Bill Gates Stepping Down at Microsoft
Bill Gates has announced his intention to step down from involvement day-to-day operations at Microsoft.
Source: CNN
I hope he's saved enough for retirement!The company announced a two-year transition to ensure that there is a smooth transfer of Gates' daily responsibilities, and said that after July 2008 Gates would continue to serve as the company's chairman and an adviser on key development projects.
"This was a hard decision for me," Gates said in a statement. "I'm very lucky to have two passions that I feel are so important and so challenging. As I prepare for this change, I firmly believe the road ahead for Microsoft is as bright as ever."
Chief Technical Officer Ray Ozzie will immediately assume the title of chief software architect and begin working with Gates on all technical and product oversight responsibilities, Microsoft said.
Source: CNN
What difference does it make? We can't make as many Bill Gates jokes anymore? He created a spectacular company, and has helped in allowing the typical consumer to freely use a computer.
I'd be more into giving a hurrah if somebody like <a href="">this dude</a> announced he was stepping down, but I digress because Microsoft is doing this world such a huge dis-service by having you buy their products.
The man took a dream and an idea and turned it into one of THE most successful companies in history. Like it or not, we would be in a hell of alot more problems if they hadn't presented a workable, cross platform operating system that pretty much just works with any hardware you buy can buy from your local computer store.
It may not always be favourable and we love to poke fun at Bill.. and Microsoft. But his companies stamp on modern computing has paved the way.
The world? Or do you mean that Apple will buy Microsoft on the strength of their iPod sales? :bigggrin:
sorry Camman, I just had to. :P
I must say that had I the chance, I'd be more evil than anyone who could imagine Microsoft as being evil. I would give evil a new name! Create an empire from dirt... then bring it back down to dust! MUAHAHA
Imagine if MS just totally failed all of a sudden, how many jobs would be lost... it'd be pretty nasty.
I would license the source code.
Enjoy your 'retirement' Bill.
Agreed. Hear hear. And Leaving the company to work with his foundation is more than a worthy cause. He has done so much good for the world and he DOES NOT deserve the critiscisim that he get day in and day out. He did a kickass job and his company dominates the market, why is it so hard for people to respect that??
The practices I don't aproove of are bundling and extorting... The so-called 'anti-trust' practices.
I understand that I have to have Windows to use a computer, if I want any kind of ease and reliability. Fine. I don't howver think that it's fine that I should have to also purchase IE, MS Money, varios MS games, and etc., driving the price up above $100. It's not fair to the consumer, and the GB and NZ courts agree with me, even if the US ones don't...
Excellent post
Just because most people have fries with their Big Mac anyway, is not a reason to include it and charge extra. They should offer a non-fries Big Mac package...
My next question is, should MS decide (or be forced) to cut all the extraneous items from their Windows Happy Meal™, do you think that there would be a commensurate price drop?
Cause with the pricing, if they go to low, they will not make a profit/loose money. When they start increasing the price, they make more money, but after so much increase, people will say that is too much and they can not afford it. And after so many people start to not buy it, M$ will again start to not make a profit/loose money, so as a business they want to find a sweet spot, that being where they have the most profit made, but still have enough people to buy it and make a big proffit.
If they sold 100 copies at $4, then they would make $400.
If they sold 48 copies at $18, then they would make $864.
If they sold 14 copies at $40, then they would make $560.
As the price increases, the volume will decrease, according to economics. but demand comes into play also. I'm sure that M$ has a business model that has figured all this out to their advantage. case on point, M$ can not lower the price too much, or they would suffer monetary losses.
If they eliminated all that stuff and dropped the price by $25, then rolled those programs into their Plus! package and raised the price for it by the same amount I would call it a good deal, at least for myself.