Whenever I login it takes forever for the forums to load and when I try to see the new posts I get time-outs. Would someone please go kick the server or something?
KwitkoSheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuffIcrontian
edited March 2006
We're experiencing the Slashdot Effect from GooD's article about his homebuilt wireless tower. The huge influx of traffic has effectively crippled the server.
Guess that must be it. It has been happening for a few days, thinking it might have been my end. Still happens, even with very few people logged in. (Members & Guests).
Ironically, because the forums are so slow due to the massive amount of people reading the article, there are fewer guests and members on the forums. All of the traffic is on the 'front page' (the cms system that contains the articles/guides/reviews, etc.) - since the forums are basically unusable, people aren't bothering to use them, thus the lower than normal traffic numbers.
Hang in there, it'll die down in a day - you know how the internet's attention span is
Hrmm I saw that article and wanted to click on it but it took for ever... I gave up. Took me about 5 minutes to get here. Any idea when things speed back up again?
I can't believe my article cause this kind of hit flow
Im almost feeling sorry now :o
A chance SM is getting back on his feet now This kind of trafic can't last more than 2 days. Its still slow about now but at least its usable
Awsome job man, It really shows just how big the demand for hispeed internet is needed in rural areas. One q though with your new fame do you have any Geek girl groupies?
I wonder how many people read the article at this time... im sure i will fall from my chair if i could see the numbers hah
It seems like determination can makes temporary (3 days... ) minor celebrity after all
Big thankx to all of you who ask me to make this article, and big thankx to Keebler for taking the time to put my article at a higher quality level. You guys are awesome
-If you can't do it, try harder... If you still can't do it, come to Short-Media and we will help
Awsome job man, It really shows just how big the demand for hispeed internet is needed in rural areas. One q though with your new fame do you have any Geek girl groupies?
If i EVER get a pv of a girl because i've build a tower, THIS WOULD BE SO FUNNY hahah i would laugh about it for a week im sure.
But since im a minor celebrity about now, everything is possible
The forums and server in general are still very sluggish for me. I browse the forums nearly every day and ever since the /. hit, it's been slow. Practically unreachable on the day of the /. post, but it's still very slow even today. Every other website and/or forum I visit is normal.
Pinging short-media.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=54
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=83ms TTL=54
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=54
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 7, Lost = 3 (30% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 80ms, Maximum = 87ms, Average = 81ms
The problems start here:
9 216 ms 299 ms 265 ms
10 90 ms 85 ms 81 ms
11 81 ms * 79 ms
Do you think a 60' tower would get me line-of-sight from (The Holy City Of) Westlake to Sarcnet? I could stick a dish at the top and you could send me a feed via microwave.
Hahahah Its funny how an article on 'how i get highspeed to get rid of 56k ' can put everyone to feel how it feels again to be on 56k. Now just try to live with that for 9 years, and you will want to shoot yourself if you don't have more speed
Man my article is now online since a week and its still slow
Maybe the hosting server need a little reboot ? lol
Do you think a 60' tower would get me line-of-sight from (The Holy City Of) Westlake to Sarcnet? I could stick a dish at the top and you could send me a feed via microwave.
Hahah, i don't think it is possible Well, with some determination we could find a solution if you want to Do you have a lot of spare money ?
It's not really hanging on the sigs. It's probably just taking longer because teamshort-media.com is on the same server as this site, and everything on it is slow. Nothing changed with the sigs, so there shouldn't be a new issue with them.
Hang in there, it'll die down in a day - you know how the internet's attention span is
Im almost feeling sorry now :o
A chance SM is getting back on his feet now This kind of trafic can't last more than 2 days. Its still slow about now but at least its usable
Yours has lasted 3 friggin days
I stopped trying to log onto SM yesterday afternoon. Things are slowly starting to normalize.
We are 8 hrs ahead of you and it's still not much better yet, sonny.
Awsome job man, It really shows just how big the demand for hispeed internet is needed in rural areas. One q though with your new fame do you have any Geek girl groupies?
I wonder how many people read the article at this time... im sure i will fall from my chair if i could see the numbers hah
It seems like determination can makes temporary (3 days... ) minor celebrity after all
Big thankx to all of you who ask me to make this article, and big thankx to Keebler for taking the time to put my article at a higher quality level. You guys are awesome
-If you can't do it, try harder... If you still can't do it, come to Short-Media and we will help
If i EVER get a pv of a girl because i've build a tower, THIS WOULD BE SO FUNNY hahah i would laugh about it for a week im sure.
But since im a minor celebrity about now, everything is possible
So every girls around here, im waiting for you
The problems start here:
Hahahah Its funny how an article on 'how i get highspeed to get rid of 56k ' can put everyone to feel how it feels again to be on 56k. Now just try to live with that for 9 years, and you will want to shoot yourself if you don't have more speed
Man my article is now online since a week and its still slow
Maybe the hosting server need a little reboot ? lol
Hahah, i don't think it is possible Well, with some determination we could find a solution if you want to Do you have a lot of spare money ?
.............and yes, I have been feeling GooDs pain!!!!! LOL
Try going form 56K to 15MB than back to 56K for a few days. It is like going from radio to Color TV back to Radio! I am having a panic attack here!