIN HOURS teaching her how to use the print dialogue box and how to print to my room over the network. ok, one little simple dialogue box == 2 HOURS. so lets see, to teach her windows, that comes out to be (carry the 2, move the decimal...) 6 Score and 90 Minutes:vimp:

    She doesnt care. You would have to know my [strike]parents[/strike]MOM to get the real picture. She thinks that button gives her power. because she can turn my internet off. But when I give it a dribble drabble of krazy glue, wont she have a nice surprise?:rarr: Ive tried asking her to leave it on before, and it might work for a day or two, then she says that she forgot to leave it on. then it just gets more and more often, pretty soon I dont even bother. So yeh, the button is getting disabled/removed/relocated. I have to decide what I can do with it:werr:

    Actually, Im thinking of moving the button to the back, that way, I can still use the useless button incase the modem borks. because sometimes when we have a power failure or something retarded, the modem will bork. it take like 20 minutes for it to come back. (and yes, its protected.)
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    bikerboy wrote:
    i have the same problem with the dad shuts it off whenever he isnt using it. it is really annoying when my internet randomly gets cut of.


    yeh, my mom does that to me, and says "oh, I didnt know you were on." I reply: "leave it on and it wont happen!"
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited June 2006
    I spent 2 FRIGGIN HOURS teaching her how to use the print dialogue box and how to print to my room over the network. ok, one little simple dialogue box == 2 HOURS. so lets see, to teach her windows, that comes out to be (carry the 2, move the decimal...) 6 Score and 90 Minutes
    Trust me, I know what that's like. My parents just could not understand the concept of electronic files systems until I explained it in terms of being a virtual office room with file cabinets, drawers, and folders in the drawers.

    Oh, BTW Airborn, you and you're mom have been immortalized.
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