FOLD, FOLD, FOLD, Boys and Girls....

MrBillMrBill Missouri Member
edited November 2006 in Folding@Home
After about a 2 year battle with cancer (among 15 years other medical problems), my Father-in-Law passed away last night. :(

His name is Kenneth Hoye, retired SFC, U.S. Army.

This is not a cry for sympathy, but rather a cry for everyone to keep cranking out those work units! I only hope our CPU cycles and the research Stanford is doing will help others (maybe one of us) in the future!

I know that medical science works. I donated a kidney to my wife on April 11 of this year.

Keep 'em Folding for a CURE/PREVENTION!! :thumbsup:



  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2003
    Sorry to hear about your loss.

    What you said is so very true. After all the competition, kidding, tweaking, recruiting, and comaraderie, what really matters is that we are part of an important project which could change the world.

    Fold On, friends!
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Oh no Bill, my sympathies to you and all your family, may your father-in-law now have peace. I assume this is the father with whose house you're currently staying?

    Right, prof, when it comes down to it, it's the science and the hope that has driven me to support Folding this long. We are making a difference and we will make a difference, the effort we put in today will reap dividends for tomorrow and the quicker we do the work, the quicker we will enjoy the benefit of this project. :fold:
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited October 2003

    I too am sorry to hear of your loss. I will pray for all of you to have the strength to get through this difficult time. As long as I can fold I will do it.
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Sorry to hear that MrBill. But, you're right. We just gotta keep the systems running at 100% and hopefully something good will come of it.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    My thoughts go out to you and your family MrBill. Sorry to hear this. Give your wife and inlaws my best wishes.

    Keep on folding fellas.
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited October 2003
    Sorry for your loos Mr.Bill, it is hard on anyone to loose a family member, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    I will also continue to fold until I absolutely can't anymore, which I dont see happening any time soon, fold on guys.
  • BuiesCreek847BuiesCreek847 In a van, down by the river, NC Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    From all of us over in The Pond, you're in our thoughts and prayers MrBill. Give the Mrs. our best. :sad2:
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Sorry to hear about your loss. Give my regards to Mrs. Bill and the rest of your family.
  • MrBillMrBill Missouri Member
    edited October 2003
    Thank you all!! This has been expected, we just didn't know when. My wife and her mother are both very strong people and they know he is no longer in pain or suffering. That is their solace.
    TBonZ said
    I assume this is the father with whose house you're currently staying?
    Yes Terry. My in-laws have been very good to me. I lived with them for a year waiting for my wife to graduate from high school. We moved back in with them when our son was born. We moved back in with them after the kidney transplant. I am extremely grateful that my wife was able to spend the last 5 months with her father. We don't all get that opportunity...

    BC: Thanks. You post shows that it's not all about the team you fold for, it's the fact that you fold. We all have the same goal. :)
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited October 2003
    I am sorry for your family's loss, Bill. You and yours are in my prayers.

    :fold: on!
  • edited October 2003
    I'm sorry to hear about your Father-In-Law too, MrBill. Just because it didn't happen unexpectanly doesn't take away the pain and loss that you and your family are feeling right now. This just reinforces the fact that we need to keep running this project as there is no telling what kind of medical miracles might be spawned off of this project. In my case, I've had both grandmothers suffer with Alzheimer's before they died and my grandfathers, father and his brother suffered with or died from various cancers. The basic research we are doing now may be able to help save us from fates such as this later down the road of life.

    Fold on Bill, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family that the Lord lifts this sorrow and anguish from your hearts.

  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Wow, sorry to hear about that.

    My most sincere condolonces to you and your family.
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    That was weird, I was looking at your Avatar when "Lucy in the Skyyyyy with Diamonds" came bursting out.

    Sorry for your loss Mr Bill, had lots of close calls in my family.

  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    My wife and I have you and yours in our prayers MrBill. May the Lords love soothe your hearts and heal your wounds. Dave & Sherry
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    I understand about research being key-- I lost a grandma and a father to cancers of various kinds (quite a while back, not a sympathy needed thing) and the result is when I can I help the Universities with things like Folding.

    Sorry to hear you lost a person you knew and respected, but you have the right attitude-- without going on, we can't corporately and\or singly make a difference for others. And what we do that result in good, in my eyes, is something needed.

    Amen and agreed, FOLD ON! :)
    edited October 2003
    Sorry to hear of your loss MrBill.

    I lost my aunt a year ago, after an intense 5 month battle with lung cancer.

    She had no children of her own, so my sister and I took care of her around the clock. It's very sad to see a loved fight that battle.

    I wish you and your family peace of mind. I know it's heartbreaking.
  • karatekidkaratekid Ogdensburg, NY
    edited October 2003
    Team Icrontic sends its condolences Mr.Bill. It is a tragedy when somebody dies, especially somebody in your family, and especially after fighting such a long, hard fight.

    This reaffirms why we need to fold. Illnesses such as these will continue to plague mankind unless we can find answers to some very difficult problems. This is why it does not matter what team you fold under, because in the end we are all folding for the same team.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    :( My sincerest condolences go out to you Bill. After all the worry but positiveness of this year for you.. it's these times that bring it right back home again :(

    At least his last few months were close with his family :) with the knowledge his daughter got well :)

    :fold: for a cure :thumbsup: You know it makes sense :cool:
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Thanks for letting us know Bill, so that we can offer our support. Wish I could do more than write this post. My heart is with you and your family. God bless. :wave:
  • fudgamfudgam Upstate New York
    edited October 2003
    MrBill, I am sorry to hear that. Although I've never lost someone close to me to cancer, I feel for you. All my grandparents had lung cancer, but they did not die of cancer. But I was really young and didnt really understand. My mother's aunt had cancer and survived it, this was recent. Another reason I'm posting here is to tell everybody in this thread, what I am positive is the cure and prevention of cancer. Cancer is caused by a vitamin deficency and the vitamin is known as Vitamin B17 or Laetrille. Look it up on the internet and I guarantee you will find a site that has information on it. There is also a book called World Without Cancer that is very in depth and explains the science and the politics of cancer. Everybody thats folding for a cure, folding does not incorparate nutrition, so I do not think it will find a cure to much of anything. Once again MrBill, Im sorry to hear of your loss.
  • LagPacketLagPacket Burlington, VT
    edited October 2003
    I would tend to think that a simple vitamin deficiency would not be a primary cause of <all> cancer(s). To that effect, with as much study as has gone into cancer research, I would think a simple vitamin deficiency link would have been found long ago! I'm not in doubt that there may be a link between (a lack of) this vitamin you've mentioned and a prevalence of (certain) cancers in test cases, but that does NOT by any stretch of the imagination mean that this vitamin deficiency is the CAUSE of cancer! It's my best estimate that you have either misread a scientific report that you found somewhere, or you found some wackjob site trying to sell "shark marrow" as a cure for every ailment known to man... sorry to disappoint you but you can't believe EVERYthing you read, on the net or otherwise.

    If that were the case (back on the vitamin again) then every carcinogen out there would share a main property as a vitamin B17 theif... but that's one of the problems of studying cancers. There are so many kinds, and so many complexes that link with (seem to be a cause of) them that we really don't know the "main cause" of cancer. Chances are there is no generic main cause of all cancer anyways, in fact knowledge of modern protien complexes point to quite the opposite conclusion... that there are MANY "main" contributors to cancers!

    THIS is WHY we are all folding! So universities can study HOW proteins misfold. If there is a link to those misfolds and certain diseases/cancers THEN we can research what causes those misfolds. It may turn out that all our folding in time has nothing to do with finding a "cure for cancer"... does this mean we are folding in vain? No! The beauty is this exact research has thousands (if not millions or billions!) of different potential applications! We may not find a cure for cancer, but we stumble across a cure for alzheimers while we were trying... who knows what else we could find.

    Lastly to say that folding doesn't consider the effects of nutrition is a folly in it's most basic sense of concept! Protien complexes are made of, and utilize EVERY basic nutritional element. Every protien complex ever made was made BY vitamins and nutrients interfacing with basic amino acids, etc. The folding we are doing now is exploring EXACTLY that! We may come to find that (as an example) a certain cancer is directly caused by our bodies marrow misfolding caused by a lack of vitamin B17, we know this because the proteins we found to be misfolding all misfolded when they didn't interface with the complex that is vitamin B17 at a certain stage in it's folding pattern. In this case it COULD be argued that "a lack of vitamin B17 is a main cause of brandX cancer".

    The basic problem right now is that NOONE knows exactly WHAT causes cancer! We DO know of things that will cause cancers faster then normal, and we DO know that cancers are caused by protien propagational messups, and we DO know that we can observer those messups in the research we are all helping out with right now. We cannot say right now with absolute certainty however exactly WHAT is causing those messups (truth be told we can't even truly say if they are indeed "messups", we really don't understand them well enough yet!).

    So while I appreciate your input as to the reading material you've found I must say with almost certain clarity that you misread or were lied to... sorry.

    I know I don't know you very well, and I'm sorry for hijacking your thread thus far, but I can assure you I feel utmost sympathy for your families pains. I've lost a few of my own family members to various cancers, and my step mother was diagnosed with uterian cancer last year. It sucks to see, it sucks to go through, and it's something I wouldn't wish upon my worst sworn enemy. Your family has my thoughts.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Well said Mr. Bill. My wife (and first child) got to spend the last few months with her father before he passed away. It is a blessing to have that time.

    I am glad to hear that the family is doing well. Like others have said, I wish that I coul doffer more than a post, but in this community this is all that I have.

    The reality of this project become stronger to me as time passes. My mother is in full time nursing care. My father is still going strong after prostate cancer, blader cancer and parkinsons.
    My Dad asked me about speeding up his computer, so he must be doing well. I think that I'll replace his KT7/900TBird with a KT7A/1.33TBird, I need to upgrade that folder anyway.

    We need to encourage each other, some like the points and, some the community. We need to keep spreading the word.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    sorry to hear about your father-in-law mr bill ...I hope the family is holding up well.
  • fudgamfudgam Upstate New York
    edited October 2003
    LagPacket, your absolutely correct that if the cure for cancer was a simple vitamin deficency, that it would be known. It is known, by some doctors(ones that have thought "outside the box") and Pharmacutical companies (they run the medical industry). I know it's hard to grasp the idea that the cure to cancer is known and is simple. But in "Western Medicine"(a pill for everything), nothing is allowed to be simple. That is because if diseases were simply caused by a lack of nutrition, then the medical industry wouldnt make any money. Money. Money. Money. That is what it is for. Pharmacutical companies are the ones that tell what to teach in medical schools. So they are not gonna tell doctors to give people vitamins for their ailments, that would produce no profits. Lets say that it was announced that a simple vitamin that is found in fruit, was the cure for cancer. Think of all that money that goes into cancer research, it would be non-existant, so no money was made there. And that goes for nearly every disease and ailment that is treated the western way. Lets say you have something mild, like poison ivy. You go to the doctor and they give you steroids. The last thing that you want to do while your body is trying to ward off any pathogen is to lower and damage its immune system(but who cares as long as the itch is gone, right?). The reason you are given steroids, or any synthetic drug, is because they cost more money than vitamins(vitamins cannot be patented and sold for $200 a bottle, because they are naturally occuring), and the doctors do not know nutrition. They are not taught nutrition in medical school and are told to look down on vitamin therapy. This is an actual quote from my father's doctor when asked about using nutrition to treat a disease he has, "Honestly, we were not taught 20 minutes of nutrition in college, so I dont know what to tell you." To help persuade you to believing in the nutritonal side of cancer,or any disease, look at this way of thinking. Lets say you have ADD and I dont. The doctor will give you Ridalin(synthetic drug) to treat your ADD. But I dont take Ridalin and I dont have ADD, so that means Ridalin is not the answer. Lets say you have epileptic seizures and I dont. You take Dilantin(synthetic drug) to control your seizures but I dont take Dilantin and I dont have Epileptic seizures. This means that Dilantin is not the answer even though it releaves the symptoms. If you have cancer and are treated with radiation, there is a great chance the cancer will return(Beacuse its not being treated correctly). As for there being many types of cancer, they are all CAUSED by a vitamin deficency. Its what TRIGGERS the cancer that determines what kind you will have. If you smoke, then that will trigger lung cancer. If you get burned by the sun repeatedly, then that will trigger skin cancer. If you read up on B17, you will not have to fear cancer. MrBill, again, I am sorry to hear of your loss. And by posting here I'm not trying to be oppresive by any means. I am trying to be informative reguarding a view that many of the people reading here have probably never considered to be an option. BTW, I'm not trying to say anything bad about Medical Doctors, they are indeed trying to help People. There heart is on the right track, they're just going the wrong direction.
  • t1rhinot1rhino Toronto
    edited October 2003
    Sorry to hear that Mr Bill.
  • ins4n17yins4n17y Cabanatuan City, Philippines Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    i'm going to build a second clone of my athlon xp and make it a folding computer. am i able to join a folding team? if so i'm a n00b at that, and need to know how to join a team, say team 93.

    i'll join in the "fold for a cause"
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited November 2006
    isiea268 wrote:
    i'm going to build a second clone of my athlon xp and make it a folding computer. am i able to join a folding team? if so i'm a n00b at that, and need to know how to join a team, say team 93.

    i'll join in the "fold for a cause"
    You're more than welcome to join our team that's for sure. We need all the help we can get. All you need to do when you configure the client is enter a username and a team number. Just use team number 93 and you're in.

    Oh ...and welcome to Team 93!!!:wave:
  • SPIKE09SPIKE09 Scatland
    edited November 2006
    Mr Bill, very sorry to hear of your and your families loss, Best wishes to you all from team 46590.
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